GASTRIC CATARRH [Gastric catarrh]:


Febris Mucosa Biliosa

Aconite [Acon]
When bilious symptoms prevail, such as yellow coating on tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink, except water; burning thirst; bitter eructations, bitter, greenish or slimy vomiting (vomiting of ascarides); distension of the hypochondria; painfulness of the region of the liver, with stitches and pressure; SUPPRESSED stool, or small frequent stools, with tenesmus; RED SCANTY urine; DRY HEAT, with full frequent pulse, sleeplessness and restlessness; moaning, quarrelsome, vehement disposition. (Compare Bry., Cham.)
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
MAPPED TONGUE, AS IF IT HAD BEEN WHITEWASHED; slight quantity of food excites nausea and vomiting; borders of tongue sore and red; appetite impaired or gone; colic and diarrhoea, stool watery. containing lumps of faecal matter, (<) by vinegar and other acids, by over heating, or cold bathing; gastric catarrh from pastry, from overloading stomach, after fat food, from excessive heat of summer. Children cross and peevish; adults sulky or sad; in cold folks alternation of constipation and diarrhoea.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Bitter taste in mouth, especially at night, tongue covered with a thick, white, pasty coat; disgust for food, frequent vomiting; great desire for apples and thirst for cold water, aversion to milk; pit of stomach sensitive with meteorism, nausea and vomiting; great debility of limbs; chills and heat alternating; remitting type of fever with nausea, vomiting, drowsiness.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Gastric catarrh arising from chilling the stomach with ice- cream or ice-water; vomiting, pressing in stomach, epigastrium sensitive to touch; burning as if stomach and oesophagus were being made raw by an acrid corroding substance; prostrating diarrhoea; restlessness and anxiety.
Belladonna [Bell]
Thick, yellowish or white coating of tongue; aversion to drink and food; vomiting of sour, bitter or slimy substances; slimy diarrhoea; dry heat, especially about head, with thirst, alternating with chills; violent headache as if everything would fall out of the forehead; dry mouth; difficult deglutition; anguish, restlessness; sopor in daytime, sleeplessness at night.
Bryonia [Bry]
Dry brownish-yellow tongue or white down the middle, the edges not coated; putrid smell from the mouth; bitter taste, especially after sleeping, or pappy, insipid or foul taste; great desire for wine, sour drinks or coffee, with aversion to solid food; nausea, accumulation of mucus in the stomach, frequent desire to vomit, or real vomiting of bile, especially after drinking; stitches in the head, in the pit of the stomach, or side, in the extremities, especially when coughing or walking; pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach, especially after eating; constipation, stool large, hard, dry and brown or offensive watery diarrhoea, smelling like old cheese; watery, clear or yellowish urine, with yellowish sediment; violent heat, with burning thirst, or chilliness and shuddering over the whole body, with redness (and heat) of the face; vehement disposition; great debility; dulness of the head with vertigo etc. (Compare Acon., Cham., Nux v.).
Chamomilla [Cham]
Red and chapped or yellow-coated tongue; bitter taste of the mouth and of food; foetid smell from the mouth; loss of appetite, nausea, or bitter or sour eructations and vomiting; great anguish, tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, hypochondria, and especially in the pit of the stomach; flatulent colic, with tearing pains and distension of the abdomen; constipation, or diarrhoeic, greenish stools, or sour diarrhoeic stools mixed with faecal matter and mucus resembling stirred eggs; yellowish urine, with flocculent sediment; hemicrania; pains in the limbs; great nervousness, with restless and moaning, or vehement disposition, asthma; heat, especially of the face and eyes, with red cheeks (sometimes only on one cheek), or heat mixed with shivering and the hair standing on end; sleeplessness with restlessness, or restless sleep with anxious dreams, starting, etc. (Compare Acon., Bell., Nux v., Puls.).
Chelidonium [Chel]
Chill and coldness of whole body, (<) hands and feet, with distension of veins, (<) evenings, followed by heat and sorrowful, anxious mood; burning heat of hands, spreading all over body; feeling of anguish in pit of stomach; stitches in liver; bilious vomiting; yellow watery diarrhoea, containing flakes of mucus; great weakness and anorexia; constant sopor with sunken face and dropping of lower jaw.
China [Chin]
Remittent fever, when the remission is marked, prostration considerable, the tongue not deeply loaded; pulse shows great fluctuations; during the fever full but compressible, in the remission weak and thready; humming in ears, accompanied by a sense of tightness across vertex or with a sense of rumbling through occiput.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Yellow-coated tongue; loathing of food; dry mouth, with or without thirst; foetid eructations and desire to vomit; painful fulness of the stomach, with difficult breathing; constipation of soft stools with burning at the anus; great debility, with sweat on taking the least exercise headache, especially in the forehead, with vertigo, etc. This remedy is frequently suitable after abuse of Cham.
Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]
