Swelled crop,Swelled head ,Thrush (aphthae),Tumors, excrescences :
-The poultry doctor
Swelled crop
Caused by eating too much or from something that prevents the food from passing out of the crop, as the passage from the crop to the gizzard may be clogged with long dry grass, old rags, or other substances. The hen ruffles her feathers, throws her head back and her crop feels packed ready to burst. Fasting and gentle manipulation generally cures. Nux vomica or Arsenicum will aid in giving relief. Some breeders as a last resort cut the crop a little with a very sharp knife, withdraw the food and sew up the wound with a silk thread. In the latter case anoint the cut with Calendula cerate, or, if that is not at hand, with Arnica and water.
Swelled head
From some cause not clear, the heads of hens will often swell greatly and be very hot. Exposure to draughts of air, however, is a fruitful cause of both swelled heads and swollen eyes. Spongia has given relief in many cases but Belladonna is the indicated remedy for this trouble; Bryonia also will relive.
Thrush (aphthae)
Consists of small vesicles or white specks on the membrane of mouth, tongue, etc. There are several remedies for this condition of sore mouth or Stomatitis; among them may be name in their order: Nitric acid if there is a general yellowish appearance; Mercurius viv. if red, spongy, bleeding; Staphisagria if pale, white and readily bleeding; and Thuja if there appears to be a fungus-like growth.
Tumors, excrescences
Domestic fowls are sometimes attacked with Tumors, which anyone will recognize at a glance. Isolated the fowl and dissolve a dozen pellets of Arsenicum each day in its water cup if it is supposed the Tumor is a natural growth, or, if caused by injury, Hepar sulph. Cauliflower-like excrescences or seedy warty growths require Thuja.
Caused by eating too much or from something that prevents the food from passing out of the crop, as the passage from the crop to the gizzard may be clogged with long dry grass, old rags, or other substances. The hen ruffles her feathers, throws her head back and her crop feels packed ready to burst. Fasting and gentle manipulation generally cures. Nux vomica or Arsenicum will aid in giving relief. Some breeders as a last resort cut the crop a little with a very sharp knife, withdraw the food and sew up the wound with a silk thread. In the latter case anoint the cut with Calendula cerate, or, if that is not at hand, with Arnica and water.
Swelled head
From some cause not clear, the heads of hens will often swell greatly and be very hot. Exposure to draughts of air, however, is a fruitful cause of both swelled heads and swollen eyes. Spongia has given relief in many cases but Belladonna is the indicated remedy for this trouble; Bryonia also will relive.
Thrush (aphthae)
Consists of small vesicles or white specks on the membrane of mouth, tongue, etc. There are several remedies for this condition of sore mouth or Stomatitis; among them may be name in their order: Nitric acid if there is a general yellowish appearance; Mercurius viv. if red, spongy, bleeding; Staphisagria if pale, white and readily bleeding; and Thuja if there appears to be a fungus-like growth.
Warts on comb |
Tumors, excrescences
Domestic fowls are sometimes attacked with Tumors, which anyone will recognize at a glance. Isolated the fowl and dissolve a dozen pellets of Arsenicum each day in its water cup if it is supposed the Tumor is a natural growth, or, if caused by injury, Hepar sulph. Cauliflower-like excrescences or seedy warty growths require Thuja.
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