
Showing posts from April, 2014

Urination and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

-  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,    All of the eliminations of the patient must be analyzed carefully by the Homeopath, both physical and mental.  When a patient needs to get something out, they will use one of their emunctories, according to their personal reactive mode.  The psoric starts with skin and digestive, the tuberculinic with lymphatic and respiratory, the sycotic with genital and urinary, and the luetic with nervous and vascular.  The kidney is the deepest organ and  the ureters go across the whole posterior abdomen.  The bladder, urethra, and genital exterior organs are abundantly innervated.  Aspect General aspect of the sediment  --  cloudy :  • BERBERIS, KALIUM IODATUM, PHOSPHORIC ACID, THUJA  --  frothy :  • ALLIUM CEPA, CHELIDONIUM, LYCOPODIUM, PAREIRA BRAVA, SELENIUM, SENEGA, SPONGIA  --  gelatinous :  • BERBERIS, CHIMAPHILA, COLOCYNTHIS, PAREIR...

Urticaria and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

-  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Extremely unpleasant and sometimes dangerous, as in anaphylactic shock  (See :edema), urticaria always needs a background treatment.  Urticaria can be caused by : allergic reactions (See : allergy, asthma, erythema, itching) to certain foods or drugs (See : food poisoning, since), infections  (See :abscess, infections), or emotional stress (See : fears, tetany).  "Nervous urticaria" will need nervous system drainage (See : nervousness).  A homepathic analysis of the case will help to determine the deep mechanisms and heal the patient.  Drainage is essential.  The acute remedies can be used also in chronic cases.  Acute agg. by heat  --  red rose edema; stinging burning pains; agg. by rest :  • 3 granules, as needed : APIS 4C  --  agg. by emotions, menses; diarrhea before and during menses :  • 3 granules, as needed : BOVISTA 4C  ag...

Vaccination:Homeopathy can put order into an individual's disease pattern

-  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Vaccinations are one of the greatest developments for Mankind that have helped to relieve humanity of the terrible plagues such as variola, poliomyelitis and  tetanus.  The protection of the population against epidemics is another victory.  There may be great hope in the future for a vaccination against the most recent viral epidemic known as A.I. D.S. .  Many side effects can appear from the booster, which indicates the personal reactive mode of the individual.  The immune system has a hereditary program which must be very carefully studied during the first years of life, through the diseases of the infant which will determine their reactive mode.  The patient who has an immune dysfunction from a vaccination presents with the same immune response and recurrent diseases.  Only homeopathy can put order into an individual's disease pattern.  Sycotic and tuberculinic develop th...

Veins effections and Homeopathic remedy Indications

-  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Luesa dominates the venous arterial wall pathology.  The tuberculinic has a significant slowing down of the lymphatic system with portal congestion, as does the psoric.  The sycotic develops secondary venous disorders as a result of water retention and pelvic inflammations, during menses and pregnancy, in the prostate, etc.  Homeopathic remedies control the functional disorders and will help more than any other type of therapy, thanks to organotherapy.  Varicose veins  Local treatment  --  apply the ointment, 1 to 3 times a day :  • CARDUUS MARIANUS 1X / HONEY 3X / SANGUISORBA 1X / VEIN 3C / OLEUM HYPERICUM / a.a. p. 10%, in cetaline  Usual treatment (stop during the menses)  --  general drainage :  • 10 to 40 drops, 1 to 3 times a day :  ARNICA 6X / CARDUUS MARIANUS 1X / CHINA 6X / CLEMATIS ERECTA 6X / HYDRASTIS 6X / VINCA MINOR 3X / SECALE CORN...

Homeopathic Treatment for Cancer

- Dr.Farokh J.Master,Clinical- Tumours and Homoeopathy        General predisposition (heredity) and environment can be viewed as the two ends of a spectrum of predisposing influence. At the extreme are those neoplasms developing because of a strong hereditary component and those related to heavy exposure to environmental carcinogens, but in between are the great majority resulting from varying proportions of heredity and environment.       GENETIC FACTORS AND CARCINOGENESIS Genetic hypothesis:       The understanding of this hypothesis begins with retroviruses. Retroviruses are RNA viruses which possess Reverse Transcripts that allows reverse transcription of viral RNA into virus- specific DNA. This DNA transcript may then be incorporated into a malignant cell. But the entire viral RNA is not necessary for this transformation, only a single gene will suffice. This gene is called an oncogene or V-onc (viral oncogene). It was the...

