Interview with val ohanian

- Interview with val ohanian (Greg Bedayn) AH: Tell us about your beginnings. Ohanian: I was born in Los Angeles, back when it was a lot quieter. Kids could safely play in the streets, and I walked to elementary school. It was about a mile-I loved having that time to myself, to think and dream. Besides walking, I spent time riding my bicycle and reading. I was interested in what made people tick, their relationships, I spent a fair amount of time, even as a child, helping people find ways through their problems. AH: What was your family life like? Ohanian: My father was a clinical psychologist, my mother was a stay-at-home mom -it was the 1950's. I have a younger brother, who has turned out to be a widely respected economist. Family life was stable. The focus was working, getting ahead in life. I remember being impatient to grow up-I couldn't wait to get out and explore life. AH: Did you have an early interest in medicine? Ohanian: Yes, I had deci...