PRURITUS [Pruritus]:


Aethusa [Aeth]
Pimples on vulva, itching when patient becomes warm.
Aloe [Aloe]
Itching and burning in anus, preventing sleep; itching of prepuce; itching, especially of legs.
Alumen [Alumn]
Itching of orifice of urethra; pruritus vaginae; itching in eye- lids, anus, scrotum and shoulder; ROUGH SKIN ALL OVER THE BODY.
Alumina [Alum]
Intolerable itching of whole body, especially when getting warm and in bed, scratches till the skin bleeds, which is then painful; itching piles, with burning excoriation and great sensitiveness; itching, throbbing and stitches in vagina.
Ambra [Ambr]
Voluptuous itching on scrotum; severe itching on pudenda, must rub parts, swelling of labia; PRURITUS VULVAE DURING PREGNANCY.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Violent itching of skin, after scratching burning blisters appear; itching and stinging of skin keep him awake; though lessened by scratching; itching and burning at anus; itching at genitals.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Itching of skin, feels sore if scratched; itching of penis, of tip of glans; biting, itching, as from salt on left side of scrotum.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Violent itching of pudenda, pustules on external genitals.
Argentum-met [Arg-m]
Intolerable itching, as from crawling, on head and body, unchanged by scratching, even motion of skin is almost unbearable; pruritus scroti.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Itching smarting mostly of thighs and axillae, when warm in bed; skin brown, tense, hard.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Itching with burning or an eruption emitting watery fluid like sweat and attended with much constitutional weakness; chronic cases; senile pruritus in broken-down constitutions, (<) from cold applications, (>) from warmth; itching of genital organs.
Caladium [Calad]
Pruritus vulvae during pregnancy and after miscarriage: PRURITUS VAGINAE INDUCES ONANISM, with mucous discharge and pimples around parts; violent itching on external genitals compelled her to scratch in spite of punishment, reduced her in mind and body; violent itching eruption on scrotum, (<) at night, dry and scaly; violent, corrosive itching, burning, must touch parts, but cannot scratch there, no swelling, but much heat, in face frequent sensation as if a fly were crawling there, (>) from cold water.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Itching and stitches in internal or external vulva, (<) towards evening or after going to bed; severe itching on various parts of body in bed; violent irritation about chest, back, neck and shoulders, in calves of legs, followed by a reddish rash; (<) at night. Cantharis [Canth] Pruritus vulvae, especially from masturbation, itching intense; pruritus, with strong sexual desire, DURING CLIMAXIS; itching, changing place, as from fleas. Causticum [Caust] Itching over whole body at various parts, on tip and wings of nose, face, scrotum, back, arms, palms, dorsum of feet, preventing sleep; itching of orifice of urethra, scrotum and skin of penis. Chelidonium [Chel] Itching of skin; crawling and itching in rectum and on perineum; sticking and itching in anus; itching and creeping in scrotum and glans. Coffea [Coff] Voluptuous itching, would like to scratch, but parts are too sensitive the least itching of skin prevents sleep. Collinsonia [Coll] Pruritus vulvae, ACCOMPANIED BY HAEMORRHOIDS, obstinate constipation during dysmenorrhoea or in pregnancy, (<) when lying down, parts swollen and bulging; itching intolerable, making her almost delirious, (>) by bathing in cold water.
Conium [Con]
Violent itching of pudenda and even within vagina, day and night, (<) just after menstruation; erratic itching of all parts of body, as from fleas. Croton-tigl [Croto-t] Frequent corrosive itching on glans and scrotum, (<) while walking; intense itching of female genitals, (<) at night, (>) by very gentle scratching; eruptions on body itch very much, cannot bear severe scratching but a mere rub suffices to allay the itching.
Cuprum-acet [Cupr-acet]
Skin sensitive to contact with clothing; itching, especially of arms and legs, (<) undressing at night and in bed, with slight relief only from scratching or coarse rubbing; sleep disturbed and unrefreshing; pruritus ani; scrotum constantly moist and damp. Cuprum-ars [Cupr-ar] Skin sensitive to contact with clothing; itching, especially of arms and legs, (<) undressing at night and in bed, with slight relief only from scratching or coarse rubbing; sleep disturbed and unrefreshing; pruritus ani; scrotum constantly moist and damp. Dolichos-pruriens [Dol] Intolerable itching all over body, IN PREGNANT WOMEN, (<) at night preventing sleep, and from scratching, no perceptible eruption on skin, constipation, jaundice; ITCHING WITHOUT ERUPTION, first on feet, every winter higher up, after seven years reaches hip and abdomen. Euphorbium [Euph] Itching of mons veneris; burning itching in different parts of body which induces scratching. Ferrum-met [Ferr] Pruritus recti, he cannot sleep at night on account of the itching; the worms creep at night out of the anus. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Pruritus ani; itching within and around anus, on perineum. Graphites [Graph] Pruritus ani, with moisture and tendency to form little vesicles; itching in vulva, (<) JUST BEFORE MENSES' (CON., AFTER MENSES), especially for persons inclined to obesity; continual itching, (<) at night, nothing visible upon skin before scratching, which causes nodules and long welts. Hamamelis [Ham] Itching at anus, which feels sore, as if raw; pruritus of female parts; soreness and smarting on small spots, not very sensitive to touch. Helonias [Helon] Excessive pruritus vulvae, which is puffed, hot, red and itching terrible; labia swollen and covered with a curdy, white deposit, like aphthae; leucorrhoea of a bad odor, easily changing to flow of blood. Hepar [Hep] Itching of penis and at fraenum preputii; smarting itching of vulva, little pimples around ulcer, with leucorrhoea; burning itching of body, with white vesicles after scratching; unhealthy skin, slight injuries suppurate. Hydrastis [Hydr] Pruritus vulvae, with profuse leucorrhoea and sexual excitement. Ignatia [Ign] Itching of skin of a fine pricking character resembling flea- bites, and changing from one place to another; itching better from gentle scratching; when getting heated in the open air. Iodum [Iod] Papules that are very apt to run together or around which the skin is brownish and covered with scales; irresistible nocturnal itching, compelling one to scratch and thus causing insomnia, cachectic appearance, emaciation and dyspepsia. