
Showing posts from December, 2010

Wish You Happy New Year

January 1st, 2011 New Year Wishes from USHA HOMEO CLINIC &  Research Center Online consultation services. As a people, we have become obsessed with Health.  There is something fundamentally, radically unhealthy about all this.  We do not seem to be seeking more exuberance in living as much as staving off failure, putting off dying.  We have lost all confidence in the human body.  ~Lewis Thomas, The Medusa and the Snail , 1979 http:/// Homeopathic Medical stone to purchage medciine online Hi {FIRST_NAME}, When the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and wish each other a very Happy New Year. For some, this event is no more than a change of a calendar. For others, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow. So, if you look forward to a good year ahead, spread happiness with these wonderful New Year wishes. Consult Dr.Devendra Kumar MD(Homeo) online for al...

Diseases are cause of Reaction between Yeast and Human Immune system:-HYPOTHESIS

- Dr.Devendra Kumar MD(Homeo), A research should be point towards reaction of immune system to yeast.  Yeast buds  Most diseases spring after taking fermented food, yeast is the cause of fermentation, organic acids are good host for the growth of the yeast. when person takes fermented food containing yeast, immediately reaction starts in the body. Body immune system try to through out the yeast from the body, in this scenario production of more oesonophils, neutorphils, mucus cells, lymphocytes,monocytes(Histamine) will be used for the elimination of yeast. As soon as taking yeast contained food, reaction in the form of Rhinitis, sneezing will be started. Yeast will be pushed out through mucus secretion from nose. If this channel is blocked by means of mental inhalation, or by using citrizine like antihistamines, the channel of elimination will be changed, If the body eliminates yeast from nose the person experience Rhinitis, severe cold and catarrh, If the channe...


- Pulford INTRODUCTION Sluggish, torpid, turgid, cold especially knees even when well wrapped up in warm bed, with desire to be fanned. ESSENTIAL Distended, puffed, veins lazy and relaxed, desires to elevate feet and let blood out. Signs of decay and putrefaction. Desire to lie down and sleep. General coldness especially of nose, but more especially of knees, heart and circulation weak. Anxiety; anxious at night, fears, ghosts. Indifferent. Mind confused, unable to think, not affected by anything. Indolent, weak, tired, as if one would faint or collapse from exertion. Face purple or pale, flushes to roots of hair after a little wine, but soon grows purple again. Desire coffee, sweets and salt. Averse to digestible things; milk causes flatulence. All stools are putrid, the more thin dark bloody mucus the more Carb-v. Sleep full of awful anxiety. Cold with all complaints except coryza. Suffers from both heat and cold, like Merc. Burning: with all troubles; internally, cold to touc...

Carbo Vegetabulis: cntd...

- Pulford Head Cold, from being heated; sensitive to cold air while walking in cold air; constriction from pressure of hat when heated, amelioration uncovering; pain in occiput lying on either side, amelioration fanning; pain in occiput during and after menses, constricting eyes; pain in vertex on touching hair; pressing pain in occiput after supper, to eyes, and in suboccipital region, and in vertex on touching hair; tearing rending, and in occiput, amelioration warm room; pulsating during inspiration. (L): Constriction as if in armor; pain on lying from suppressed sweat; occiput aggravation pressure of hat. Ache: from suppressed catarrh; mostly occipital; can neither move, turn over, lie on side nor be jarred from a sense as if head would burst, as of something grasping occiput; occipital, as if it was drawn back to pillow or as if it could not be lifted from pillow, like Opi.; painful throbbing during inspirations, as when compelled to take a deep one it comes out with a sharp m...

Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials – A new study in India found

- Schwabe Homoeopathy faces controversies because of its high dilutions beyond Avogadro’s number such as 30c and 200c (1060 and 10400 respectively). This study has demonstrated the presence of nanoparticles of the starting materials and their aggregates even at extremely high dilutions, using market samples of metal-derived medicines from two reputable manufacturers in India. Researchers have demonstrated for the first time by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction and chemical analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), the presence of physical entities in these extreme dilutions. The confirmed presence of nanoparticles challenges current thinking about the role of dilutions in homoeopathic medicines. They have found that the concentrations reach a plateau at the 6c potency and beyond. Further they have shown that despite large differences in the degree of dilution from 6c to 200c, there were no major differences in the nature...

