- William H.Burt SPHERE OF ACTION This remedy especially acts upon the cerebro-spinal system, and through this upon the muscular system, ligaments of he vertebra, and the female generative organs. Nerves of Motion.--It causes nervous tremors resembling chorea. Dr. T. C. Miller says: Fifteen years' observation and experience have proved this agent to be one of the most remarkable in all diseases of the ganglio-spinal system, particularly when the motor side is excited; and yet, in the whole, prevails as an atony in the muscular and nervous system. Nerves of Sensation.--Dr. Hale says: It seems to exercise considerable control over this system, independently of its action on the vascular system. It cures many of those purely neuralgic pains to which females are liable. Muscular System.--Dr. Hale says: One of the first of the series of primary effects of this drug is to cause relaxation of the muscular system. This leads directly to painful conditions of muscles, or myalgia. U...