Strontium [Stront]:

- Jan Scholten

Strontium metallicum has never been written about before. The only Strontium that is fairly well known is Strontium carbonicum, which has several clear keynotes but no well defined theme. Of Strontium bromatum, nitricum and iodatum we have only got a few sparse symptoms here and there.


The name has been derived from Strontian, Argyllshire, Scotland, where it was first discovered in 1790 in the lead mines in the form of strontium carbonate. The 90- isotope is radioactive. The metal has the ability to drive out and replace the calcarea in our bones, hence its description as the nasty alter ego of Calcarea.

Strontium is a rather soft, silver white metal which changes into a light - to dark yellow colour when exposed to air. It is used in the manufacture of various paints, glass, rubber, enamel, batteries, electronic gadgets and pyrotechnic materials. Red fireworks contain strontium too. It is also used in the extraction of sugar from sugar beet molasses. It can deflect static electricity and is also used in instruments that measure the thickness and the density of different materials.


Stage 2 Silver series

Observing Creation Inspiration

Acknowledging Ideas Culture

Criticising Unique Admiration

Shy Uncertain Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Finding a space Art Science Mysticism

Joining in Show Performance

Adapting Queen Ambition

Passive Hurting

Covering Protecting Sexuality

Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Feeling observed as an artist or scientist, doctor.

Appraising people on their artistic talents.

Criticised on their ideas.

Criticising the artifacts of others: the art critic.

Appreciating mysticism.

Uncertain about their own creations.

Finding ones space in religion.

Adapting to other peoples ideas: overwhelmed.

Remaining passive so as not to attract the attention.

Protecting yourself against other peoples ideas: stubborn.

Passive in speech: silent.

Picture of Strontium metallicum Essence: uncertain about showing your talents or art.

Feeling observed as an artist, scientist, doctor

They feel that everybody is looking to see what they think, what ideas they come out with and how they develop their talents. They feel very unsure about their creative abilities.

Appraising everyone on their creative talents

But at the same time this is also how they look at other people. The notice every new trend and thought and compare them to their own ideas. They constantly ask themselves whether these ideas are better or worse, more or less beautiful, more or less clever than their own.

Criticised on their ideas

They quickly feel that others look down on their creations. Or it may be that their ideas are so severely criticised that they are completely are wiped of the stage. And there is nothing they can do about it as they are unable to defend themselves.

Appraising art: the art critic

They are also very good at criticising the art of other people.

This way they can avoid showing their own abilities in this field, it acts as a cover up. But in the process of criticising they can't help but show their own view of the world, which may in turn become the subject of criticism.

Or they hide behind the general saying: Art is very individual, there is no accounting for tastes.

Appreciating mysticism

The judgment of values plays a large role in their lives, especially where art and religion is concerned. Apart from having a lot of negative judgments and criticism they can also be very positive about beautiful feelings, literature, art and mysticism.

Uncertain about their own creations

But as far as their own creations are concerned they feel very unsure. They have no idea what they are worth, what value to put on it. They keep thinking there are no objective criteria to judge their creations by.

Uncertain about their uniqueness

They start to think about their own inner selves. Who are they, where do they come from, where are they going? Are they worth anything at all, are they really unique, have they really got anything special to offer?

Finding ones place in religion

They wonder about their place in the overall creation, curious to know how they came here and what they are here for. They want to know their place her on earth, especially in religious context.

Adapting to other peoples ideas: overwhelmed

They easily feel overwhelmed by the views and ideas of other people. As if their is no other option but to surrender. They feel they are being flooded by all the events and views and pictures in the world and swept along by the stream.

This feeling of being overwhelmed and swept away can also be caused by people in their immediate environment who are too overpowering and don't give them any space to formulate their own ideas.

The adapting process can go so far that they completely surrender to another person, doing everything he or she says, never standing up for themselves, like Cinderella who lived among the ashes and the dirt.

But just like Cinderella, they have a core, deep down inside, that remains untainted and precious and beautiful. Those who are able to see this core can see the queen inside her.