Vertigo and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

   BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, Vertigo or dizziness is a sensation that the patient experiences of  spinning around the room or that the room is spinning around them.  They demand quick relief.  The treatment will depend on the cause, which can be varied.  Many vertigos are related to an organ dysfunction.  In this case, homeopathic medicine will heal the cause and prevent any consequences from developing.  From  Circulatory disorders  --  congestion :  • ACONITUM, ARNICA, AURUM METAL, FERRUM METAL, GLONOINE, IODUM, PHOSPHORUS, SANGUINARIA, SULFUR FLAVUM  --  hypotension :  • CHINA, COCCULUS, NATRUM MURIATICUM, PULSATILLA, VISCUM ALBUM  Digestive disorders  --  gastric dyspepsia :  • BRYONIA, CARBO VEGETABILIS, CYCLAMEN, GRATIOLA  --  hepatic insufficiency; gallbladder :  • ALOE, CHELIDONIUM, CHINA, CHENOPODIUM, LYCOPODIUM, MAGNESIA MU...

Vision and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

-   BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, Visual disorders, except those from organic lesions, can be treated by homeopathic remedies as long as they are related to all of the other symptoms of the patient.  Modalities are essential for the correct diagnosis.  The hepatic system is as important to vision as the kidney system is to hearing.  Colors  --  black :  • ARNICA, CLEMATIS ERECTA, LACHESIS, MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS, NATRUM MURIATICUM, PHOSPHORUS  --  blue :  • AURUM METAL, BELLADONNA, BRYONIA, CINA, LYCOPODIUM, STRAMONIUM, TUBERCULINUM  --  gray :  • ARSENICUM ALBUM, NUX VOMICA, PHOSPHORUS, SILICEA, STRAMONIUM  --  green :  • ARSENICUM ALBUM, CINA, CYCLAMEN, DIGITALIS, PHOSPHORUS, SANTONINUM, STRONTIUM CARBONICUM, SEPIA, TUBERCULINUM  --  rainbow, all colors :  • BELLADONNA, BRYONIA, CONIUM  --  red :  • BELLADONNA, CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS, CONI...

Vomiting and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

-   BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, There are so many different causes of vomiting, from simple indigestion to stomach cancer.  In all cases, the nervous system is involved.  Vomiting is also a language just like anger or otitis.  Especially during childhood, homeopathic remedies allow rapid healing of this acute symptom without side effects.  Nausea  Constant nausea  --  digestive and respiratory systems :  • with deathly faintness, prostration, and fear; asthma; thirst :  3 granules, as needed : ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 4C  • faintness and vomiting by motion; copious salivation; dyspnea :  3 granules, as needed : DIGITALIS 5C  • spasmodic nausea; travel sickness; when opening the mouth at the dentist; by apprehension, fear, or hysteria :  3 granules, as needed : IGNATIA 5C  • abundant saliva; pale twitching of face; clean tongue; asthma :  3 granules, as needed : IPECA ...

Warts and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, Warts or verruca, are benign epidermal tumor of viral origin.  Often, they will disappear spontaneously.  Since homeopathic remedies are very effective in viral infections, this is the treatment of choice.  It is not advisable to remove warts.  Suppressing a skin symptom may cause problems to develop in a deeper tissue layer, like the lung, stomach, etc.  Perfect healing of this sycotic eruption along the line of life is essential for the patient's future.  Main remedies  Essential remedy  All kinds of tumors, polyps, condyloma, epithelioma, naevi, many brown spots can be found on hands and arms.  Warts can be pedunculated, flat, large, roughened, moist itching, or painful.  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : THUYA 5C  • one dose, every 2 weeks : THUYA 9C  • locally, twice a day : THUYA M.T.  -- the drainage remedy of THUYA is :  • young sycotic...

Weeping and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

- BOUKO LEVY M.,Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, Weeping can be a normal way of communication for some people, others scream, sigh, or yawn.  The infant has no other way to communicate his desires and pains, except to weep.  During a depressive period, physical or mental, the patient is more emotionally sensitive and  their general behaviour will be more characteristic.  Weeping  Ameliorates the symptoms  • ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE, DIGITALIS, GRAPHITES, LYCOPODIUM, MEDORRHINUM, PLATINA  Cannot weep in spite of sad thoughts  • one dose, as needed : NUX VOMICA 15C  Alone  • CONIUM, NATRUM MURIATICUM  Alternating with laughter  --  anger :  • AURUM METAL, LYCOPODIUM, MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS, PULSATILLA  --  fearful :  • CALCAREA CARBONICA, COFFEA, STRAMONIUM  --  hysterical :  • HYOSCYAMUS, IGNATIA, NUX MOSCHATA, PHOSPHORUS, PLATINA  From joy  • COFFEA, LACHESIS, PL...

