Secondary phenomena in the larynx and nose:
-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Although in most cases the symptoms in these organs are caused by the spreading of the disease from the fauces, yet they may likewise be attacked by themselves, and, inasmuch as in such cases the true nature of the malady may easily be overlooked, it seems indispensable that these forms should be considered more in detail. (1) Syphilitic affection of the Larynx.-Syphilitic ulceration of the larynx, if occurring by itself, generally sets in a long time after (the disappearance of the primary symptoms, in which case it is accompanied by all the symptoms of ordinary affections of the larynx, such as: a certain uneasy feeling and a seated painfulness in the region of the larynx, alteration or even loss of voice, difficulty of breathing, short cough, with a desire to hawk up the stuff which obstructs the larynx, and expectoration of purulent substance streaked with blood. If the affection progresses, fever may supervene, with night-sweats and all the other s...