
Showing posts from May, 2012

Ferrum phosphoricum

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  HERING: “Congestion of brain in children and grown persons; meningitis.”  ”High fever, quick pulse and increased temperature.”  ”Fever: with complaints accompanying teething; with gastritis, with cystitis; retention of urine; beginning of croup; with cough; with rheumatism; with convulsions.”  KENT: “Restlessness at night in bed, tossing about much during fever.”  ”Face; red during fever.”  ”Epistaxis, with coryza, during fever.”  ”Pain in rectum, during stool; with dysentery and fever.”  ”Fever at any time with inflammation of organs, joints, or mucous membranes.”  BOGER: “Fevers; continued, infectious; pneumonia, intercurrent.”  BOERICKE: “In the the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Acon. And Bell. And the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gels……pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of Acon. Prostration marked; face more...

Gelsemium sempervirens

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “If you will observe the weather conditions in sharp climates such as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Canada, you will find that the cold spells are very intense and that people, when exposed, come down with complaints very rapidly and violently. That is the way the Bell. And Acon. Cases com on, but Gels. Complaints do not come from such causes nor appear that way. Its complaints are more insidious and come on with a degree of slowness.”  ”When we think of the climate, and consider the people and the pace of remedies, we see that Gels. Is a remedy for warm climates, while Acon. Is a remedy for colder climates.”  ”It is only a short acting remedy, though slow in its beginning. In this it is like Bry.”  ”With the coldness of the extremities, the very dark red countenance, the dazed condition of the mind, the glassy eyes and dilated pupils, we have the neck drawn back and rigidity of the muscles of the back of the neck,...

Helleborus niger

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “In all complaints of Hell. Stupefaction occurs in greater or less degree. Sometimes it is a complete stupor, sometimes a partial stupor, but it is always stupefaction and sluggishness.”  ”Hell. Is useful in affections of the brain, spinal cord, the general nervous system and mind, but especially in acute inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes, ……”  ”Complete unconsciousness in connection with cerebral congestion, or inflammation which has gone one to hydrocephalus, cerebro-spinal meningitis, or inflammation of the brain, with stupefaction. Even early in the disease Hell. Lacks the wildness and acute delirium found in Stram. And Bell.  ”The patient lies upon the back, eyes partly open, rolling the head, mouth open, tongue dry, eyes lustreless, staring into space.”  ”The Hell. Case will linger for weeks and sometimes months in this state of stupefaction, gradually emaciating. H...

Hyoscyamus niger

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Hyos. Is full of convulsions, contractions, trembling, quivering and jerkings of the muscles…….    All the muscles tremble and quiver, a constant state of erethism throughout the economy……Choreic motions.”  ”The mental state is really the greatest part of Hyos. Talking, passive delirium, imaginations, illusions, hallucinations; talking rousing up and talking with a delirious manifestation, and then stupor. These alternate through complaints.”  ”He is in alternate states. One minutes he raves, and another he scolds in delirium, in excitement; the next he is in stupor. Finally in a typhoid state, after he has progressed some time he passes into quite a profound stupor. Early in the case he can be roused and he answers questions correctly, and he seems to know what you have said to him, but the instant he finishes the last answer he appears to be sound asleep.”  ALLEN: “In delirium, Hyos. Occupies a place ...


- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Ipecac., has a wide sphere of action among acute illnesses……The febrile conditions commence with pain in the back between the shoulders, extending down the back, as if it would break, with or without rigors, much fever, vomiting of bile and seldom any thirst.”  ”All the complaints in Ipecac. Are attended more or less with nausea; every little pain and distress is attended with nausea….When Ipecac., does its best work there is thirstlessness.”  ”Ipecac., is sometimes as restless as Ars., but the Ipecac. Prostration come sby spells, whereas the Ars. Prostration is continuous. You will see Ipecac. Patients tossing over the bed as much as they do when they need Rhus, turning and tossing and moving the hands and feet with restlessness. This is especially the case when the spine is somewhat involved. Ipecac. Has symptoms that look like tetanus; it has opisthotonos, and it has been a useful remedy in cerebro-spinal meningitis...

