Urination and Homeopathic Remedy Indications
- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, All of the eliminations of the patient must be analyzed carefully by the Homeopath, both physical and mental. When a patient needs to get something out, they will use one of their emunctories, according to their personal reactive mode. The psoric starts with skin and digestive, the tuberculinic with lymphatic and respiratory, the sycotic with genital and urinary, and the luetic with nervous and vascular. The kidney is the deepest organ and the ureters go across the whole posterior abdomen. The bladder, urethra, and genital exterior organs are abundantly innervated. Aspect General aspect of the sediment -- cloudy : • BERBERIS, KALIUM IODATUM, PHOSPHORIC ACID, THUJA -- frothy : • ALLIUM CEPA, CHELIDONIUM, LYCOPODIUM, PAREIRA BRAVA, SELENIUM, SENEGA, SPONGIA -- gelatinous : • BERBERIS, CHIMAPHILA, COLOCYNTHIS, PAREIR...