Lithium muriaticum [Lith-m]:

- Jan Scholten


Lithium muriaticum has a fatty, salty taste (Clarke, Vol.2, page 297). But it has no clear mental picture.


Lithium Muriaticum

Changeable Broken relationship

Impulsive Naive Mother Child

Manic depressive Care Nurturing

Worthless Attention

Weak willed Mother

Unthinking Self pity

Easily influenced Attention seeking

Childish Sadness


Anti social

Group analysis

Changeable from fear of a break up of the relationship

Impulsive care and nurturing

Doubt whether she can be a mother

Doubt whether she is being appreciated as a mother

A manic depressive mother.

Asking for attention by being changeable

Naive self pity.

Too weak willed to dare to ask for attention.

Feeling worthless accompanied by self pity.

Unthinking and anti-social.

Picture of Lithium muriaticum

Essence: Changeable for fear of losing relationships.

Changeable from fear of a break up of the relationship They are very unsure of themselves and suffer from changing moods. They are afraid that the relationship with their mother, their friends or other people will come to an end. That makes them go along with whatever way the wind blows. They'll adapt to whoever they happen to be with at the time. They might even change their thoughts and opinions in the presence of the same person. They simply don't know who they are. They don't know who they should be in order to keep someone either.

Impulsively caring and nurturing They are inclined to start taking care of the other person in order to create a tie between them. But they do this without any forethought, just on an impulse. When it goes wrong they'll move on to the next opportunity. They are very spontaneous and can be fun to be with when they are taking care of you.

Doubt whether they can be a good mother

They lack the self confidence to feel good about themselves as a mother. They feel they don't have a strong enough personality to be a good mother or they feel unappreciated, both as a mother and as a wife. They do whatever comes up in their head and when things go wrong they feel they'll never be any good and they get depressed.

A manic depressive mother

Their own mother could have been very instable too, with mood swings between laughing and crying, between happiness and anger.

Such a mother could not give them any stability in life, no base for trust and self confidence. She was too changeable and weak to provide the care that a child needs. Such a mother would try to keep a hold on her children by means of emotional blackmail, with threats or with presents.

Asking for attention by being changeable

To avoid losing their mother or their child these people will try to get the attention in any way they can. Either by nagging, crying, acting the clown, being angry, whatever works to get the attention at that moment.

Manic depressive after break up of a relationship

If they do happen to lose a friend they go mad with grief. They feel utterly rejected and useless, to such an extent that they don't know who they are anymore. They can't bear being alone and will moan and cry all the time.

Naive self pity

They may indulge in self pity the way a child would, sitting there for hours worrying about everything that other people said to them. The most innocent remark gets turned into a major form of criticism, until they feel utterly sorry for themselves and think that they are the most stupid and the weakest person in the whole world.

Too weak willed to dare to ask for attention Although they feel they are useless they daren't ask for help.

They are too afraid that the other person will think even less of them if they ask for attention. If they show their dependency they feel even more worthless. Comfort and sympathy aggravate their feelings.

Very low self-worth combined with self-pity

Or the opposite might happen where they feel too insecure and worthless to know who they are, therefore they need someone else to provide a sort of yardstick for them by which they can measure their own actions. By showing how helpless and naive they are they hope that others will take pity on them and take them under their wing and not leave them behind.

Unthinking and anti social

An extreme form may be that they are very naive to the point of being anti social. They enter a relationship without thinking and they leave again without giving it any further thought either. Or they keep depending on the people who are taking care of them without ever thinking of offering anything in return.


Fears: alone, water, danger, vague, unknown, unexpected, life, strangers, future, travelling, flying, crowds, streets, failure, disease, death, others being able to look through them.

Dreams: water, sea, waves, drowning, children, mother, disease and death of family and relations.

Mood: timid, unsure, indecisive, sensitive, busy, ironic, emotional, complaining, attention seeking, depressed, listless, suicidal.

Aggression: aggressive.

Contacts: (>) care and support, talking much.

Mental: forgetful (3) names, learning, names of places, films; dementia, confusion, slow, orientation problems, psychoses, schizophrenia, dissociation.

Causes: loss of parents, family or friends.


Build: thin.

Locality: left.

Weather: slightly warm, (<)(>) sea.

Perspiration: profuse.

Time: (<) 11 pm. Desires: drinking, coffee, tobacco, salt, starch. Aversion: meat. Food: (<) fruit, chocolate, starch. Menses: (<) before, during or after menses, (<) after pregnancy; painful and swollen breasts before menses. Sleep: difficulty falling asleep. Physical: (<) light; (<)(<)(<) radiation, chemotherapy. Complaints Dryness of mucus membranes. Retarded growth. Affections of lymph glands. Headache with hemiopia and tingling, deafness, plus weakness and fainting. Pain above lateral side of right eye. Vertical hemiopia right side. Ptosis. Salivation; metallic taste. Hypothyroidism, goitre. Cardiovascular diseases (3). ECG abnormalities. Nausea, vomiting, stomach pains (>) eating. Stomach ulcer.