Syzygium Jambolanum 1X and Mother tincture

Syzygium jambolanum mother tincture Indications:  Increased amount of sugar in the blood and urine. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus such as increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, weakness or fatigue, and diabetic ulcer.  Buy   Syzygium jambolanum 200K GR UNDA BRAND PELLETS Brand: UNDA Syzygium jambolanum Many mother tinctures are used for many lifestyle ailments. One among them is Syzygium jambolanum mother tincture. This mother tincture is widely used to regulate blood sugar levels and physicians advise to take few drops with some water. Sugar patients have to take the dosage regularly, failing which may shoot up blood sugar level. But being in liquid form, carrying mother tincture is not always feasible. So Schwabe India has brought this mother tincture in tablet form using the advanced technology. Now it is easy for a diabetic patient to carry these tablets, and just chew as directed by the physician. Buy SBL Dibonil Drops for Diabetic Car...


Many successfully used mother tinctures are not so popular among homoeopaths. To bridge the gap, we are providing information on such mother tinctures in this section. In this issue we cover the mother tincture Cardiospermum, which is botanically known as Cardiospermum helicacabum Linn. This plant is common in eastern region of India and is used in Indian System of Medicine for its diuretic and laxative action . Externally, it is used for tumours of different types and rheumatic pains1. It belongs to the family of Sapindaceae and is commonly known as ballon-wine. A deciduous perennial climber growing to 3 m (10ft.) with compound leaves, it has small white flowers and black seeds. It is found in tropical regions around the world. Root, leaves, seeds are used. Most of the Cardiospermum species contain cyanogenic glycosides, saponins, bitters and essential oils. In Indian herbal medicine its root is used for delayed menstruation, to relieve backache and arthritis. The leaves stimulate l...

Rosa canina

Materia medica | Proving : Rosa canina It is prepared from the wild rose, a deciduous shrub 1.8-3.6 m high, with erect or straggling, glabrous branches armed with stout, short, hooked spins. Rosa canina is one of the principal sources of rose hips, which are rich in ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). The earliest report on this drug is found in J. H. Clarke’s materia medica. According to him Burnett had made a proving on himself which evoked increased flow of urine and little heat in the urethra. Clarke has also indicated this drug for bladder affections and dysuria. A recent proving by Karine Haukaa was published in the journal Homoeopathic Links, 4/2006, which has provided few more details on the characteristics of the drug. The proving was conducted at Norway during the winter of 2002/2003. This drug is available in mother tincture, 6, 30, 200 and 1M potencies from SchwabeIndia. Mind Lot of irritability, a result of small things, mainly petty details, along with a feeling of not want...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Paralytically weak, anxious, timid, ambitionless, full of nervous fancies especially in p.m. twilight, restless especially at night in bed, legs constantly moving; child afraid to go to bed alone in the dark, like Carb-v.  Caustic potash ESSENTIAL Peevish. Memory weak. Hopeless. Women are especially tearful and melancholic. Thirst. Smoked meats agree. Burning, rawness, soreness. Anaemia. Neither the desire nor the ability to make any effort. Sallow, yellow, sickly. Limbs weak, tremble. Tendency to loss of muscular power, and to muscular contractions. Can endure neither heat nor cold. Worse: open air; clear fine weather; exposure to cold dry winds, like Acon. and Hep., and bathing in cold water. COMMENT.  Mind Anxiety while straining at stool; dullness, forgetfulness and imbecility before epilepsy; exaltation of fancies in p.m. twilight; mispronounces words; forgetful of thoughts p.m.; weeps after spasms. (L): Restless p.m.; child weeps at leas...

CAUSTICUM:Eructations frequent, tasteless, or taste of food as if undigested.

- Pulford Stomach Fresh meat disorders; eructations: of food 5 hours after eating, and after sugar; waterbrash from fresh meat; fullness after bread; nausea from mucus in throat; pain on deep breathing; as of lime slacking in. (L): Desires smoked things; disordered and pressing pain after bread. Nausea from fresh meat. As if spoiled. Eructations frequent, tasteless, or taste of food as if undigested. Pressure in scrobiculus cordis. Appetite lost at thought or smell of food. Thirst for cold drinks with aversion to water, like Lach. Averse to sweets. Aggravation coffee, amelioration cold water. Abdomen Pain in left side on coughing, to back and chest; tension in hypochondria while lying on back. (L): Stitching pain in sides. Colic: Col. failing, pains cut, grips, amelioration bending double, especially before menses, tearing pain in back and limbs; a.m. Stitches in hepatic region. Rectum Constipation, stools pass better standing; diarrhoea from cold air on abdomen; piles aggra...

CAUSTICUM:Cramplike pain in lumbar region on sitting; sore bruised beaten pain in lumbar region.