Whooping coughs and Homeopathic Remedy Indications

- BOUKO LEVY M., Extremely spasmodic  (See also remedies already described and See : asthma)  --  violent, dry attacks with rapid suffocation; long-lasting attacks; blue lips; chest oppression; agg. cold air; amel. swallowing small amounts of cold water :  • 3 granules, as needed : CUPRUM METAL 5C  • or one dose : CUPRUM METAL 9C  --  sudden attack of painful suffocating cough; amel. at seashore and by cold drinks :  • 3 granules, as needed : BROMUM 5C  --  extremely violent attacks with laryngeal spasm; agg. during night :  • 3 granules, as needed : MEPHITIS 4C  --  abrupt attacks toward midnight; suffocation with nose obstruction :  • 5 to 20 drops, every 1 or 2 hours, as needed : SAMBUCUS NIGRA M.T. or one dose : SAMBUCUS NIGRA 9C  Much mucus  --  bronchitis, pneumonia  :  (See also remedies already described)  • ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 4C, HEPAR SULFUR 5C  rep...

Influence of Wind on Constitution and Homeopathic remedy Indications

- BOUKO LEVY M.,  Atmospheric conditions dominate the life of some patient.  Wind has the reputation of making some people nervous and  for others it brings a general improvement.  Sensitive  Cold wind  --  general aggravation by cold wind :  • agg. by warmth, amel. in open air (except EUPHRASIA) :  ACONITUM, EUPHRASIA, LACHESIS, LYCOPODIUM, PHOSPHORUS, PULSATILLA  • amel. by warmth : ARSENICUM ALBUM, BELLADONNA, CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA, CHAMOMILLA, CHINA, NUX VOMICA, PSORINUM, RHODODENDRON  --  cough from dry cold wind :  • ACONITUM, CHAMOMILLA, CUPRUM METAL, HEPAR SULFUR, SEPIA, SAMBUCUS NIGRA, SPONGIA  --  amel. by riding in cold wind :  • one dose, as needed : ARGENTUM NITRICUM 15C  Aggravated by warm wind  • GLONOINE, IODUM, KALIUM SULFURICUM, LACHESIS, MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS, PULSATILLA, SECALE CORNUTUM  Sensations  Of cold wind  --  in general :  • ...

Candida Albicans- A Homeopathy Remedy

- Dr Sunitha devi Vannemreddy, M.D(Hom), Synonym: Monilia albicans. Family : Ascoidacea. Candida albicans is commonly found as an endogenous inhabitant of the alimentary tract and the mucocutaneous regions of the body, “where it lives in a delicate competitive balance with bacteria and other microflora of the digestive tract” [Hudler]. It particularly exists as normal flora in the throat, vulvovaginal area, lower intestinal tract, and skin. Endogenous organism in humans, animals, and birds; has been isolated from the faeces of animals [especially swine]. Feeds in the bowel on sugars, simple carbohydrates and fermented products like alcohol and cheese. Found worldwide on fruits and vegetables. Found in polluted fresh and marine waters. Colonies mature in 2-3 days. • An important characteristic is adhesiveness. This organism remains firmly attached to mucous membranes.  Proving: Marco Riefer, Germany, 1994; 30c and 200c; 19 provers [12 female...


- Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy, M.D(Hom), Natural Order: CactaceƦ. Preparation :  Tincture of the stems. Prover: Dr. John H. Fitch , proving with 15 drops (first day) and 1/2 dr. of tincture. MIND:   Emotional: Light, lascivious feeling . Prone to lascivious thoughts. Pray nearly all night .  At night, remained at a late hour at prayer; intended to remain all night at prayer, but fell asleep. Very irritable, inclined to profanity .  Very irritable, nervous, swear a little . Angry at trifles.  Fit of sudden ungovernable rage . Great apathy for several days .Insipidity of life; everything mechanical, no enjoyment .  Intellectual.  Feel mixed up, rage, swearing mood . Unfitness for study; after reading a short time, get impression to desist .Mistakes made in conversation; use the word fat for hat. Omit the final part of a word in writing . HEAD: Felt dizzy in morning, raising, with a scraping effort, mucus from t...

Ailments from Anger

- Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy, M.D(Hom). Anger is a kind of emotion and feeling usually expressed when person being attacked, insulted, deceived or frustrated. It is positive response to the body to release the negative energies in the body. It is positive condition when it is shown in right place and right time. It will give you a feeling that you are against the misjudgement and it will help you to fight against the situation. When rage or anger expressed in balanced way it is good for the cause and society and for the person as well. Usually anger is expressed by yelling, scolding, raising the voice or screaming. When anger is expressed, in the flight-fright mechanism starts activating leading to the release of Adrenaline hormone, which increased the heart rate, blood pressure, sweating. It is a bodily mechanism and a normal phenomena. Anger should be released one or other time definitely as it is good for the health. When anger is uncontrollab...