- William H.Burt

This remedy especially acts upon the cerebro-spinal system, and through this upon the muscular system, ligaments of he vertebra, and the female generative organs. Nerves of Motion.--It causes nervous tremors resembling chorea. Dr. T. C. Miller says: Fifteen years' observation and experience have proved this agent to be one of the most remarkable in all diseases of the ganglio-spinal system, particularly when the motor side is excited; and yet, in the whole, prevails as an atony in the muscular and nervous system. Nerves of Sensation.--Dr. Hale says: It seems to exercise considerable control over this system, independently of its action on the vascular system. It cures many of those purely neuralgic pains to which females are liable. Muscular System.--Dr. Hale says: One of the first of the series of primary effects of this drug is to cause relaxation of the muscular system. This leads directly to painful conditions of muscles, or myalgia. Under this head are to be found the burning, cramping, stitching pains which affect these structures. Cimicifuga is preeminently a muscle remedy. Hence its efficacy in myalgia, and its varieties, as pleurodynia. In muscular rheumatism and myositis caused by cold, nervous exhaustion, or over-exertion, this will be found a valuable remedy. Dr. Ludlam uses it when rheumatism affects the belly of a muscle. Upon the Uterus.--It has a most powerful action, producing a rheumatic, neuralgic, state of the uterus and ovaries, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, and abortion: accompanied with hysteria, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, sensitiveness, and much depression of mind.
Nervous and muscular irritation, of a rheumatic, neuralgic, or gouty origin; especially in delicate, hysterical females, who are afflicted with more or less disease of the generative organs. Neuralgic, rheumatic dysmenorrhoea, and after pains, with great mental and nervous irritability, sleeplessness, low- spirited, and very sensitive. Choreic affections, in nervous, hysterical, rheumatic females, from irritation of the generative organs. Uterine rheumatism. Leucorrhoea in hysterical and rheumatic females. Rheumatic and neuralgiac affections of the uterus. Threatened abortion in rheumatic, hysterical females, with much excitement. Affects the motor nerves of the uterus as well as the sentient, as so beautifully shown in after-pains. Nervous irritation of the ovaries, producing amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, and menorrhagia, in rheumatic subjects. Urticaria from menstrual or rheumatic disorders. Head.--Obstinate insomnia. Great wakefulness; imagining strange objects in the room, on the bed, etc., with dilated pupils and tremor of the limbs. Pains in every portion of the head, but more in the vertex and occiput; often extending to the shoulders and down the spine of a pressing and throbbing nature, accompanied with delirium. Incessant talking; roaring in the head. Sensation as if the top of the head would fly off, with a sensation as if the cerebrum was too large for the skull; pressing outwards and upwards. All the pains in the head are from within outwards.-HALE. Headache of drunkards and students. I don't know what is the matter with my head, I don't feel like myself, with a bluish hue of the face.-DR. ROTCH. Intense and persistent pains in the eyeballs, of a dull, aching, sore nature.-Excellent in rheumatic ophthalmia. Pupils dilated. Digestive Organs.- Nausea and vomiting, due to cerebral or nervous sympathetic irritation. Dry pharynx, with dysphagia and frequent inclination to swallow. Sinking sensation at the stomach. Neuralgic pains in the abdomen. Urine pale and abundant. Reflex nervous pains. Generalities.-Dry cough, from irritation and tickling in the lower part of the larynx. Weakness, trembling and spasmodic action of the muscles, as shown in choreic affections. Its influence over the spinal cord renders it capable of curing many diseases arising therefrom. Its action is quite similar to that of Pulsatilla in female diseases.


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