
Showing posts from October, 2014

Conjunctivitis, Chalazion , Cataract and Keratitis

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  During the evolutionary development of the human being and the five sense organs for smell, taste, hearing, touch, and sight, the eye has developed at the expense of the other sense organs.  The expression in the patient's eye is the direct image of his their deep energy.  The occulomotory system controls the body's balance, the neck, and the feet.  The liver and eye disorders are related. The retina is the mirror of the brain vessels .  A  consultation with a specialist is always necessary for a correct diagnosis.  Conjunctivitis  The most common eye disease is an inflammatory reaction of the conjunctival mucosa.  The causes are varied : allergies, bacteria, mycosis, parasites, virus, or poisonous.  A local treatment is always necessary, use these eye lotions :  -- constitutional conjunctival fragility, children, old people :  • CINERARIA MARITIMA 1X / HONEY 3X / MYOSOTIS ARVENSIS 1X / a.a. p. 1% , in sterile

Face:The constitutional diagnosis can be built on the smile.

-  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  The shape, colour, complexion, wrinkles and  smile, are part of the essential elements for a good individualized diagnosis.  The constitutional diagnosis can be built on two elements : the handshake and the smile.  The reactive mode diagnosis is often written on the complexion and the patient's facial expressions that are observed during the consultation.  Discoloration  Pale  -- in children :   • thin :  3 granules, daily  : CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 6X  • skinny, diarrhea, eczema :  3 granules, daily  : NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM 6X  • heavy :  3 granules, daily  : CALCAREA CARBONICA 6X  -- in children and adult :  • thin, anxious, and tired :  3 granules, as needed : ARSENICUM ALBUM 5C  • fatigue; convalescence; anemia; hepatic :  3 granules, as needed : CHINA 5C  • heart disease; depression :  3 granules, as needed : DIGITALIS 4C  Red   -- alternating with paleness :  • paleness when sitting up; localized cong

Faintness:Homeopathic remedies are helpful in acute and chronic cases.

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  The sudden loss of consciousness due to vagotonic stimulation is, in most cases, a minor problem in spite of its spectacular appearance. (See : tetany).  Homeopathic remedies are helpful in acute and chronic cases.  Acute   -- make the patient smell a solution of :  • AMMONIUM CARBONICUM 3X  -- alternate 3 granules, every 5 minutes, as needed :  • CAMPHORA 4C, or MOSCHUS 4C Tendency to faint  Emotional   -- excited :  • hypochondriac; flatulence, 3 granules, as needed : ASA FOETIDA 7C  • agg. by menses, during pregnancy and delivery :  3 granules, as needed : CIMICIFUGA 9C  • restless; oversensitive, 3 granules, as needed : VALERIANA 4C  -- depressed :  • timid; eructations; asthma :  3 granules, as needed : AMBRA GRISEA 9C  • sleepiness; tetany :  3 granules, as needed : NUX MOSCHATA 9C  • sad; indifferent; melancholic depression :  one dose, as needed, SEPIA 15C  Intolerant to heat   -- needs to open th

Fatigue: must be analyzed to determine the particular modalities

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  The first thing that the patient tells their doctor is : "I am tired".  There is nothing more subjective than fatigue, which must be analyzed with great care to determine the specific cause and the particular modalities.  Fatigue can be transitory or chronic and sometimes it comes on with a particular periodicity (hour, weekend, moon cycle, season, menses, etc).  Usual  treatment  • 20 to 40 drops, in the morning and at noon :  ALFALFA 1X / CHINA 3C / ELEUTHEROCOCCUS 1X/ KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM 3C / a.a. p. Transitory  During fever   -- with twilight anxiety :  • 3 granules as needed : PHOSPHORUS 5C  -- with midnight anxiety :  • 3 granules as needed : ARSENICUM ALBUM 5C  -- remains completely motionless :  • 3 granules as needed : BRYONIA 5C  -- needs open air :  • 3 granules as needed : PULSATILLA 5C  From hunger   • 3 granules, in the morning : SULFUR FLAVUM 5C  From heat   -- provokes suffocation :

