
Showing posts from April, 2013

Aphorisms: of Hippocrates,comments by Dr Von Boenninghausen

- Selected aphorisms of hippocrates with comments by dr von boenninghausen from the homoeopathic recorder, vol. lviii, no, 10, 11, 12. (april, may, june) 1943  Translated by s.w. s. Homeopathic Aphorisms Introduction to this reprint by Julian Winston: One of the grand books written by Boenninghausen was called The Aphorisms of Hippocrates with the Glosses of a Homoeopathist. In it, Boenninghausen takes the classic by Hippocrates, written about 400 BC, and comments on each aphorism.  The Boenninghausen book was to have been translated into English and printed in the USA, but the printing business and negotiations were put on hold during the American Civil War, and by the time the war was over, the author had died. The book remained only in German.  In 1943, the Homoeopathic Recorder printed a number of the aphorisms over three issues, translated by an unknown person identified only as "SWS." Enjoy. JW Introduction  Baron von Boenninghausen, LLD, MD (1785 ...

Selected aphorisms of hippocrates with comments by dr von boenninghausen from the homoeopathic recorder, vol. lviii, no, 10, 11, 12. (april, may, june) 1943 Translated by s.w. s. - Book IV

-   Translated by s.w. s APHORISM  APHORISM 16: Veratrum album is dangerous to the healthy, for it produces convulsions.  COMMENT: Making the stomach contents liquid by any kind of drink increases the vomiting action of Veratrum album. Homoeopathists realize this is one of its characteristic peculiarities, and that is the opposite of Cuprum, which in many ways can be considered its sister remedy. These two offer us a long list of symptoms which run parallel, acting on the same body parts, almost in the same manner, and in many serious diseases almost vie with each other. Under such conditions it would often be very difficult to choose the right one of these two grand medicaments if it were not for one characteristic symptom which removes all doubt: the drinking of a cold fluid, like cold water. If cold drinks aggravate the affliction of the stomach and abdomen-vomiting and diarrhea (and all other crampy and painful troubles)-then they belong to Veratrum; but...

Selected aphorisms of hippocrates with comments by dr von boenninghausen from the homoeopathic recorder, vol. lviii, no, 10, 11, 12. (april, may, june) 1943 Translated by s.w. s. - Book V

- Translated by s.w. s. APHORISM 4: Convulsions or hiccup supervening during excessive purging are a bad sign.  COMMENT: Excessive purging is similar in its effect on the organism to severe bleeding, perspiration, or loss of body fluids generally. But if strong purging was caused by large doses of Veratrum, which in the days of Hippocrates was the purgative, then the results were bad.  In this connection we must mention that also in homoeopathic circles the abuse of China in cases of loss of body fluids has crept in. This proves Hahnemann's admonition correct as stated in his introductory remarks to this remedy in his Materia Medica Pura: "Aside from Opium I know no remedy which is more abused than China." Even though this remedy has the top ranking in so many ailments resulting from loss of body fluids, and can hardly be neglected as an intercurrent remedy, yet it would denote a total lack of understanding of our therapy, if we should consider it the remedy gener...

Selected aphorisms of hippocrates with comments by dr von boenninghausen from the homoeopathic recorder, vol. lviii, no, 10, 11, 12. (april, may, june) 1943 . -Book VI

- Translated by s.w. s APHORISM 1: In cases of chronic lientery it is a favorable symptom when sour eructation occurs, which possibly can also be produced artificially.  COMMENT: Remembering that almost all remedies which are valuable in lientery also have sour eructation, which Hippocrates considers desirable, even when produced artificially, it shows how closely his experience brought him to the knowledge of homeopathy. Though this does not rime with his explanation from the theory of his time, it does not discount experience and observation. Had he known our Asarum, Bryonia, China, Ferrum, Phosphorus, and Sulphuric acid, he would have used them, and the results would have confirmed his supposition and theory, and proved muriatic acid useless, which is recommended by some physicians, because in Muriatic acid we find neither lientery nor sour eructations.  APHORISM 3: Loathing of food during prolonged dysentery is a bad sign, especially if fever is present. ...