
Showing posts from January, 2013

Maternal feeding

- Benson A.R  Under normal conditions, mother's milk furnishes the ideal nourishment for the baby. By normal conditions we mean that the mother should be strong and healthy, of even temperament, that she should have a sufficient supply of milk, and be willing to regulate her diet, sleep, exercise and general mode of living in such a way as to best fit her for her duty. The nursing mother must be prepared to sacrifice all other considerations to the welfare of her infant during the first twelve months of its life; and she should feel amply rewarded by the additional strength and vigor which she gives to her offspring by so doing.  However carefully we may study the question of artificial feeding, everyone admits that breast fed infants have a distinct advantage over those artificially fed. It seems incredible that any mother should be unwilling to make even a great sacrifice when the future health of her offspring is at stake. Mothers are too apt to think that substitute fe...

Contra-indications for maternal feeding

- Benson A.R  Maternal feeding   Temperament : Mothers who have uncontrollable mental temperaments, hysterical women or those who are unwilling to nurse their infants, usually secrete milk which is changeable in quality and harmful to the infant.  Milk Supply : Those having deficient milk supply or an absence of milk, or those in whom the quality of the milk is impaired, must not nurse the baby. These conditions are not as common as is frequently thought and often they are due to the reasons given above.  Diseases : Mothers having serious chronic diseases, such as epilepsy, tuberculosis, cancer, etc., should not be allowed to nurse their babies. The same is true of mothers who for any reason are in such physical condition that nursing would be too great a drain upon their strength.  Pregnancy is generally a contra-indication for nursing.  Normal menstruation does not prevent nursing, except in some individuals during the monthly period.

Nursing Infant

- Benson.A.R, Nursing Infant  Normally the secretion of milk in the breast becomes abundant from the third to the fifth day. Before this, however, a watery fluid known as colostrum is secreted and the baby may be placed at the breast as soon as convenient after birth.  Frequency of Nursing : The baby should nurse every two to two and a half hours during the day and twice during the night. Strong babies may frequently nurse at intervals of two and a half hours, while those who are weak and small may have to be nursed every hour and a half at first.  Regularity in Feeding : It is wise to establish regularity in feeding from the start. Sleeping infants should be wakened at the nursing time. In a few days the infant will waken naturally and nurse at regular intervals. Such a method is not only more convenient for the mother and the nurse, but prevents an infant from overloading its stomach, a frequent result when it is allowed to nurse at will.  The period...

Infant feeding - Regimen

- Benson.A.R Regimen   The diet of the nursing mother need not vary materially from that which she is accustomed to take at other times. In the early days, however, the tendency is to give too much meat and solid food. In the majority of cases, light, easily digested, but plentiful diet is best while the mother is confined to her bed. Such a diet as milk, gruel, soups, vegetables, bread and butter, and, after the first week, light meats once a day. When the mother is up and has resumed her usual habits, the diet should be much increased. Meat may be taken twice a day, and fresh and stewed fruits may be taken as desired.  As to the articles of diet which should not be taken by a nursing mother, it is almost impossible to lay down rules owing to the variation in individuals. Some mothers and some infants are susceptible to certain foods and these must, of course, be avoided. Every mother knows of certain articles of food which do not agree with her, and it woul...

The nursing infant

- Benson.A.R, The nursing infant  The Well Nourished Infant : A breast fed infant is well nourished if the skin is clear and rosy, if it sleeps well after nursing, is quiet and good natured while awake, if the bowel movements are normal, the gain in weight regular, and the flesh, especially in the region of the thighs, is firm and hard to the touch.  The Poorly Nourished Infant : The poorly nourished infant is pale, the skin seems almost transparent; it suffers from colic and indigestion after feeding, and sleeps irregularly; the movements are abnormal in consistency and contain undigested food; the flesh is soft and flabby. If such a condition as this continues, it is necessary to add modified milk to the dietary, and in extreme cases to take the infant away from the breast entirely and feed artificially.  Vomiting and Indigestion : Vomiting after nursing is sometimes caused by taking the milk too rapidly or taking too much. This form of vomiting occurs ver...

The Gastrointestinal Immune System

The lumen of the gastrointestinal tract is  outside  of the body and much of it is heavily populated with potentially pathogenic microorganisms. It is thus important that the immune system establish and maintain a strong presence at this mucosal boundary, and indeed, the digestive tube is heavily laden with lymphocytes, macrophages and other cells that participate in immune responses. Aside from all of its other functions, the gastrointestinal tract is a lymphoid organ, and the lymphoid tissue within it is collectively referred to as the  gut-associated lymphoid tissue or GALT . The number of lymphocytes in the GALT is roughly equivalent to those in the spleen, and, based on location, these cells are distributed in three basic populations: Peyer's Patches:  These are lymphoid follicles similar in many ways to lymph nodes, located in the mucosa and extending into the submucosa of the small intestine, especially the ileum. In adults, B lymphocytes predominate in...

Utilization of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H): A cross-sectional study among school students of Kanpur City

Studies exploring information on the utilization of Indian systems of medicine and homoeopathy (ISM&H) in India are limited. Hence, the authors of present study had decided to conduct this study with the objectives of (i) to obtain an estimate of utilization of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H) and (ii) to provide an estimate of the various reasons for preferences. It was a cross sectional study conducted in a two randomly selected public high schools located in Kanpur City. The results were statistical analysed with Chi square test and also the percentages were calculated. As per the results, the prevalence of utilization of ISM&H among adults was estimated to be just 29.4% while 70.6% preferred to use Allopathic system of medicine. From the 29.4% of ISM&H users, homoeopathy was preferred  by 18.1%, Ayurveda was preferred by 8.4% and 2.9% of people preferred some other treatment modality. The preference for ISM&H was observed to b...

Ammi visnaga Homeopathic Medicine for Vitilogo

Source : schwabe india. Ammi visnaga Ammi visnaga is also known as Visnaga, Khelle or picktooth. It grows in the dry regions of the Mediterranean. It is indigenous to Egypt and widely cultivated in South America. It is an annual plant of 1 to 1.5m height. At the top this plant forms a generous inflorescence, large umbels with numerous radii bearing secondary umbels and abundance of white flowers combining to form huge umbrellas. Resin formation is strong throughout the plant. Buy   Ammi Visnaga Homeopathic Cream for Depigmented Patches,white Spots on Skin 25 Grams The fruits have been used against spasms of uterus, kidney stones, and as a diuretic. It is also used to promote the elimination of menstruation. It dilates the coronary vessels and relieves spasms in this area. 1  Its antispasmodic action on small bronchial muscles helps in the disorders of the airways passages. 2  It is safe for children when given in breathing troubles, and prevents recurrence...

Curcuma longa

- Source SchwabeIndia. Curcuma longa It is commonly known as turmeric. It is a house hold remedy in India and has been used in Indian System of Medicine since centuries to aid digestion and liver function, relieve arthritis, pain, and regulate menstruation. Turmeric has also been applied directly to the skin for eczema and wound healing. Other indications include heartburn, stomach ulcers, and gallstones and recent researches revealed it to be useful to prevent and treat cancer.  It was introduced and proved by Arya, Balachandran and Augustine.  The homoeopathic mother tincture is prepared from rhizome. An extended proving was recently done by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH). Below is the extract from the proving. Mind Dullness.  Worries about future.  Depression towards evening with anxious and worried look.  Desires to be left alone, indifferent to friends, aversion to work or study.  Difficult concentration with forgetfuln...