Conjunctivitis, Chalazion , Cataract and Keratitis

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory, During the evolutionary development of the human being and the five sense organs for smell, taste, hearing, touch, and sight, the eye has developed at the expense of the other sense organs. The expression in the patient's eye is the direct image of his their deep energy. The occulomotory system controls the body's balance, the neck, and the feet. The liver and eye disorders are related. The retina is the mirror of the brain vessels . A consultation with a specialist is always necessary for a correct diagnosis. Conjunctivitis The most common eye disease is an inflammatory reaction of the conjunctival mucosa. The causes are varied : allergies, bacteria, mycosis, parasites, virus, or poisonous. A local treatment is always necessary, use these eye lotions : -- constitutional conjunctival fragility, children, old people : • CINERARIA MARITIMA 1X / H...