
Showing posts from July, 2011

Oreodaphne californica

-PETERSEN F. J., Syn.-California Laurel; Spice-brush; Spice-tree; Bay-tree; Pepperwood-tree. P. E.-Leaves. N. O.-Lauraceæ. N. H.-California. Properties: Stimulant, antispasmodic, anodyne. Physiological action: This is not well proven as yet. Inhaling of the tincture however will produce an unbearable frontal headache. Taken internally in large doses it will cause irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract. Use: In passive congestion if indicated. In atonic diarrhoea, cerebro-spinal meningitis, cholera morbus it has proven a good remedy in doses of 3 to 10 drops in glycerine, simple syrup or milk, 2 to 5 times a day as the case demands. The writer prefers smaller doses, but in emergency even larger doses may be used. For muscular cramps and muscular rheumatism it may be used locally and internally. In nervous headache it may be inhaled and often will relieve promptly. It is contra-indicated in active inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Vesicaria communis

-PETERSEN F. J., Syn.-German bladder pod. N. O.-Genus cruciferæ; mustard family. N. H.-Germany; cultivated in Tennessee and Alabama, U. S. A. P. E.-Whole plant. Properties: Demulcent, diuretic. Indications: A smarting, burning sensation in urethra and bladder. There may be frequent desire to urinate. Urine in some cases is only voided drop by drop. Often in these cases there is strangury associated with the condition. Use: In irritable condition of the bladder. Useful in acute or chronic cystitis. In nephralgia it has been used with success, relieving the pain produced by the passage of calculus. The tincture or the homoeopathic mother tincture should be used in 3 to 15 drop doses 3 to 4 times a day. In cases where the pain is severe it should be given every 1/2 hour until easier than every 2 to 4 hours as the case demands. Where the pain is of a spasmodic nature gelsemium is a valuable adjunct to above. It is claimed to be a good remedy in gonorrhoea if given in large ...

Veratrum viride

-PETERSEN F. J., Syn.-Veratrum; American Hellebore. P. E.-Root. N. O.-Liliaceæ. N. H.-North America. Properties: Arterial sedative. Physiological action: In large doses it causes a marked reduction in temperature with rapid and feeble pulse, especially marked on the least exertion; respiration becomes slower followed by nausea, vomiting and a feeling of general weakness. In toxic doses all of these symptoms become more pronounced; skin gets cold and clammy, pulse is weak, there is headache, hiccough, vertigo, nausea, severe vomiting and great prostration. There may be dilated pupils. In severe cases there may be even convulsions. Veratrum viride is a very powerful cerebro-spinal depressant. However when given in large doses it will produce vomiting and thus avoid serious or fatal results. It does not accumulate in the system. Indications: Frequent full, large bounding pulse, flushed face, fullness of tissue. Flushed face and surface a little more of a dark dull hue than the bri...