Aphorisms: of Hippocrates,comments by Dr Von Boenninghausen

- Selected aphorisms of hippocrates with comments by dr von boenninghausen from the homoeopathic recorder, vol. lviii, no, 10, 11, 12. (april, may, june) 1943 Translated by s.w. s. Homeopathic Aphorisms Introduction to this reprint by Julian Winston: One of the grand books written by Boenninghausen was called The Aphorisms of Hippocrates with the Glosses of a Homoeopathist. In it, Boenninghausen takes the classic by Hippocrates, written about 400 BC, and comments on each aphorism. The Boenninghausen book was to have been translated into English and printed in the USA, but the printing business and negotiations were put on hold during the American Civil War, and by the time the war was over, the author had died. The book remained only in German. In 1943, the Homoeopathic Recorder printed a number of the aphorisms over three issues, translated by an unknown person identified only as "SWS." Enjoy. JW Introduction Baron von Boenninghausen, LLD, MD (1785 ...