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Furious itching in region of mons veneris; burning itching herpes, moist after scratching (Kali brom.). Kreosotum [Kreos] Itching towards evening so violent as to drive one almost wild; soreness and smarting between labia and vulva, offensive discharges. Lachesis [Lach] Itching at anus, (<) after sleep; burning itching of whole body with yellow or purplish blisters. Lac-caninum [Lac-c] Slight excoriation and itching of the external labia, feels at times as if caused by something alive in it, crawling about and itching terribly; same sensation on shoulders and neck, occasionally on hands, (<) towards evening and when warm. Ledum [Led] Violent itching on DORSUM OF ANKLES AND FEET, especially at night, (<) after scratching; itching rash on wrist-joint, all of them much (<) in warmth of bed. Lilium-tigr [Lil-t] PRURITUS MOST MARKED AFTER MENSES (Con.); voluptuous itching in vagina with feeling of fulness in parts; stinging in left ovarian region. Lycopodium [Lyc] DIURNAL ITCHING (Natr.m.); biting itching when becoming warm during the day; itching eruption at anus, painful to touch; itching of inner surface of prepuce. Magnesia-mur [Mag-m] Itching on genitals and scrotum, extending to anus; formication over whole body, (<) while sitting, (>) by exercise and motion.
Mercurius [Merc]
Moist, itchlike eruption on hand, with rhagades, (<) at night; when warm in bed; zoster with itching and tendency to suppurate. Mezereum [Mez] Inveterate cases with unbearable nocturnal itching burning, especially in parts where there is very little fat deposited, (<) evening and from warmth; general coldness and twitching of the subcutaneous muscles; burning sensation changes place after scratching. Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac] Itching of scrotum, not relieved by scratching; organs weak, penis relaxed. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Diurnal itching (Lyc.); itching, soreness and moisture between scrotum and thighs, puslike smegma on glans; itching and crawling sensation at the corona glandis; leucorrhoea causes itching, with yellow complexion; itching of female external parts, with falling off of the hair; itching of skin, but no rash (Dol.) (<) after violent exercise. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] ITCHING WHILE UNDRESSING; between scrotum and right thigh, small scabs, itching (>) by scratching, also on forehead, scalp, neck, chest. Sycosis.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
History of syphilis or psora, skin around anus dry and cracked, with tendency to bleed from scratching; and fissure; FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR FROM GENITALS; itching, swelling and burning of vulva and vagina; itching of shins, bleeding when scratched, small scabs form; skin dark, dirty.
Oleander [Olnd]
ITCHING OF SKIN WHEN UNDRESSING (NATR. SULPH); after stool itching and burning in rectum and anus; skin sensitive all over, the mere friction of the clothing makes it sore, raw and painful.
Opium [Op]
(Morphine). Redness and itching of skin, very troublesome all over, fine pricking, rarely sensitive to touch.
Petroleum [Petr]
ITCHING HUMID HERPES ON SCROTUM, between scrotum and thighs, on perineum, soreness and moisture on female genitals, with violent itching; itching herpes, followed by ulcers.
Platina [Plat]
FURIOUS ITCHING INSIDE OF UTERUS; pruritus vulvae, voluptuous tingling, with anxiety and palpitation of heart (Coff.); sensation of soreness, tingling, smarting, itching, burning, with inclination to scratch on different parts of body.
Psorinum [Psor]
PRURITUS FROM AMENORRHOEA, WITH PHTHISIS; during pregnancy, pimples, itching violently, about nipples, oozing a fluid; itching vesicles between fingers; heat and itching of soles; body itches intolerably, (<) in bed and from warmth; scratches until it bleeds, which relieves. Pulsatilla [Puls] Itching and burning on inner and upper side of prepuce; itching, (<) at night, from pastry or pork, from delayed menses, (>) from cold water. Pruritus senilis.
Rhododendron [Rhod]
Itching and sweat on scrotum, soreness between scrotum and thighs.
Rumex [Rumx]
Itching (<) by cold, (>) by warmth; more formication than burning, chiefly when undressing, (<) by every exposure to cold air.
Silicea [Sil]
Prurigo formicans, during night itching sensation as if ants were crawling over the skin; itching humid spots on genitals, mostly on scrotum; sweat on scrotum; itching at pudendum; itching of soles, driving to despair.
Staphisagria [Staph]
PRURITUS GENITALIUM IN NEWLY-MARRIED PEOPLE, with frequent urging to urinate; voluptuous itching of scrotum; stinging itching of vulva.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Voluptuous itching with burning, (<) evenings and in bed; chronic cases. Itching, burning, stinging at anus, (<) after scratching.
Tarentula-hisp [Tarent]
Intense pruritus of vulva and vagina, (<) nights, with dryness and heat of the parts.
Teucrium [Teucr]
(Marum ver.). Cannot sleep on account of the intense itching of the anus, causing him to toss and roll at night.
Zincum [Zinc]
Crawling in skin of whole body, (<) only by rubbing, frequent violent itching as from flea-bites, especially on back and abdomen, (<) at night; excessive itching during menses, inducing masturbation, with fidgets of feet and lower extremities (Canth., masturbation); itching in bends of joints; sudden itching, here and there, in bed at night, goes off by contact.


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