A bank manager of 47 suffering with multiple abscess over perineum Fistula -Lycopodium, Silicea.

-Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) A bank manager of 47 suffering with multiple abscess over perineum. Formed fistulae tracts at some areas on perineum. He is an anxious person desires warm food. Used Homeopathy for same complaint but without effect. With a dose of Lycopodium his complaints are relieved much. The earlier Homeopath might have tried many remedies. If you are trying too many remedies but not getting result, then try a dose of Lycopodium, instead of sulphur certainly you will get result. This is much more evident in case of typhoid fever also. Similar remedy is CARNINOCIN if you are frequently fail in a particular case after many remedies then try a dose of Carcinocinum 200c. Do you know disorder in health is due to accumulation or deficiency of specific elements in body. If you know the method to trace the element that is in excess or deficient, the problem can be rectified by applying the same element in Potentized form that is in ultra low dilutio...