HICCOUGH Singultus [Hiccough]:


Aconite [Acon]
Hiccough complicating acute congestion; great thirst; after eating and drinking, mornings, with pain and restlessness.
Agaricus [Agar]
Spasmodic twitching of muscles, especially face and upper extremities; hiccough, shaking whole body, (<) evening and when standing; abdomen distended.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Hiccough in the morning after the chill; imperfect eructations, tasting after the food; exhaustion with defective reaction.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Hiccough with stitches in chest, (<) after breakfast; distended abdomen.
Amyl-nitric [Aml-n]
Hiccough, uncomfortable feeling in stomach, heat in stomach, with the pains, empty belching, trembling of limbs and weak feeling all over.
Belladonna [Bell]
Spasm, composed partly of eructations, partly of hiccough; violent attacks of hiccough, so that they jerk the patient up, even with feeling of suffocation, hiccough and convulsions of left arm and right leg alternating; violent hiccough after midnight, accompanied by profuse sweat; borborygmi, with feeling of heat in abdomen; erratic cutting in abdomen and pressure as if everything would be forced through pelvis; single muscles contract continuously in different parts of body.
Bismuth [Bism]
Hiccough; pressure in stomach after a meal; violent eructations, sometimes foetid and cadaverous-smelling; gastric irritation with pyrosis; restless, moving about despite languor and prostration.
Bryonia [Bry]
Hiccough after eructations, without having eaten anything, (<) by slightest motion; severe hiccough after eating and after vomiting; pressure in stomach after eating, as from a stone; excessive thirst.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Frequent hiccough and eructations tasting of food eaten, or sour with burning in epigastrium; weak stomach and great voracity; nervous irritability and debility; exhaustion in the morning.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Hiccough after a moderate dinner, (<) from slight causes; violent and nearly constant eructations, (<) after eating and drinking, preceded by griping in abdomen.
China [Chin]
Hiccough an sour belching; heartburn with flatulence, not relieved by belching; slow digestion, food remains long in stomach.
Cicuta [Cic]
Loud-sounding, dangerous hiccough; nausea in morning and when eating; inappetency, or insatiable longing for charcoal; burning pressure at stomach and abdomen; violent vomiting with headache, thirst and dryness of throat.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Hiccough with stitches in stomach (Amm. m., stitches in chest); eructations causing sore pain in epigastrium and chest; violent spasms of stomach, with griping, tearing pains.
Colchicum [Colch]
HICCOUGH FOR HOURS AT A TIME; frequent empty eructations with burning in stomach; excessive retching and vomiting; stomach feels icy-cold; abdomen extremely distended with pain as from incarcerated flatus.
Cuprum-met [Cupr]
Hiccough precedes vomiting and spasms, begins attacks of asthma; constant eructations and rumbling in abdomen; epigastrium sore to touch.
Cyclamen [Cycl]
Violent hiccough while eating and for some time afterwards or hiccough-like eructations, particularly IN PREGNANT WOMEN; burning in oesophagus and aching pains in stomach, extending through to back, coming on when at rest, (<) by motion.
Graphites [Graph]
Hiccough in the morning after rising and after dinner; in the evening, lasting for an hour or more, after every meal, whether hot or cold, with a dull, heavy head or sleeplessness; constant eructations, tasting after food; ineffectual attempts to eructate; nausea and vomiting in the morning.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
HICCOUGH AFTER ABDOMINAL OPERATIONS, followed by inflammation; violent hiccough at midnight, with involuntary micturition and frothing at the mouth, with constipation, excessive long- continued hiccough after dinner; frequent hiccough with cramps and rumbling in abdomen; heartburn; thirst from dryness of throat; ineffectual effort to eructate; bad-tasting eructations with inclination to vomit.
Ignatia [Ign]
Hiccough in the evening and after drinking or eating, from tobacco-smoking; in children from emotions, when they are restless and cry much at night; (<) from tobacco and coffee.
Iodum [Iod]
Empty eructations from morning till evening, as if every particle of food were turning into air.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Hiccough and belching, especially when sitting up or being carried; belching after dinner, with throwing off of frothy saliva and scraping roughness in throat; during PREGNANCY; constipation of hypochondria, cannot tolerate tight clothing.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Hiccough; eructations tasting like bitter almonds; long-lasting faints.
Lobelia-infl [Lob]
Hiccough with profuse flow of saliva, followed in the evening by drowsiness; frequent gulping up of burning, sour fluid; fulness in hypochondria after eating; gaping and belching of wind.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Frequent hiccough after a meal or after smoking; incomplete burning eructations, which only rise into the pharynx where they cause a burning for several hours; constant thirst, especially at night, with dry lips and dry mouth; frequent empty eructations; cramp in stomach, which is much distended.
Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]
Hiccough, heartburn, belching; eructation sour or greasy; sour taste and sour vomiting; aversion to green food, relishes meat and acid drinks.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Idiopathic or reflex after failure of morphine and other remedies.
Marum-verum [Teucr]
HICCOUGH AFTER NURSING; gulping of bitter-tasting food; hiccough with a stitch through stomach to back.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
HICCOUGH AFTER ABUSE OF QUININE; hiccough with gaping and nausea, while in bed; violent hiccough for several days; ravenous hunger, alternating with aversion to food and tobacco; excessive thirst.
Nicotinum [Nicot]
(Tobacco). - Frequent violent hiccough in the evening, renewed from time to time for several days after retiring; nausea and sticking pain in stomach.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Hiccough, nausea and waterbrash with fulness in stomach, impeding breathing, inclination to sleep while riding in a carriage; weak digestion.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Hiccough brought on BY COLD DRINKS, frequently coming on before dinner, without any apparent cause; form overeating and from his customary tobacco; eructations sour, bitter, rancid; nausea after eating; (<) by tobacco.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
HICCOUGH AFTER COLD FRUIT, after drinking; desire for strong alcoholic drinks, very little thirst; crampy pain in stomach before breakfast and after meals; vomiting, caused by ices, fruit, pastry, fat; pale face and chilliness.
Ruta [Ruta]
Hiccough with depression; sudden nausea, while eating, with vomiting of the food; bruised feeling all over, as from a fall or blow.
Sepia [Sep]
Hiccough after meals and during smoking, with contractions in the throat and a sensation as if a plug were in it, producing an excessive accumulation of water in the mouth; heartburn morning and afternoon; sensation of goneness in stomach.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Frequent hiccough, with nausea and stupefaction of head, (<) while smoking; hiccough, often severe, after eating; belching causes scratching in throat; longing for soup, wine, brandy and tobacco.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Hiccough after HOT DRINKS (Stram.); nausea, with sensation of fainting and violent thirst; hiccough in the morning while smoking.


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