Inflammation of the psoas muscle (psoitis.)
-SMALL A. E., The indications of the presence of this disease, are pain in the region of the kidneys, hip, and downwards to the leg; the limb can neither be stretched out, or drawn upwards without pain; in walking there is hobbling in the gait, with the body inclined forward; turning in bed, or lifting aggravates the pain. Sometimes there is external swelling. A psoas abscess is not usually dangerous, unless it discharges itself into the cavity of the abdomen, or produces caries. More frequently the abscess discharges in the groin, through the anus, perinaeum, or thighs. Treatment The remedies employed the most successfully, are Aconite, Belladonna, Colocynth, Hepar sulph., Silicea, and Staphysagria. Aconitum napellus is indicated when there is considerable degree of fever present in the commencement of the difficulty. This remedy should be followed by Belladonna. DOSE and Administration. - Dissolve one drop, or six globules, in half a tumbler of water, of either remedy, ...