how Insomnia get cured with Homeopathy?

Article by Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy M.D(Hom) Sleep soothes and relaxes us after hectic hours of mental and physical exertion. Most of the people think that sleep is dormant and most inactive part of the day, but brain is more active during the sleep. Sleep effects our daily functioning and physical and mental health. Neurotransmitters controls sleep by acting on different group of nerve cells and neurons in the brain. The brainstem produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin and nor epinephrine keep some part of the brain active. Adenosine; a chemical which produces drowsiness during awake will break down during the sleep. Sleep and wakefulness are influenced by different neurotransmitters, are affected by some foods, medicines, caffeinated drinks, diet pills and smoking. We can’t define how much sleep sufficient for no...