Calcarea bromata

Calcarea bromata is a mineral remedy. It is formed from the elements Calcium (group IIA) and Bromine which is of the Halogen group. The main feeling of the patient Calcarea bromata is he be pounced upon or punished by the very person on whom he depends for his security. He should not do anything that is incorrect. If ever his fault is detected, he is in the danger of losing his security, protection. This feeling shows Calcarea bromata to be a sycotic remedy.
Calcarea bromata persons are constantly seeking a position of security, are inclined towards financial security. They do not however want to be secure at the cost of honesty. I have found these people to be very correct, moralistic and honest, trying always to please everyone. At the same time, they can feel blamed, falsely accused, pounced upon for no fault of their own. This can result in violent explosions or outbursts of temper on their part, to the extent of striking, or even cutting. They have dreams of being attacked, of being late for an examination, of being found in an embarrassing position in public, of being naked.
I have found Calcarea bromata to be indicated frequently in India, where children remain dependent on parents for very long, sometimes even until they are in their thirties. They are very much afraid of going against the moral values taught by their parents for fear of losing their security.
Suggested rubrics
(Clinically seen by me, not found in Repertory).
- Ailments from, embarrassment.
- Ailments from, anger.
- Ailments from, falsely accused, being.
- Delusion, attacked, of being.
- Delusion, crime, he has committed.
- Anger, violent.
- Anger, paroxysmal.
- Dreams: embarrassment.


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