Mercurius solubilis

-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “The complaints of Merc. When sufficiently acute to send him to bed are worse from the warmth of bed, so that he is forced to uncover, but after he uncovers and cools off he gets worse again, so that he has difficulty in keeping comfortable. This applies to the pain, the fever, ulcers and eruptions and the patient himself.”  ”Think of Merc., it you are called to a child with sweating of the head, dilated pupils, rolling of the head, and aggravation at night, who has had scarlet fever or a suppressed ear discharge. Merc. Cures lingering febrile conditions analogous to the typhoid state, but caused by suppressed ear discharge.”  ”Merc., is full of fever. Very seldom, however, has it a true, idiopathic, continued fever. It stands very low for continued fever. It stands very low for continued fever alone, but it is especially indicated in surgical fevers, at first remittent, but later continued, such as come on from the suppressi...

Natrium muriaticum

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  HERING: “Fever, with violent headache; much heat in face; great thirst, drinks much and often; excessive weakness, with nausea and vomiting; stitches in head; unconsciousness; blindness, blurred sight; faintishness; aversion to uncover; without chill, 10 to 11 a.m. ”  ALLEN: “Tongue; mapped, with red insular patches….”  ”Fever blisters, like pearls about the lips; lips dry, sore and cracked ulcerated.”  ”Long and severe chill from 10 to 11 a.m.  beginning in the feet, fingers and toes, or small of the back (Gels.), with blue lips and nails (Nux).”  ”Heat, with increased thirst; intolerable, hammering headache (as if beaten with a thousand hammers) with stupefaction and unconsciousness (Bell., Cact., Op.). or obscuration of sight and fainting.”  ”Long severe heat, with excessive weakness, which compels him to lie down. Great thirst for large quantities of water; drinks much and often, which refreshes (Br...

Nux vomica

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Everywhere in this remedy, we observe the striking over-sensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise; to light, to the least current of air, to his surroundings; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kinds of food disturb; strong food disturb; he is aggravated by meat; craves stimulants, pungent, bitter, succulent, things, something to brace him up. Oversensitive to medicines.”  ”……..Cannot bear reading or conversation; irritable and wishes to be alone. Everybody  displeases or does something to annoy him.”  ”Tendency to take cold; gets coryza……..Grippe with fever and bones pains; must pile on clothing; the only relief is by keeping unusually hot, yet a warm room aggravates the coryza before the fever comes on; but after the fever comes on he must have heat, aggravated even from the movement of air under the bed-clothes; lifting the covers aggravates...


-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Among the striking features of Opium is a class of complaints marked by painlessness, inactivity and torpor.”  ”The sluggishness and painlessness are most striking. The inaction is shown in the lack of reaction to the properly selected homoeopathic remedy. It here competes with Sul.”  ”insensibility in parts that are in a high grade of inflammation.”  ”Most of the complaints are attended with stupor; lies in a stupor like apoplexy, cannot be aroused.”  ”The Op., patient is full of convulsions. The patient wants to be uncovered, wants the cool air the open air. Opisthotonos; head drawn back; cerebrospinal meningitis. In a case of cerebrospinal meningitis we find convulsions approaching, opisthotonos, head drawn back, kicks the covers off, wants a cool room; skin red; face red and mottled; pupils contracted. Now if the mother puts that child into a hot bath, to relieve the convulsions, it will become unconscious an...

Phosphoricum acidum

-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Mental enfeeblement is the thought that will come into the mind when considering what the Ph-ac. Patient says, does and looks. The mind seems tired. When questioned he answers slowly or does not speak, but only looks at the questioner. He is too tired to talk or even think……… in acute diseases, he especially in typhoid fever, is averse to speaking or answering questions.”  ”In every case we find the mental symptoms are the first to develop….Ph-ac., has also great physical weakness; so tired in the back; so tired in the muscles; so tired all over; a paralytic weakness.”  ”Most of the complaints are ameliorated from keeping warm, from absolute quiet, from being alone at peace.”  ”Its use in low fevers must be studied. The complaints come on slowly, slow decline, slowly increasing prostration. Such appearances as are found in advanced typhoid. It has the prostration, tympanitic abdomen, dry, brown tongue, sordes on the te...


-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT : “The patient himself, generally considered, is sensitive to cold. All his complaints are worse from cold, and cold the complaints of the head and stomach, which are ameliorated from cold…….”  ”Weakness prevails in a marked degree, finally becoming paralysis or paralytic weakness such as occurs in most forms of typhoid fever, with sliding down in bed, trembling and jerking of the muscles.”  ”Apathy or indifference; indifferent to his friends and surroundings……Answers no questions, takes no notice of his family and things about him, answers slowly, thinks sluggishly, seems dazed or in a stupor…………Delirium of low forms of fever……”  ”The lips become black, brown and cracked as in low forms of fever…..In acute and chronic complaints there is violent thirst; thirst for ice-cold drinks. Wants something refreshing; is ameliorated momentarily by drinking cold things, but the thirst appears as soon as water gets warm in the stom...

