Tonsillitis Homeopathic Remedy Lycopodium Case - Dr Mirjana Zivanov

CASE LYCOPODIUM Girl six years old Her mom says: She has troubles with tonsils . She often has a sore throat, and then she gets antibiotics. She always has a stuffed nose, but with no discharge, so she has some difficulties breathing during the night. She snores and keeps her mouth open. She sleeps with us in bed, and she is restless during her sleep. She doesn’t sleep during the day. She likes to cuddle a lot. She is very shy. She doesn’t like boys, because they are naughty, they fight and hit other children. She runs away if she sees a fight. Two or three times she has had nose bleeds. She is in loved with a boy, smaller then her! They are the same age… She is going to ballet. It suits her, because she has the build and talent for dance. She is fast and slick, compared with other children. Tonsillitis Girl She likes sweets, especially chocolate. She likes strawberries most of all fruits. Her appetite is generally weak. At home her appetite is ok, but at kindergarten she e...