Maternal feeding

- Benson A.R
 Under normal conditions, mother's milk furnishes the ideal nourishment for the baby. By normal conditions we mean that the mother should be strong and healthy, of even temperament, that she should have a sufficient supply of milk, and be willing to regulate her diet, sleep, exercise and general mode of living in such a way as to best fit her for her duty. The nursing mother must be prepared to sacrifice all other considerations to the welfare of her infant during the first twelve months of its life; and she should feel amply rewarded by the additional strength and vigor which she gives to her offspring by so doing.
 However carefully we may study the question of artificial feeding, everyone admits that breast fed infants have a distinct advantage over those artificially fed. It seems incredible that any mother should be unwilling to make even a great sacrifice when the future health of her offspring is at stake. Mothers are too apt to think that substitute feeding is as good as maternal feeding, and that the only considerations are those of convenience. As a matter of fact, substitute feeding should never be resorted to unless maternal feeding is impossible.


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