- Pulford Back Cramplike pain in lumbar region on sitting; sore bruised beaten pain in lumbar region during parturition; stitching pain in lumbar region on appearance of menses. (L): Drawing pain in coccyx. Pain over hips on coughing. Tearing pain during colic. Pain and stiff in right side of neck, constant tension. Limbs Shoulder cold during epilepsy; tendons of upper arm constricted; tendo-Achilles cramp night in bed; lower marbled; as if fingers were enlarged on touching something; fulness of hand on taking hold of anything; thumb painfully numb; injured parts pain; drawing pain in legs amelioration heat of bed, Lyc. aggravation; sore bruised pain in thigh a.m. in bed, or, in one not lain on at night; paralysis gradually appears from bathing in a river in summer, or of upper right and tongue after diphtheria; upper stiff, while writing; hands as if swollen on grasping something; legs tremble on ascending a ladder; horny wart on finger tip; hands weak in warm room. (L): Chore...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Extreme debility, especially from loss of animal fluids, with nervous erethism, with gradually increasing anaemia and great pallor. ESSENTIALS Ears ring, roar. Eructations afford no amelioration Face pale. Taste bitter. Loathes food; indifferent to eating and drinking; cannot eat fruit or sour things; if one craves anything it is something pungent, as spices, stimulants and coffee beans. Irritability, aggravation at night, and even on being looked at, like Ant-c. Copious flatus. Sweat on least exertion. Skin sensitive. Children continually ask for dainties. The pains tear, twinge, cut, or a jerklike tearing or sticking. Aggravation, and extremely sensitive to, slight touch, dreads the slightest approach lest he be touched (Arn., in gout); draught of cold air, and motion. Amelioration: Hard pressure, like Bry. and Col.  Ear , ring roar.  Mind Delirium, after loss of fluids; delusion that one is hindered at work; mirth, at night till 2 a.m.; object...

Cina cntd....

-Pulford Stomach Appetite changeable and at unusual times, desire many things. Vomit: mucus; tongue clean like Ip., but with canine hunger. Drinks roll audibly into stomach, like Cup., Hydr-ac. and Lauro., during whooping cough. Child always spitting up sour milk, sour belchings. Loaded, yet hunger not amelioration eating, like Iod. (the worms seem to get all the good from the food eaten), vomiting neither amelioration nor takes away the desire for more food; child, when full up to the chin, still craves the bottle, like Calc-p. which wants to nurse all the time. Shudders when drinking wine as if it was vinegar. Gnawing sense as from hunger. Appetite changeable and at unusual times, Abdomen Crest of ilium twitches. Distended, hard, sore, hot, very sore about navel where there is a great deal of colic, sometimes amelioration pressure, like Col. and Pod. Child sleeps on abdomen, wakes if turned over; Pod. has stools only amelioration lying on abdomen. Rectum Diarrhoea, inter...


- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Spasms, convulsive tendency, or cramps, usually begin in fingers and toes by twitching, may be preceded by blindness, thumbs clenched across palms, fingers drawn tightly and violently over thumbs and difficult to open, face and lips blue, muscles often drawn into knots and may remain so. ESSENTIAL The grand central characteristic is - SPASMS. Restless tossing about; constantly uneasy and changing about. Eyes sunken, blue rings around. Face depicts fear and anguish. Taste slimy, metallic. Great thirst for cold drinks which amelioration. cold viscid sweat. Cold, bluish skin. suddenness; violence manifested everywhere; all actions spasmodic or convulsive; convulsive sphincters; convulsive cramps all over body, twitch, jerk, tremble; irregular activities. COMMENT.  The grand central characteristic is - SPASMS.  Mind Anxiety before attack of whooping cough; malignant insanity; stupefaction from suppressed exanthemata. Delirium: loquacious, apathy fol...

Cuprum metallicum: Cramping deathly feeling below sternum; retching before epilepsy

- Pulford Teeth Grinds in brain affections, but if from worms: Cina. Throat Spasms: prevent speech; of oesophagus, like Zinc., paroxysmal, cough, intense pain behind sternum on attempting to swallow. Swallow with a gurgle that goes down through intestines. Stomach Cramping deathly feeling below sternum; retching before epilepsy; vomit from receding eruption. (L): Deathlike sense; disposed to cramping pain; deathly sense below sternum. Spasms. Cramps: violent cutting in abdomen and, through to back, as if transfixed, prevents least motion; violent colic and constipated. Desire warm food and drink, like Lyc.; eat and drink greedily, Hep. hastily. Vomit: obstinately, always on waking a.m. on least motion; purges and, with cold dry blue skin; hiccough, spasms and, amelioration drinking cold water. Excessive fierce pain at intervals. Cardialgia, violent spasmodic vomiting and pressure. Abdomen Drawing pain in left hypochondrium, to hip. (L): Drawing pain in left hypochondrium;...

