The Effective treatment of Urethral stricture with Homeopathy

- Article by Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy M.D(Hom) Urethra is the opening that allows the urine to leave the bladder. Urethra has a sphincter mechanism that holds urine inside the bladder. When urine fills in the bladder, there is both voluntary and involuntary control to open the urethra to allow the urine to come out. In men, it is thin tube like structure that starts from lower opening of the bladder, traverses entire length of penis. In women, it is a short opening coming off lower opening of bladder and between 2.5 to 4 cms length. You might also interested: . Cases . children . Clinical . Drdevendra . Homeopathic Therapeutics . Homeopathy . General . Homeopathy . Products . Materia medica . Pharmacy . Philosophy . Repertory . Research . Therapeutics . Treatment . Women Urethral stricture refers to narrowing of urethra for any other reason, whether or not it actua...