The chronic patient and change of climate
- BENERJEE.P, The chronic patient and change of climate Physicians of the allopathic and other schools are often in the habit of advising change of climate for their patients. It is not that Homœopaths do not advise change of climate, but that the object with which the Homœopaths advise change is different. Let us enter deeper into this question and see if change of climate is really necessary for chronic patients, and in what circumstances it is necessary. The cause of chronic diseases is Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis-either any one or two or all the three of them. Now, these miasms have by nature an inherent tendency of continuing in the system in some form or other, that is to say, it is not their tendency to leave the system of their own accord. Then again, these miasms are not material substances, but on the contrary they are extremely subtle. In fact they are as subtle as the mind, or in other words, they are only certain conditions of the mind-of the life-...