Cuprum metallicum: Pain, to stomach, reverse of Bell. Spinal irritation, violent paroxysms of pain.

- Pulford Back Pain, to stomach, reverse of Bell. Spinal irritation, violent paroxysms of pain, spine extremely sensitive its whole length. Limbs Thumbs clenched in epilepsy after a fall on head; cold fingers and headache alternate; feet icy cold, soles burn; convulsions of, during cough; foot and calf cramp on attempting coition; fingers jerk during chorea, to arms; irregular motion of fingers. (L): Fingers clench; hand cramps; thumbs drawn in; herpes on elbow; fingers twitch. Cramp: violent spasms or, in all limbs, and especially in legs and feet, screams; muscles of calves and thighs draw into knots; Pod. same in intestines. Convulsion: usually begins in fingers and toes; tonic spasms of thumbs. Paralysis: flexors, Plb. extensors; of lower, suffocative attacks, heat internally, cold externally like Ars. and reverse of Carb-v., anxiety, anguish, from fright. Lets things fall from hands, like Agar. and Apis. Lymphatic vessels inflame, hand to shoulder, violent swelling of hand...

Digitalis cntd....

- Pulford Nose Terrible pain at root after vomiting. Pain in head on drinking cold water, settles in forehead and runs down nose. Face Pale; appears deathlike, or bluish red. Mouth Putrid taste after coition. Ptyalism sweetish, fetid. Copious saliva. tongue clean, appetite lost. Stomach Disordered after coition; sensitive to, and sinking from, bad news. Drinks much, eats little, like Sulph., lips dry, tongue clean. Vomit: food, green bile or mucus; when expectorating. Nausea: at mere sight or smell of food, not amelioration vomiting; distressing; sometimes amelioration eating; vomiting and, during pregnancy as if one would die; continuous, anguish, desponding, or fainting, or sinking at pit, vomits. Weak: deathly, sinking down, as if life would become extinct, aggravation after breakfast. Feels best when stomach is empty, reverse of Chel. and Hep. Every shock strikes at stomach, like Kali-c. Stomach Disordered after coition; Abdomen Cutting. Fulness. Incarcerated her...

Ferrum metallicum:Chlorosis, aggravation. Winter; weak, amelioration walking slowly.

- Pulford Cough (L): Aggravation motion; spasmodic cough, after eating; cough when walking. Cough aggravation after drinking anything warm. Expectoration Copious, while moving; bloody, during lactation. Chest Constriction, aggravation bed covering, amelioration lying with head high; cramp, on walking; haemorrhage, amelioration walking slowly; bursting pin in sternum, after cough. Congestion, aggravation midnight, must sit up and uncover chest in order to breathe and cool off. Use cautiously in advanced phthisis, on account of its power to produce haemorrhage. Oppression of chest is very marked, and it should be compared with Phos. In haemorrhagic phthisis the acetate, iodide or phosphate is preferable to the metal in such cases unless the similarity is close. Chest Constriction,amelioration lying with head high; Back Pulsating in cervical region, aggravation motion. Pain in lumbar region, amelioration walking slowly. Limbs Irresistible desire to bend arm; cold feet...

GELSEMIUM :Mentally dull and sluggish with desire to be left alone and quiet.

- Pulford IDENTIFICATION Mentally dull and sluggish with desire to be left alone and quiet, muscles relaxed and weak, thirstless, limbs heavy. Gelsemium sempervirens ESSENTIAL Drowsy. Dizzy. Tremor. Dreads motion, like Bry., but from weakness, Bry from pain. Dread of failure. Urine copious, watery, which amelioration. Stools yellow. Eyelids heavy; droop; balls ache and are sore to touch and motion, like Bry. Face suffused, flushed, hot to touch. Irritable, sensitive, excitable. Aversion to being alone, like Ars. Easy anger, which aggravation. Pulse full, round, soft and flowing. Fear of falling. Amelioration stimulants, and sweat whether slight or partial. COMMENT.  Mind Dull, amelioration copious flow of urine; exhilaration, can recall things long forgotten; fears the heart will cease to beat, unless constantly on the move, the reverse of Dig. (L): Excitement, on hearing bad news; fear of a crowd, in public places. Stage fright, or "funk," as after an examin...