Sterility, little milk, miscarriages.

Constipation, stool hard and dry.

Diarrhoea, (<) fruit, (<) chocolate, (<) night. Kidney malfunctions (3), stones in kidney, bladder(3), uremia, frequent and copious urination. Arthritis and gout. Trembling hands, muscular shocks at night. Acne, psoriasis, itching, hairloss, increased sebaceous secretions, herpes on lips, seborrhoeic eczema. Skin eruptions, on chest and arms, red spots, (<)(<)sun. DD: Carbon series, Silicium series, Stage 1 and 17, Hydrogen, Carlsbad, Titanium, Vanadium. Case A 25 year old woman suffers from frequent colds. Much mucus in nose, throat and ears especially in the morning and evening, worse in the winter. She also has polyps, which have been removed once by surgery. She says she has an inferiority complex. She doesn't stick up for herself at all. She is afraid that people will notice her lack of self confidence. She tries to live up to the expectations of other people and she agrees with everything they say in the hope of being accepted. She feels that if I say what I really think Ill be rejected. She feels as if she is all blank inside: shell say one thing to this person and something else to another person. She can't wear a mask; she feels she has to choose between people. She feels that whatever form she has was given to her by her parents, but there is nothing there that is her own. Her father used to beat her, so she doesn't like men. The image she has of herself is very negative and certainly not feminine. Her mother was unstable: she cried a lot and got incredibly angry if something in the house got broken. Her mother used to make the children feel guilty and they all felt the constant threat hanging over them of her having to be taken to hospital for psychiatric treatment. Her mother always wanted something back from her children, using tactics like: If you really loved me you would do such and such for me. She is the youngest of 10 children. Her father was very dogmatic and moralistic and used to beat her brothers. When the children were still very young he used to be very kind, but as soon as they were old enough to have their own opinion he used to beat it out of them. She herself was very easy going, she never rebelled, until she was 19 and then she ran away from home. She trained to be a nurse and worked in that profession for several years. But after a few years it all became too much because she used to take on everyone else's problems too. She spent six months in a psychiatric hospital. She felt extremely guilty and unsure of herself, she never dared to say no. She was always afraid that others would think she needed help, that she couldn't manage on her own. She was afraid of other peoples sympathy or pity. She was always looking around but never said anything, afraid that others would see her and would look straight through her. She can be very spontaneous, idealistic and sociable. But there are also moments when she is very proud and doesn't want to agree with anyone. She hates it when others call her that sweet little sister. She now works as a secretary. Generals Weather: easily cold and warm; (>) outside, sea, mountains.

Perspiration: (<) night, axillae, back and face. Time: (<) 8-9 pm, (<) morning; (<) November till January. Desires: Dutch food, potatoes, vegetables, meat, sweet, yoghurt, milk, buttermilk. Aversion: Broad beans, kidney beans, eggs. Food: (<) egg: empty, nauseous feeling in stomach and abdomen; (<) starchy food: heavy feeling in stomach. Menses: pain in abdomen during first two days of menses. Sleep: good; on stomach. Analysis The situation with the mood swings of her mother made me think of Lithium muriaticum straight away. The mother who gets angry very quickly, who uses blackmail on the children and who needs frequent psychiatric treatment. The confirming symptoms for Lithium are the inferiority complex, the lack of self confidence, a blank personality, not knowing herself. Beryllium would be another possibility because she can't say no. But her spontaneity points more strongly to Lithium. She agrees (Lithium) to everything in the hope of being accepted. If you give your own opinion (Lithium), you might get rejected (Muriaticum). Other muriaticum symptoms: lack of feminine feelings, fear of being pitied, (<) being dependent, sensitive to heat; (>) outside, sea, (<) starch.


One month after Lithium muriaticum 1M she felt more cheerful and much more clearheaded, not nearly so confused when she talks about herself. She finds that she is able to phone someone to talk about her feelings, something she had never been able to do before. The memory of the psychiatric treatment is still there, but she is better able to discern her own part in it all. She realises how difficult it was for her to make decisions for herself.

After another two months, and two doses of Lithium 1M she feels even better. The past doesn't oppress her anymore. She wants to enjoy herself and do her own thing. She has left the Bible-reading course she was attending and chosen a new one, because she likes the new one better. The people of the old club accused her of being selfish, but she still did what she felt was right, as she has had enough of all these strict rules. She wants to live life for herself instead of living for other people, as she did for her mother.


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