- William H.Burt

Through the spinal nerves, affects especially the mucous membrane of the kidneys, bladder, and mucous lining of the air passages.
Sub-acute inflammation of the genito-urinary organs, with ardor urinae. Retention of urine, especially if the patient has had gonorrhoea. Foaming urine. False membranes, thick and dark, principally in the larynx.- DR. HOUATT. deglutition difficult and painful, water and food often passing through the nose and into the larynx, causing cough with blood.-DR. HOUATT. Incessant bronchial cough.-DR. HOUATT. Barking, croupy cough; throat feels full and choked up.-DR. HOUATT. Burning pains in every part of the neck. For membranous croup, this remedy is being highly recommended; used in massive doses of the tincture.


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