
Showing posts from March, 2013

The chronic patient and change of climate

- BENERJEE.P, The chronic patient and change of climate  Physicians of the allopathic and other schools are often in the habit of advising change of climate for their patients. It is not that Homœopaths do not advise change of climate, but that the object with which the Homœopaths advise change is different. Let us enter deeper into this question and see if change of climate is really necessary for chronic patients, and in what circumstances it is necessary.  The cause of chronic diseases is Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis-either any one or two or all the three of them. Now, these miasms have by nature an inherent tendency of continuing in the system in some form or other, that is to say, it is not their tendency to leave the system of their own accord. Then again, these miasms are not material substances, but on the contrary they are extremely subtle. In fact they are as subtle as the mind, or in other words, they are only certain conditions of the mind-of the life-...

Psora, sycosis, syphilis - how to recognise them

- BENERJEE.P Psora, sycosis, syphilis Treatment of chronic diseases is never possible without a thorough knowledge of the chronic miasms-Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. But how to acquire this knowledge? There is certainly some method, and let me try to explain it to you. First of all, let us see, how we frame our conceptions of the so called acute diseases. For example, let us see how we frame our conception of "Cholera". We see a large number of cholera cases and then gradually catch hold of the general symptoms of all those cases. We find that all the cholera cases we have seen, have evacuations, vomiting, coldness and collapse etc. Then as soon as the name "Cholera" is pronounced, we are at once put in mind of a state having the above general symptoms. And these general symptoms form the basis of our knowledge of "Cholera". When we have a knowledge of the general symptoms of a disease manifestation, it becomes easy for us to treat any particular c...

The role of trace elements in juvenile diabetes mellitus.

Source: -  Tuvemo T ,   Gebre-Medhin M . Abstract  juvenile diabetes mellitus There is accumulating evidence that the metabolism of several trace elements is altered in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and that these nutrients might have specific roles in the pathogenesis and progress of this disease. Magnesium deficiency is the most evident disturbance of metal metabolism in diabetes mellitus. Hypomagnesemia might increase the risk of ischemic heart disease and severe retinopathy. Increased urinary loss of zinc is a commonly encountered feature of diabetes. High-dose oral zinc might enhance wound healing, although data regarding diabetes are lacking. Chromium increases tissue sensitivity to insulin and tends to raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and the HDL:low-density lipoprotein ratio. Selenium is involved in processes which protect the cell against oxidative damage by peroxides produced fro...

The Chronic Miasm Psora

- BENERJEE.P, The Chronic Miasm Psora  It has been stated before, that in order to succeed in the treatment of chronic cases, it is not enough if the remedy selected is similar in symptoms only. Besides the similarity in symptoms, there must be a similarity of miasms also. That is to say, the remedy selected must also be miasmatic. If in a given case you prescribe Rhus Tox on the superficial symptom of backache worse on beginning to move but better from continued motion, there may be some relief for one or two times, but there can be no permanent cure unless the medicine happens to be in keeping with the miasm of the patient. You have, therefore, studiously to ascertain the miasmatic basis of the case and to see to it that the remedy selected corresponds to it. But how are we to know definitely what miasm is there in a case, in order that we may be able to make a miasmatic prescription?-The only means of knowing this, is the symptoms and their character. The miasms...

The Chronic Miasm Sycosis

- BENERJEE.P, Sycosis Of all the miasms Psora is the most widespread, but Sycosis is the most insidious and dangerous. Psora is the most widespread, because, it is the original miasm, and as such, everybody has it, and without it, there could have been no other miasms and no diseases at all. It therefore follows, if there is Sycosis there must be Psora. We have already discussed the characteristic indications of the existence of Psora, and let us now study those of the existence of Sycosis.  First of all, we must take up the manifestations in the mind. Here it expresses itself in various forms, and the first and foremost of them is a peculiar tendency for making a secret of everything. Sycosis is ever anxious lest his secrets are out, lest he is found out, as it were. Again, just as he is himself anxious to keep his mind from others, he thinks that others are also of the same mentality and are trying to keep things from him. Thus, he is necessarily suspicious. He susp...

Selenium in Physiology

- Source : Selenium Definition:  Selenium is an essential trace element. It is an integral part of enzymes. Selenium supports the body's immune system by protecting against the effects of free radicals. Function:  Selenium has a variety of functions. The main one is its role as an antioxidant in the enzyme selenium-glutathione-peroxidase. Selenium also seems to stimulate anti-body formation in response to vaccines. It also may provide protection from the toxic effects of heavy metals and other substances. It may assist in the synthesis of protein, in growth and development, and in fertility, especially in men. Selenium has been shown to improve the production of sperm and sperm motility. Deficiency:  Keshan disease has been documented as being caused by a deficiency of selenium. It causes an abnormality of the heart muscle, and it claimed the lives of many children in China until the relationship to se...

Calcium in metabolism

Source- Calcium 1. Lin YC, Lyle RM, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Weaver CM, Teegarden D. Dairy Calcium is Related to Changes in Body Composition During a Two-year Exercise Intervention in Young Women. J Am Coll Nutr. 2000 Nov-Dec;19(6):754-60. Objective: Relationships between micronutrients and dairy product intake and changes in body weight and composition over two years were investigated. DESIGN: Two year prospective non-concurrent analysis of the effect of calcium intake on changes in body composition during a two year exercise intervention. SUBJECTS: 54 normal weight young women, 18 to 31 years of age. Measures of Outcome: Mean intakes of nutrients of interest were determined from three-day diet records completed at baseline and every six months for two years. The change in total body weight and body composition (assessed by dual x-ray absorptiometry) from baseline to two years was also determined. RESULTS: Total calcium/ki...

Manganese in Physiology

Manganese Physiological Functions:  Manganese is a cofactor for enzymes involved in hydrolysis, phosphorylation, decarboxylation, and transamination. It also promotes activities of transferases such as glycosyltransferase, and of glutamine synthetase and superoxide dismutase. Manganese helps in the production of enzymes used for metabolism of proteins and fat. It supports the immune system, blood sugar balance and is involved in the production of cellular energy, reproduction and bone growth. Deficiency:  Manganese deficiency in humans has not been documented, but has been induced experimentally in animals. Poor growth and abnormal reproduction have been observed in rats and mice. Toxicity:  No reported cases of manganese toxicity resulting from dietary intake have been reported. Manganese toxicity has been observed from inhalation manganese-containing dust by workers in mines and steel mills manifested by adverse effects on the central nervous system. The ...

Scrophularia nodosa - Mother Tincture

- schwabe,  Scrophularia nodosa Mother Tincture info Scrophularia nodosa Commonly known as ‘Knotted figwort’, it is a smooth deciduous herb up to 1.2 m in height, often foul smelling. It has whitish root beset with fleshy knots. Stem is four blunt angled. Leaves are opposite or upper alternate, often bellucil-punctated. Flowers in terminal cyme, small, greenish purple to yellow; calyx deeply 5-lobed or oblong; posterior two, mostly longer, perfect; stamens 4, didynamous, inserted on the tube, included or exerted posteriorly, staminode at the apex of the tube scale-like or absent; anther-locule confluent transversely into one; style slender, stigma minute or rarely capitate. Fruit a capsule, septicidally dehiscent, valves entire or 2-lobed. Seeds rugose. A homoeopathic tincture made from whole plant 1 . The chief authority for Scrophularia is Cooper. Gerard mentions "hard kernels" and painful, swollen haemorrhoids as indicative of the drug. It was proved by Franz and lat...