
Showing posts from May, 2014

Rheumatism Treatment in Homeopathy with Most effective Remedies

Homeopathic Remedies for the Treatment of Rheumatism by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Introduction to Rheumatism: Since the beginning of medicine until  today, humans have used all the elements around them to treat their  rheumatism.  Homeopaths have many powerful remedies to relieve the patient's discomfort and control the handicapping evolution of this disease process without unpleasant or dangerous side effects.  Phytogemmotherapy, organotherapy, and trace elements constitute the basic daily treatments , but nothing can be stabilized without the satellites and polychrests.  In general, use the remedy in 5C potency. For plant homeopathics, use M.T.  to 6X and 4C.  During acute attacks, very low potencies are often good painkillers.  Higher potencies must be used in severe cases, several times a day if necessary.  When certain of the correct remedy in acute cases, such as in cough or pain, a very effective r...

Rhinopharyngitis-Ear Nose Throat Infection Treatment in Homeopathy

Rhinopharyngitis Treatment in Homeopathy with best most effective Remedies by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Introduction to Rhinopharyngitis: This is a disease that can be treated effectively with homeopathic remedies.  Children in particular, repeat rhinopharyngitis frequently and get antibiotics for each attack.  In the acute attack antibiotics are of no value, due to the viral origin of the infection which the antibiotics cannot treat, and they are even less effective in chronic cases.  Antibiotics create an artificial intestinal medium by destroying the natural flora.  This complicates the case with allergies, digestive disorders, various bacteria and mycosis which tend toward chronicity.  When a child has received many allopathic medicines and finally comes at last to the homeopath, a period of at least 3 months of drainage is often necessary to clear out the case.   the digestive system and the respiratory system. Th...

Homeopathic Remedies for Treatment of Sadness

Homeopathic Treatment for Sadness given by BOUKO LEVY his Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Introduction to Sadness: Sadness dominates the life of some patients.  Use nervous system drainage and the classical background remedies (See : nervousness, timidity, weeping, etc).  Nothing will change the sadness, but good homeopathic care will help to prevent physical diseases from developing and the depression that results from repeated sorrows . Homeopathic Remedies for Sadness in  morning  --  on waking, better as the day advances; fears loss of reason :  • one dose, as needed : ALUMINA 15C  --  no desire to mix with the world and work; works at night :  • one dose, as needed : LACHESIS 15C  --  loss of self-confidence; bad mood; failing brain power :  • one dose, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 15C  --  melancholy; inability to think; suicidal; lively music saddens :  • one dose, as needed : NATRUM...

Homeopathic Remedies for Adapting to School

Homeopathic Remedies for treatment of adapting to school by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Introduction to Adapting to School: Many children have difficulty in to adapting to school.  Some do not work, others make a mess, and others play hooky.  As in all mental cases , the mental analysis must be supported by the general symptoms which are the personal expression of each patient, such as air, appetite, cold, dreams, heat, thirst, sleep, sweat, etc.  The parents feel helpless.  They pull the child into the clinic and wait for the doctor's diagnosis.  Each case needs a coordinated action between the parents, the teachers,  the child, and eventually the psychologist.   Homeopathy will help these children a great deal.  In most cases, the polychrests must be prescribed every 1 or 2 weeks.  The only way to prescribe effectively is to follow the evolution during the first weeks of treatment and adapt the repetition...

Homeopathic Remedies for Various Sensations

Homeopathic Remedies for Various Sensations described by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Introduction to Homeopathic Sensations:  A homeopathic symptom can only be used if it contain 3 components :  a localization,  a specific or particular sensation,  and at least one modality.  For example : stomach, burning, improved drinking cold milk.  Sensations are a part of the most personal expression of the patient, the homeopath listens to this language which contains the key to the remedy.  All potencies can be used according to the general laws : 5C for local symptoms, 9C and higher for general and neuropsychiatric. Homeopathic Remedies for Throbbing Sensation:  Back  --  dorsal region :  • BARYTA CARBONICA, MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS, PHOSPHORUS  --  lumbar region :  • AESCULUS, baryta carbonica, BRYONIA, CAUSTICUM, COLOCYNTHIS, NITRIC ACID, SEPIA, silicea  Digestive system ...

Sexual Desire Disorders Treatment in Homeopathy

Sexual desire and Homeopathic Remedy Indications by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory: Introduction to Sexual-desire and Homeopathy: Sexual desire is one of the most difficult symptoms to elicit.  It is very often completely hidden by the patient due to socio-cultural mores.  Homeopathic remedies have a characteristic sexual-desire which can be diminished or increased naturally, since all the main remedies contain various stages of sexual desire, from excitement to depression .  For example, Lachesis is excited in the evening and depressed in the morning.  During a pathological state, sexual desire can be a dominating symptom.  (See :premenstrual).  In most of the cases, take one dose in 9C, or higher potency, every week, as needed.  For periodical disorders, follow menstrual, lunar, and season cycles.  Diminished Homeopathic Remedies for Sexual Desire In general:  • 30 drops, 3 times a day :  CORIAN...

Shoulder Pain Remedies in Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment for Shoulder pain suggested by   BOUKO LEVY his Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Introduction to Shoulder pain: The shoulders are the crossroads of many pains, from the head and neck to the thoracic and abdominal organs .  They are a precise image of the patient's emotional state , "the coat hanger", high and fast for NUX VOMICA, or sagging and stiff for NATRUM MURIATICUM .  This joint is dominated by ciculatory and tendinous remedies.  The arthritic background always needs a prolonged drainage to be effective.  Homeopathic Remedies for Tendinitis  amel. by rubbing, massage; with great restlessness  --  tendons, ligaments and fascia; after overexertion; agg. by rain, during rest and stretching the limb; amel. by motion and lying on something hard :  • one dose, daily : RHUS TOX 9C, then 12C, then 15C  --  flexor tendons, periosteum and cartilage, extending to wrist, hand and finger...

Ignatia Amara is Best Homeopathic Remedy for Sighing

Ignatia and some other Important Remedies useful in treatment of Sighing by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Introduction to Sighing: This is a language that is not only reserved for lovers.  There are three stages in a sigh : a breathing restriction, a sensation of oppression and a superficial breathing with anxiety.  Sighing deeply up into the diaphragm gives a pleasant relief.  This type of pause that the patient takes when talking is a very easy symptom to observe.  Its a kind of " anxiety pulse " which quickly orients the remedy's diagnosis.  The first  one to think about is IGNATIA. Homeopathic Remedies for Sighing while Angry  --  during pains, abdominal and menstrual; capricious; coarse; rude :  • one dose, as needed : CHAMOMILLA 30C  --  morning; before talking; when thanked; emotional; tearful :  • one dose, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 30C Homeopathic Remedies for Sighing in A...

Homeopathic Remedy for Cause 'Since the onset of Symptoms'

Homeopathic Remedy Based on 'Since the onset of Symptoms' by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Introduction: "Since", indicates that the disease began at a particular time when the patient became unbalanced by an event.  An example of this is : the patient never felt well "since", an influenza , a divorce, a surgery, a trauma, etc.  The way in which the patient responds to the stimulus or event is indicative of that particular person's reactive mode.  Some causes develop lasting and recurring pathologies that can be considered to be blocking the patient's reactive mode into a deadlock.  When the correct information is given the patient can recognize it and jump over this barrier.  It does not mean they are healed, but it shows the homeopath the individual's reactive mode direction.  These barriers are essentially : childhood diseases, vaccinations, nosodes, surgery, bacterial and viral infections, any physical, emot...