Fears, If individualized, is an important for homeopathic Prescription

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Confronted with fear, two responses are possible :  escape  attack  If the symptom is perfectly individualized and related to the patient's total being, this is an important field of action of homeopathic remedies.  The potency indicated must be adjusted according to each case.  Aggravation time   In the morning, with anger   -- of insanity; intolerant to noise :  • one dose, as needed : NUX VOMICA 9C  -- to approach people; loss of self-confidence :  • one dose, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 9C  In the afternoon, with faintness, nausea; menopause; heart  • 3 granules, as needed : TABACUM 4C  In the evening, with irritable weakness and restlessness  • 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM CARBONICUM 9C Fear At twilight   -- extremely fearful, especially of devils, losing reason, catching contagious diseases :  • one dose, as needed : CALCAREA CARBONICA 200C  -- fear of noises, dark, something will happen; restless :

Feeding : Mother's milk is the perfect food for the newborn.

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Mother's milk is the perfect food for the newborn.  Therefore, the medical care of the mother during the first weeks of lactation is extremely important so that her milk is nourishing for her baby.  During this precise moment if life, the homeopath can provide the best remedies.  The milk  Insufficient   -- nutritional elements (besides vitamins and iron which are essential) :  • one dose, daily  : MANGANESE TRACE ELEMENT  • 5 granules, 4 times a day : MAMMARY GLAND / PLACENTA / a.a. p. 4C  -- to stimulate lactation  • 3 granules, before each feeding : ASA FOETIDA / RICINUS / URTICA URENS / a.a. p. 4C  -- loss of milk while nursing without any known cause; hysterical :  • one dose, as needed : ASA FOETIDA 9C  Watery, not nourishing   -- abundant; in fat, pale complexion women :  • 3 granules, 3 times a day : CALCAREA CARBONICA 6X  -- insufficient; exhausted women; difficult delivery with much bleeding :  • 3

Fever : Provides a good acute symptom for the homeopath.

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Fever is a body's natural reaction to a challenge from a pathogen and provides a good acute symptom for the homeopath.  Its progression must not be impeded, except when it rises over 38°5 C in the child and 39° C in the adult.  It is surprising to see that some people never have much of a fever, and others have a fever that rises up to 40° C very quickly.  The behavior of the patient is made up of a multitude of general and mental symptoms and fever is one of the essential general symptoms. With thirst  Large quantities   -- unquenchable, red, hot, dry face, agg. before midnight; anxiety, thinks they are going to die  suddenly :  • 3 granules, as needed : ACONITUM 5C  -- no thirst alternates with intense thirst; burning, pungent, and steaming head :  • 3 granules, as needed : BELLADONNA 5C  -- extreme dryness; doesn't move exept to drink at long intervals :  • 3 granules, as needed : BRYONIA 5C  -- all sympto

Fibroma: Homeopathic remedies are very helpful to prevent

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  In most women, the uterine wall naturally thickens during the ten years preceding menopause. A fibroma is a benign tumor  that develops in the muscular and connective tissue of the uterus. Its dependence on the endocrine system is well known and needs regular medical care.  In many cases, homeopathic remedies are very helpful to prevent bladder complications and the need for surgery.  Symptomless  Drainage   Alternate, every 3 months :  -- first three months period :  • 50 drops, daily  :  morning : RIBES NIGRUM BUBS 1X  noon : FRAXINUS AMERICANUS 1X  evening : SEQUOIA GIGANTEA YOUNG SHOOTS 1X  -- second three months period :  • morning, one dose : MANGANESE COBALT TRACE ELEMENT  • noon, 40 drops : BLADDER / CONNECTIVE TISSUE / UTERUS / VEIN / a.a. p. 4C  • evening, one dose : CHALCOPYRITES D8  Local remedies   -- alternate every other day, 3 granules  :  • CALCAREA FLUORICA 5C, or THUYA 5C  -- alternate every

Homeopathic remedies act on fingers and on constitutional disease

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Many pathologies can affect the fingers, such as cramps, eczema, warts, arthritis especially at menopause, etc.  Homeopathic remedies act on the anatomic lesions , as well as, on  the background disease.  Arthritis  Usual treatment  • 20 to 40 drops, 1 to 3 times a day :  ACTEA SPICATA / CAULOPHYLLUM / COLOCYNTHIS / a.a. p. 3X  -- nodosities; tophi; arthritic pains in gouty patient : Finger pains • 3 granules, 3 times a day : ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 5C  -- pins and needles; numbness; agg. by least touch and movement :  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : COLCHICUM 4C  -- extreme stiffness; swollen; pain agg. by least pressure, heat :  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : GUAIACUM 4C  -- stiffness agg. in the morning;  pains like electric shocks :  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : PHYTOLACCA 5C  -- swollen stiff joints agg. before stormy weather :  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : RHODODENDRON 5C  -- shifting pains a