Remaining passive so as not to attract the attention The are inclined to draw away from any situation that might involve judgment or criticism because they can't face it. They have no inner criteria to rely upon so all there is is the opinion of the outside world. And it safer to adapt so they wont see you. They would rather melt into the grey masses than stand out and risk attack by the critics.

They hate speaking in public or any other form of focusing the attention on themselves. They'll do anything to get out of such occasions. They may even develop an aversion to normal conversations, preferring to sit silently in the background.

Protecting yourself against other peoples ideas: stubborn Another form of protecting yourself is by staying in your own world with your own thoughts and not listening to others. This makes them appear stubborn, but it is a stubbornness that is not directed outwards, it is not meant to persuade others or win them over. It is more a sort of clinging to their own ideas, like a swimmer in a flood clinging to some driftwood.

Another possibility is that they start to do silly things. That way everyone will know they are a bit mad. And although everyone, including themselves know that they are just fooling around, it takes the attention away from what they really think about the world and what their real talents are.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, performance, speeches.

Dreams: heights, falling, fire.

Delusions: criminal

Irritability: (<) humiliation. Mood: haughty, crying. Mental: forgetful. Contacts: (<), (>), silent.

Professions: art critic,artist, painter, sculptor, actor, writer, singer, musician, scientist, doctor, priest, bishop, medicine man, vicar, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, public relations, top sportsman, - woman, teacher.

Causes: disasters, humiliation, unjust accusations, mistrust, disbelief.


Locality: left.

Type: thin.

Weather: cold, cold feet, (<) cold (2) and undressing, cold feet and back, (<) damp (2), (<) wet head; (>) outside, (<) draught; hot flushes, (>)(>) warm wraps.

Perspiration: (>).

Time: (<) 3 am, (<) evening, gradual appearance and disappearance; (<) winter. Desires: beer, brandy, bread, milk. Aversion: meat. Food: (>) eating, (<) alcohol. Menses: profuse; (<)(<)(<)menopause. Sleep: sleepy; sleeplessness (<) easily frightened. Physical: (<) motion and walking (2), (>) lying down, (<)(<)(<) accidents; (<) dark, (>) light; (<) and (<) washing. Complaints Cancer. Epilepsy. Weakness; bruised pains, itching. Congestion with fullness, swelling and pulsating, of head, face, heart and lungs (<)(<) excitement. Headache starting from neck, spreading to head, (>)(>) warm wraps.

Thumping pains with desire to bang head against the wall.

Eye complaints; inflammations, visual disturbances.

Face red, livid, congested (<)(<) exertion and motion. Colds, with watery discharge and loss of smell. Voice problems; hoarseness, loss of voice, stammering. Lung complaints, suffocative feeling in chest. High blood pressure, cerebral haemorrhages, heart complaints, angina pectoris. The heart feels suffocated as from a heavy weight. Varices. Stomach pains, pressing, (>) eating. (<) walking. Diarrhoea with continuous urging at night, sits on the toilet all the time; yellow and watery. Constipation: large, hard stools, difficult to pass, causing burning pain in anus, (>) lying down. Abdomen full and distended.

Problems with ovaries and testes and sexual organs in general.

Leucorrhoea, white, no smell, no itching.

Abdominal pains, left lower, radiating to leg, gnawing, (<) morning, (>) rest, (>) drawing up legs, accompanied by leucorrhoea.

Neck problems, stiffness, pains in arms. Sprained ankles with oedema. Gout.

Osteoporosis in leg, especially thighs (3), necrosis and swelling; sciatica.

Eczema, wet, itching and burning, on face.

DD: Silver series, Stage 2, Crocus, Amylum nitricum, Arnica, Belladonna, Dulcamara, Glonoinum, Hepar sulphuris, Magnesium muriaticum, Mezereum, Nux vomica, Ratania, Rhododendron, Rhus toxicodendron, Ruta, Silica, Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum viride.

DD Rubidium: Rubidium is impulsive in his creative activities. He doesn't watch what he is doing and he isn't bothered so much by others watching him and commenting on it. Strontium is much more sensitive to criticism, he watches himself and quickly feels put down.