Pulsatilla pratensis

 -SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Many of the complaints are associated with weakness of the stomach and indigestion, or with menstrual disorders……..Tearful, sad and despondent ameliorated walking in the open air, especially when it is crisp, cool, fresh and bright.. ………. Cold drinks relieve, even though the patient is not thirst.”  ”The patient is commonly relieved from slow motion in the open air, becomes frantic when trying to keep still, worse during rest, ameliorated by doing something, generally slow, moderate motion. This relief from motion and aggravation from rest, relief in the open air, and aggravation in a warm room give us a good summary of this beautiful remedy.”  ”Dryness of the mouth, but seldom thirsty. Even in many of the fevers he is thirstless, but there is at times an exception to this --- in high fevers there may be some thirst.”  ALLEN: “Symptoms ever changing; no two chills, no two stools, no two attacks alike; very well o...


-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “Violent chill intermingled with heat and sweat, or dry heat with marked aching in the limbs; restlessness relieved by motion and heat. The sore, bruised condition is as marked as in Arn. And Bapt.; the aching in the bones like Eup-per., the restlessness, relieved by motion and heat like Rhus., complaints come on from becoming cold, and from cold damp weather.”  ”These features are found in hectic fevers in the last stage of phthisis, as well as septic fevers. It aborts puerperal fever in a few hours when clearly indicated. In cases of typhoid where there is the confusion like that found in Bapt. And the heat is too intense for that remedy, Pyr., should always be considered. When the temperature reaches 106° and there is great soreness and aching this remedy will make great changes in a single day; but if the pains are better by motion and heat; it will abort the fever.”  ”When the pulse is extremely high, and the temperature...

Rhus toxicodendron

-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT: “The complaints of this remedy come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring. The patient is sensitive to cold air and all his complaints are made worse from cold and all are better from warmth. In a general way, the aching pains, the bruised feelings over the body, restlessness throughout the limbs, and amelioration from motion are features that prevail throughout all conditions of Rhus…….Any continued exertion of the body or mind exhausts the Rhus patient. He suffers from rheumatic conditions with pains in the bones, lameness in the muscles, lameness in the tendons, ligaments, and joints from suppression of sweat, from becoming chilled. These occur with or without fever.”  ”It has cured many cases of intermittent fever, is often suitable in remittent fever, and is a most useful remedy in continued fevers and in a low form of typhoid fever.”  ”Most of the mental symptoms of Rhus are such...


-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  ALLEN: “When carefully selected remedies fait to produce a favourable effect, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive powers of the systems; clears the case.”  ”Complaints that are continually relapsing: patient seems to get almost well when the disease returns again and again.”  ”Bright redness of lips as if the blood would burst through.”  ”To facilitate absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates in brain, pleura, lungs, joints, when Bry., Kali-m., or the best selected remedy fails.”  ”Frequent internal chilliness.”  ”Heat with thirst. Frequent flushes of heat in the face, with shivering sensation over the body.”  ”Burning heat of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; or cold feet, with hot, burning soles; was obliged to put them out of bed to find a cool place.”  Orgasm of the blood, and violent burning of the hands.”  ”Frequent flushes of heat, endi...

Veratrum viride

- SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  HERING: “Congestions, especially to base of brain, chest, spine and stomach.”  ”Acute rheumatism with high fever; full, hard rapid pulse; pains in joints and muscles; scanty red urine.”  ”Meningitis; high fever, intense congestion, later rolling of head or vomiting; face haggard, cold; pulse slow,; breathing labored; trembling, as if child were frightened and on verge of spasms.”  ”Tongue : white or yellow, with red streak down middle; dry or moist with white or yellow coating, or no coating at all on either side, feels scalded, inclined to be dry.”  Enteritis, with high fever, great vascular excitement; vomiting dark, bloody stools.”  ”Pneumonia, pulse hard, strong quick, engorgement of lungs, with faint feeling in stomach, nausea, vomiting, slow or intermittent pulse.”  ”Irritative fever, with cerebral congestion, causing convulsions, particularly in children.”  ”Fevers during dentition with ir...