Flatulence:Homeopathy can relieve with Constitutional Remedies

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  The intestines contains as much air as the lungs.  Air disorders of the lungs and intestines are interrelated, with the diaphragm being the connection between the two and the solar plexus at the center.  Asthma is to the lungs,what flatulence is to the colon.  From little indigestion to the hypochondriac mania, flatulence is an everyday symptom , in most cases, related to a neurovegetative dysregulation (See : colitis, dyspepsia, eructations, nervousness).  Many homeopathic remedies can relieve the acute symptoms, however the patient will always need a background treatment. Usual treatment   -- in case of indigestion :  • 3 granules, as needed : NUX VOMICA 6X  -- in case of diarrhea :  • 3 granules, 3 times a day : ALOE / PODOPHYLLUM / a.a. p. 4C  • one dose, weekly, as needed : NATRUM SULFURICUM 9C  -- in case of constipation :  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : HYDRASTIS / RAPHANUS / a.a. p. 4C  Hypochondria 

Flushes of heat in Menopause Homeopathic remedies are very helpful

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  This is a neurovascular reaction that has various causes; heart disease, menopause, andropause, obesity, slow digestion, etc., generated on a background of emotionalism and endocrine dysfunction.  Essentially, this disorder  comes around menopause and andropause.  Homeopathic remedies are very helpful.  They help to prevent, the concomitant bone decalcification and, in most cases, the need for strong hormonal treatment.  Much sweat  With congested, throbbing face  • alternate 3 granules, as needed : BELLADONNA 5C, or GLONOINE 5C  With profuse, exhausting, warm sweat  • alternate 3 granules, as needed : Flushes of heat  JABORANDI 5C, or MANGANUM ACETICUM 5C  -- palpitations and suffocation :  • alternate 3 granules, as needed :  LACHESIS 5C, or LILIUM TIGRINUM 5C  -- as if warm water was poured over, followed by extreme chilliness :  • 3 granules, as needed : SEPIA 5C  -- evening and night sweating :  • one dose

:Homeopathic remedies help in Food poisoning

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Food the poisoning might be caused by mushrooms, anaerobic bacteria, or any other deadly substance.  It may require an emergency treatment with intense care.  Except in these extreme cases, homeopathic remedies can be of help in most cases of the everyday food poisonings. Food Poisoning  A stool culture should be taken in all severe cases of diarrhea.  -- in case of recent absorption, help the patient to vomit, and give :  • 3 granules, every hour as needed : LYCOPODIUM 4C  • one dose : NUX VOMICA 9C  -- in case of severe diarrhea and vomiting with exhaustion :  • alternate 3 granules, every hour, as needed :  ARSENICUM ALBUM 5C, or VERATRUM ALBUM 5C  • one dose every 6 hours :  1st PYROGENIUM 9C  2nd PARATHYPHOIDINUM B 9C  3rd PYROGENIUM 15C  4th PARATHYPHOIDINUM B 15C  See : allergy, appetite, aversion, convalescence, desire, diarrhea, dyspepsia, eructations, flatulence, gastroenteritis, indigestion, sweat, th

Fracture:Homeopathy cure pain and trauma and accelerate calcification

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  In addition to the correct orthopedic treatment, homeopathic can aid in resolving the pain and trauma and accelerate the calcification process.  They permit the fracture to heal correctly and completely.  Local treatment, compresses with  -- closed fracture :  • ARNICA / BELLIS PERENNIS / SYMPHYTUM / a.a. p.M. T.  -- open fracture, add :  • ECHINACEA M.T.  -- in all the cases :  • 3 granules, 3 times a day : Fracture  ARNICA / CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA / RUTA / SYMPHYTUM / a.a. p. 4C  To accelerate the calcification  Phytogemmotherapy  • 10 to 50 drops, daily  :  morning : ABIES PECTINATA BUDS 1X  evening : BETULA VERRUCOSA BUDS 1X  Organotherapy  • 10 to 40 drops, 1 to 3 times a day :  CARTILAGE / MEDULOSS / OSSEINUM / PARATHYROIDINUM / a.a. p. 4C  Mineral salts  • one homeopathic spoon, 1 to 3 times a day :  CALCAREA FLUORICA / CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA / MAGNESIA SULFURICA / SILICEA / a.a. p. 6X (trituration)  S

