
Showing posts from December, 2012

Weaning,Wet nurse ,Substitute feeding

- Benson.A.R, Weaning  The time for weaning depends, of course, upon the quality of the mother's milk and the season of the year, but the same general principles apply to all periods. The infants stomach must be accustomed to an entirely different form of nourishment from that which nature intended it to have. Cow's milk is different from mother's milk and the stomach must be gradually trained to digest it. Where we find that the mother's milk is becoming poor in quality and the child is losing weight, regardless of age, it is wise to begin at once to accustom the stomach to this new form of nourishment.  Method of Weaning : To do this, substitute for a morning and afternoon nursing a bottle containing the lowest strength of formula. This is continued for a few days when the next strongest formula is substituted. By the time the baby is learning to take the bottle well and the stomach is becoming accustomed to the new food, a third bottle feeding can be substitute...

Modified milk for Children

 - Benson.A.R, Modified milk  In order to so change cow's milk that it will correspond with mother's milk, we must add 2.25 per cent, sugar and we must take away 2 per cent. of proteid. When we have done this we have so "modified" the cow's milk that it corresponds in percentage to the mother's milk. We may accomplish this by various methods, but whatever the method, the process is termed modification. The process of modification which is generally used in the household depends upon the use of a certain number of ounces of milk taken from the upper part of a quart bottle. The upper part of the bottle contains more cream or fat than the lower layers, while the percentage of proteid matter is practically the same throughout the bottle. Thus suppose we take a certain number of ounces of the richer milk from the top of the bottle, and find that it contains 8 per cent. of fat or cream instead of 4 per cent. which fresh milk contains. The proteids would remai...

Formulas from the end of the fifth month to the ninth month

Baby  11 - ounce top milk instead of 16 - ounce top milk is used as a basis for these formulas. FAT FREE MILK is milk which contains no cream. The bottom 8 ounces of a quart, which is allowed to stand for four hours or more, is FAT FREE MILK.  Feedings Frequency of Amount of Total Ounces Percentage  Constituents       in 24 hours Feedings Feedings of Mixture Composition Formula no. 9  Top Milk, 16 oz.  Every 3 hours     Proteids,      2. %  Fat Free Milk, 7oz 5 during day        6 oz.  40 oz.  Fats,            4. %  Barley Water, 17 oz  None at night     Sugar,          7. %  Milk Sugar,  3 level  Tablespoonfuls Formula no. 10  Top Milk, 16 oz.  Every 3 hours     Proteids,     2.5%  Fat Free Milk, 12 oz 5 during day        6 o...

Milk diluents in case of Children

Milk diluents Water is ordinarily used to dilute the milk in preparing the formulas. It is, however, sometimes desirable to use other diluents in place of all or part of the water in the formula. The principal ones are barley water or oatmeal water. Robinson's Prepared Barley, Quaker Oats, or the barley and oatmeal flour prepared by the Cereo Company, of Tappan, New York, may be used. They are prepared as follows :  One tablespoonful of barley or oatmeal is added to a quart of water. This is allowed to cook slowly until only a pint remains. It is then strained and sufficient water added to it to make a quart. This is once more brought to the boiling point and allowed to cool quickly, when it is ready for use. Rice water may be prepared in the same way.  It is sometimes desirable to dextrinize these gruels. This is accomplished by adding a teaspoonful of diastase (cereo). This causes the gruel to become thin and partially digested. It is useful in cases where the plain g...