Chilliness, with excessive trembling, aching in the bones, and soreness of the flesh, with nausea, followed by burning fever; alternate chilliness and flushes of heat, vomiting at every draught; jaundiced color; thick yellowish fur on the tongue; intense headache, especially in the occiput; fulness and tenderness in the hepatic region, with stitches and soreness on moving or coughing; urine scanty and dark-colored; profuse bilious, watery stools, with nausea and severe colic, prostration and relaxation.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Complete loss of muscular power, marked exacerbation of the fever towards night, and decline of the heat without perspiration towards morning; heaviness of the head, with vertigo and blindness, loss of appetite, with bitter taste; large, deeply bilious stools; asthenia and stupor.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
Tongue clean or yellow coating on the tongue, with dry mouth; loathing of food (especially greasy things), with desire to vomit; foetid odor from the mouth; bitter taste in the mouth and of food; nausea, with regurgitation of the ingesta and vomiting of undigested food; pressure and painful fulness at the pit of the stomach; colic; diarrhoeic, yellowish stools, or foetid putrid stools; pale yellowish color of the skin; headache, especially in the forehead; febrile heat, with thirst or shiverings, caused by chilling the stomach with ice-water or by eating pastry, confectionery or other indigestible substances. (Compare Nux v. and Puls.)
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Supraorbital headache; objects become obscured and less distinct when headache begins with aversion to light and noise, and the sight returns as the head grows worse; face sallow or bilious; tongue thick, broad, scalloped on its edges; stomach swells up immediately after a meal; constipation or morning diarrhoea, stools watery, followed by tenesmus; (<) from excessive indulgence in beer and ale. Vomiting of drunkards, vomited matter sour or mixed with clear mucus or bitter from admixture of bile.
Mercurius [Merc]
Moist tongue, coated white or yellowish; dry and burning lips; nauseous, foul or bitter taste; nausea, with desire to vomit or vomiting of mucus and bitter matter; face puffed; throat swollen internally and externally; aching pains in joints, (<) by warmth of bed and not relieved by sweat; slimy blood stools, accompanied by great tenesmus, which does not cease after stools; painfulness of hypochondria, pit of stomach and around navel, (<) at night, with anguish and restlessness; peevish, irritable mood; chills alternating with heat; burning thirst, sometimes with aversion to drink, etc. (after Bell.)
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Dry and white, or yellowish-coated tongue, especially towards the root; burning thirst, with burning in the throat; bitter or foul taste, bitter eructations, constant nausea, especially in the open air; desire to vomit, or vomiting of undigested food; cardialgia, with aching painful pressure and tension in the whole region of the stomach and hypochondria; spasmodic colic, with pinching and rumbling in the umbilical region; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool, or with small, diarrhoeic, slimy or watery stools; aching pain in the forehead, with vertigo; angry, vehement, peevish hypochondriac mood; great debility and languor; red and hot, or yellowish and livid face; heat, mixed with chills or shuddering; bruised feeling in the limbs; aggravation of the symptoms towards morning, etc. (Compare Acon., Bry., Cham., Ipec. and Puls.) From overeating or from a mixed diet, or after indulgence in alcoholic drinks.
Podophyllum [Podo]
Backache before the chill, delirium and loquacity during the hot stage, with forgetfulness afterwards of all that passed; violent headache, with excessive thirst during the fever; sallowness of skin; headache, alternating with diarrhoea; putrid taste; fulness and twisting pains in the hepatic region; bilious stools.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Whitish mucous coating on the tongue; flat, pappy or bitter taste, especially after swallowing; eructations tasting of the food which one had just eaten, or bitter eructations; aversion to food, especially to fat and meat, with desire for sour or spirituous drinks; waterbrash; regurgitation of the ingesta; nausea, great desire to vomit; vomiting of slimy and whitish, bitter and greenish substances, or sour substances; vomiting of undigested food; pressure in the pit of stomach, with difficult breathing; constipation or diarrhoeic, white, slimy, or bilious or greenish stools, or stools resembling stirred eggs; hemicrania; frequent chills, with absence of thirst; or dry heat and thirst, alternate pale and red face, or one cheek is red and other is pale; sad mood, with whining, moaning and restlessness. (Compare Cham., Ipec. and Nux v.)
Sulphur [Sulph]
Continuous remittent fever, after failure of well-indicated drugs; patient begins to be drowsy with the fever; tongue dry, red at edges and tip; feels like burning up with the fever, is slow in answering questions; nausea mornings and after each meal; sour regurgitation of food and drink; painful sensitiveness of stomach and abdomen to touch; constipation or diarrhoea of mucous, sour-smelling stools.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Great debility after stool, with fainting and cold sweat; yellow skin; dry tongue, coated yellowish or brown; craves cold drinks and juicy fruits, averse to anything warm, which causes hiccough and vomiting; collapse.
Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]
Fever, with vomiting and muscular pains; oppressed and accelerated pulse; pain in head, back and limbs, with or without delirium; strong action of heart.


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