Zincum metallicum

-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  KENT : “The zinc patient is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering, twitching of muscles, tearing pains along the course of the nerves, tingling, excited on the least provocation, oversensitive in one part and lack of feeling in another.”  ”Feeble children, feeble girls, mind feeble, memory poor……if the child comes down with scarlatina or measles, it goes into a stupor. The eruption does not come out. There is a tendency to convulsions, drawing in the extremities, suppression of urine, rolling of the head from one side to the other and from stupor it goes into complete unconsciousness; inability to throw eruptions to the surface.”  ”You will see come deep seated brain troubles that will try your patience. Some cases go slowly and gradually into unconsciousness; rolling of the head for days, eyes lustreless, body emaciated, involuntary discharges of feces and urine in the bed; tongue dry and parched, so shr...

Characteristic symptoms of infrequently used remedies - Non malarial fevers

-SUDARSHAN SR ,NON MALARIAL FEVERS  In some cases of fever it happens that there are concomitant symptoms that are characteristic of a remedy which is not known to be a fever remedy. In such cases the remedy that is so indicated will prove to be the similimum provided no other remedy is called for by the totality of symptoms. A typical instance of this is narrated by Dr. K.C.  Bhanja, whose daughter suffering from pneumonia was cured by Cantharis after all other remedies had failed. Canth. Was given because of the symptom, suppression of urine. A few such characteristic symptoms are given below:  AETHUSA CYNAPIUM : Deathly nausea. Vomits large, hard curds, then limpness and deep sleep. Intolerance of milk.  ARUM TRIPHYLLUM : Constant picking of nose until it bleeds. Picks lips until they bleed.  AILANTHUS : Advancing malignancy and stupor. Fetor and lividity. Sudden and extreme prostration with fevers. Stupefaction or stupor with eruptive fevers.  AM...


- TYLER M L, INJURIES, ACUTE CONDITIONS Concerning the remedies  The remedies are put up as medicated pellets; their most convenient form for carrying, and for keeping in good condition.  A DOSE consists of half a dozen pellets-less or more.  It may be given dry on the tongue, to be dissolved before swallowing.  Or, where quick effect is wanted in acute conditions, dissolve half a dozen pellets in half a tumbler of water, stir, and administer in doses of a dessertspoonful six hours apart; or in very urgent conditions, every hour, or half hour for a few doses, till reaction sets in, then stop, so long as improvement is maintained.  CAMPHOR ANTIDOTES MOST OF THE MEDICINES. So the camphor bottle must be kept away from the medicine chest.  POTENCIES. - The best potencies for initial experiments in Homeopathy are the 12th and the 30th.  Influenza  (see "fevers")  Aconitum napellus  Sudden fever, with chills, throbbing pulses. Res...

Concerning the remedies -Acute conditions and Injuries

- TYLER M L, acute conditions and Injuries  The remedies are put up as medicated pellets, their most convenient from for carrying, and for keeping in good condition.  A DOSE consists of half a dozen pellets-less or more.  It may be given dry on the tongue, to be dissolved before swallowing.  Or, where quick effect is wanted in acute conditions, dissolve half a dozen pellets in half a tumbler of water, stir, and administer in doses of a dessertspoonful six hours apart; or in very urgent conditions, every hour, or half hour a few doses, till reaction sets in, then stop, so long as improvement is maintained.  CAMPHOR ANTIDOTES LOST OF THE MEDICINES. So the camphor bottle must be kept away from the medicine chest.  POTENCIES.-The best potencies for initial experiments in Homeopathy are the 12th and the 30th.  N.B. -Homoepathic remedies must be obtained from a homeopathic chemist. The health, the very life of your patient may depend on the small, i...

Remedies and their uses - acute conditions and Injuries

- TYLER M L,acute conditions and Injuries  Aconitum napellus  A remedy of rapid, but short action. Helps in sudden, acute conditions. Sudden fevers, with quick, hard pulse. Pulsations and throbbing all over. Restlessness. Anxiety. Fear. Forebodings. Fear of death. Agonized tossings. Worse at night. Early stages of acute sickness, and for temporary distress during sickness. Acute effects of fright, shock, chill, emotion.  Antimonium tartaricum  Much wheezing. Can't get phlegm up, lungs filling. Dusky face, blue lips and nails. Chest troubles, especially of children and old people (with these symptoms). Hates touch and interference. Head thrown back. Nausea and drowsiness. No thirst-as a rule. The eruption of ant. Tart. is pustular.  Argentum nitricum  "Funk," as examination funk. Ailments from anticipation Worry and anticipation, as before making a speech, etc.( but without the restlessness and anxiety of Arsenicum). Flatulent dyspepsia in a patient ...