DD Rhus tox: Rhus tox contains large amounts of Strontium. We can see the similarity between the two: (<) cold, (<) damp, down trodden, sprained ankles, affections of joints. Rhus tox feels abused by people in their environment, a drunken husband for instance. Case An 18 year old boy is frequently troubled by bronchitis with a feeling of suffocation and much coughing. He has had pneumonia in the past with a temperature of 39C and much wheezing and panting. He is allergic to dust, mite, and cats, also to smoke and damp. He gets occasional symptoms of hay fever: itching on the nose (>) rubbing, Watery coryza, sneezing, pain in throat, itching in throat, itching ears and lachrymation. He used to get ear infections in the past. Also a recurring complaint of diarrhoea with cramp in stomach (<) 11 pm to 2 am. The spermatic cord on the left side occasionally swells up and becomes painful, a stitching kind of pain. The left testicle also tends to get swollen from time to time. he is the oldest of 4 boys. He is very shy and during the first two consultations, when he was only 15, he only talked with his mother, who had to tell the whole story on his behalf. He doesn't feel at ease in front of strangers. His speech is hesitating: Yes, well, I mean.... He constantly stops in mid sentence. He is afraid of saying something wrong, something that doesn't fit. It is very important to him to say things properly, especially when he is with strangers. Otherwise he would rather not say anything at all. He doesn't have this problem when he writes something down. He is very indecisive and small changes, like a new piece of furniture can increase his uncertainty. He is also quite critical, both towards himself and to his brothers and other people. he criticises people who smoke, drink or eat meat. He used to suffer from homesickness when he was younger, especially when he went camping with the school. He doesn't like talking about sex. His school performance is very good, never gets lower than 8 out of 10, but he still remains unsure of himself. When he was little he was always asking his mother: why is this, why is that, why is the grass green?. He is keen on learning and easily picks up new information. He prefers the science subjects and keeps in touch with recent scientific developments. He wants to study chemistry and would like to discover something new in this field. He has a very strong ambition and wants to be perfect in everything he does. He gets very irritated when he gets something wrong at school, or when working something out on the computer. He dreams that he gets a bad mark at school or that he hasn't handed in his homework on time because he is ill, or that a computer virus wipes everything off his hard disk. he likes science fiction and horror films. He used to have nightmares about witches and giants. Sometimes he could stop these dreams by blinking his eyes very quickly. recently he has had many different dreams: there was no cake left for him; a machine or tank-like creature that crushed people to death was chasing him; fire; he had to tell the children at school that they were not allowed to work with radio-active materials. Generals Weather: cold, (<) cold; (<) damp; (<)grey weather: (>) sea and mountains, (>) fresh air and open window (2).

Perspiration: little.

Time: (<) 11 pm Desires: cheese (2), cold and warm milk (3), chocolate (2), drinks. Aversion: chips, sauerkraut, carbonated drinks, apple juice, grapefruit. Food: (<) sour, fish (2), bacon (2), (<) chocolate. Sleep: refreshing; on his back. Physical: (<) walking outside. Analysis His desire to study chemistry and to make some new scientific discoveries points to the Silver series. His complaints of the air passages and the left testicle confirm that we should look for his remedy somewhere in this series. His shyness reminds of of Calcarea or even Baryta carbonica. Baryta carbonica had helped him once in the past, but the problems with the spermatic cord appeared a year later. The fear of the unknown however is typical of the second stage, which leads us to Strontium metallicum. There is no reason to look for a Strontium compound in this case as the theme in itself is purely Strontium. Other confirming symptoms: passive, (<) talking about sex, (>) milk, (<) cold, (>) outside. His critical attitude is typical of Strontium, especially combined with his overall shyness. Even more noticeable is his way of speaking, it is as if he can't find the words to express himself, being overwhelmed (stage 2) by his own ideas (Silver series).

Reaction One month after Strontium metallicum 1M everything is much better. The problem with the spermatic cord and the allergic reactions are almost gone. His overall energy is much better too.

He had a dream of making a programme for a computer game.

Eighteen months later he still feel well and the complaints never came back.


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