World Homeopathic Directory

World Homeopathic Directy Physicians Directory for Patients Invitaion to Join World Homeopathic Directy  invite you to join the Community website. Please join here

Cholecystitis Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies

Cholecystitis Symptoms,Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies given by BOUKO LEVY M in his book  Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory.  Cholecystitis is the Inflammation of the The Gallbladder, which is the main garbage can of the digestive system and contains the same bacteria as the cecum.  Since the kidney is a natural drain for the gallbladder, there can be frequent kidney infections, such as colibacillosis, that have their origins in the gallbladder.  Homeopathic remedies can act well on cholecystitis, except in surgical cases.  They are essential for an effective background treatment that must take into consideration the whole detoxification system.   Homeopathic Remedies for Acute cholecystitis:  How to eliminate wastes from gallbladder with Homeopathy?Always use drainage.  NUX VOMICA 7C, then 9C, then 12C, then 15C then 30c are the Best in treating Cholecystitis. • 20 drops, every 2 hours, as needed (careful in case of lithiasis) :  HYDRASTIS / MANDRAGORA / PODOPHYLLUM

Acute Gastro Duodenal ulcer Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for Gastric Ulcer or Peptic Ulcer and Duodenal Ulcer. Allopathic medications are often necessary during the acute phase of a gastroduodenal ulcer. Homeopathic remedies are essential to treat the chronic duodenal ulcer or Peptic ulcer disease.  Four elements determine the choice of  Homeopathic remedies for Peptic ulcers : the dyspepsia, the vasomotor disorders, the general behavior, and the allergic state.  Drainage of the nervous system is always necessary for the cure of Duodenal Ulcer.  The younger the patient, the more luetic (result of suppression of Syphilitic skin ulcers), and the older the patient, the more tuberculinic(Reulst of Suppression of Tubercular lung disease) Homeopathic Remedies for Duodenal Ulcer pain: Below are the wonderful Homeopathic Medicines for Duodenal or Peptic Ulcer Pain. If burning pain in stomach is relieved by eating.: • PETROLEUM 5C is very useful remedy for Peptic ulcers is pain in stomach is relieved by bending forwa

Genital Infections and Homeopathic Treatment

 The patient usually asks the doctor for a local treatment first.  Always use : hip baths with one teaspoon in a liter of boiled water, or local compresses with a 1% solution in sterile water, or ointment at 2%, or gynecological ovules, with :  • CALENDULA M.T.  Woman   Bartholinitis   Acute treatment: • 3 granules, 1/2h before each dose : PYROGENIUM 5C  • one dose, every 2 hours : HEPAR SULFUR 9C, then 12C, then 15C, then 30C  Background treatment  • one dose according to menstrual cycle :  on the 7th day : MEDORRHINUM 9C  on the 14th day : MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS 9C  on the 21st day : PLATINA 9C  --  in case of vaginitis :  •  alternate every other evening, 3 granules :  HYDRASTIS 4C, or KREOSOTUM 5C  Vulvitis   --  young girl :  • morning, 3 granules : PULSATILLA 5C  • evening, 3 granules : HYDRASTIS 5C  --  woman :  • morning, 3 granules : MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS 5C  • evening, 3 granules : KREOSOTUM 5C  Man  Balanitis   --  extreme redness :  • 3 granul

German measles Homeopathic treatment and remedies

German Measles Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies described by BOUKO LEVY M., in Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory:  An infection with German measles in the mother, has the power to produce malformations and mental retardation in the fetus.  However, during childhood it usually doesn't present any danger and the advantage of vaccination is to protect a future mother.  Like all childhood diseases, before puberty a case of German measles is necessary for the child to develop a natural immunity.  This helps to prevent any major complications if the mother is exposed during pregnancy. Measles  When German measle appears early in the life, before 2 years old, it is a psoric elimination, after this time period it becomes more and more luetic.  The treatment is as short as the disease and homeopathic remedies are very effective in all  cases.   --  High sudden fever , with or without the eruption : ACONITUM 5C is the best Homeopathic medicine for German measle when the chil