The Effective treatment of Urethral stricture with Homeopathy

- Article by Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy M.D(Hom)

Urethra is the opening that allows the urine to leave the bladder. Urethra has a sphincter mechanism that holds urine inside the bladder. When urine fills in the bladder, there is both voluntary and involuntary control to open the urethra to allow the urine to come out. In men, it is thin tube like structure that starts from lower opening of the bladder, traverses entire length of penis. In women, it is a short opening coming off lower opening of bladder and between 2.5 to 4 cms length.

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Urethral stricture refers to narrowing of urethra for any other reason, whether or not it actually impacts the flow of urine out of the bladder. Urethral stricture caused by injury, instrumentation, infection and some non inflammatory causes of urethritis or by formation of scar tissue. Scar tissue can be result of many factors. 

Causes of urethral stricture:

It can be caused by many factors. It is mostly affected to males than females. Young boys who has hypospadias surgery (procedure to correct the underdeveloped urethra). And men who has penile implants have higher chance of getting urethral stricture.

A straddle injury is the common type of cause for urethral stricture. Examples of straddle injury are getting hit from cycle bar, falling and affecting on scrotum. Other specific causes including pelvic fracture, catheter insertion, radiation and surgery performed on prostate.

Urethral stricture after blunt trauma can be divided into,
  •           Pelvic fracture associated urethral disruption occurs in severe pelvic fracture.
  •           Blunt trauma to perineum compresses the bulbar urethra against pubic symphysis, causing a crush injury.

Tumors located in close proximity of urethra, untreated urinary tract infection, lichen sclerosis and sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea also causes urethral stricture.

Surgery to address hypospadias can result in delayed urethral stricture, even decades after original surgery. 

Signs and symptoms:

·          Hallmark sign of urethral stricture is weak urinary stream.
·         Splaying of urinary stream
·         Urinary frequency
·         Urinary urgency
·         Straining for urination.
·         Pain during urination
·         Urinary tract infection
·         Prostatitis
·         Inability to empty the bladder
·         Urinary retention
·         Urinary incontinence
·         Blood in urine (hematuria)
·         Semen in urine (semenuria)
·         Discharge from urethra
·         Reduced ejaculation force
·         Penile swelling

Risk factors of urethral stricture:

·         Mostly men are at risk compared to women.
·         Who have had one or more STI’s (sexually transmitted infections)
·         Who have used a catheter
·         Who have urethritis
·         Who have prostate enlargement.


·         Urinary retention
·         Prostatitis
·         Bladder dysfunction
·         Urinary diverticulum
·         Periurethral abscess
·         Fournier’s gangrene
·         Urethral fistula
·         Bilateral hydronephrosis
·         Urinary infection
·         Urinary calculus


To diagnose the urethral stricture,
·         Reviewing the complaints, medical history and past illnesses.
·         Performance of physical examination. Observing the penis for redness, hardness and swelling.

·         Tests like,
Ø  measuring the rate of flow during urination (urine analsis)
Ø  analysing the physical and chemical properties of urine (urine culture)
Ø  cytoscopy
Ø  Measuring the size of urethral opening and tests for clamydia, gonorrhoea(urethral culture).
Ø  Examination of prostate and screening for prostate cancer and measurement of prostate specific antigen (PSA)
Ø  Imaging and endoscopic studies are necessary to confirm the diagnosis and identifying the cause of urethral stricture.

·         Common imaging and endoscopic tests are,
Ø  Ultrasound of urethra
Ø  Retrograde urethrogram
Ø  Anterograde cystourethrogram
Ø  Cystourethroscopy


Main aim for urethral stricture treatment is, to improve the flow of urination, betterment of complaints like pain, redness, swelling and dribbling of urination and avoiding the possible complications of urethral stricture.

Treatments available in Allopathy:

·         Urethral dilatation - widening of stricture. This procedure will be done under general anaesthesia and involves passing thin metal rod into urethra. Slowly widens the stricture until no scarring.
     With this procedure, flow of urine improves; emptying bladder will reduce the urinary tract infection.
     But with this procedure, pain while passing urination, bleeding, passing urine more often are the complications. Recurrence of stricture may often occur.

·         Optical Urethrotomy – internal cutting along stricture. This procedure will be done under general anaesthesia and it is a simple surgery using the special telescopic electric knife to remove the part of stricture which is blocking the flow. Complete stricture cannot be removed with this procedure.
          With this procedure, flow of urine improved, emptying of bladder will reduce possible infections.
          After this surgery person can be recovered and back to normal life within two weeks.               Possible complications with this procedure are pain while passing urine, hematuria, infections and recurrence of stricture.

·         Urethroplasty – open repair of stricture. It is a surgical repair of urethra. Depending on length and location of urethral stricture, options available are,
Ø  Excision of stricture and reconnection of healthy urethra
Ø  Excision of stricture and reconnection with graft
Ø  Graft reconstruction alone.
                Recovery rates are better. Flow of urine and discomfort while passing urination improved and urinary tract infections are reduced. Person can go back to normal life after four weeks of surgery.
              Possible complications with this surgery includes,
Ø  Bleeding, infections
Ø  Injury to adjacent organs and structures and their functions
Ø  Chronic pain
Ø  Possible changes in sexual functions, like, poor erection, penile curvature and changes in ejactulation may occur.

·         Holmium laser endourethrotomy – It is laser operation of urethral stricture, which doesn’t require much time and less possibility of infection. In this technique, person need not to stay too long in hospital and simple procedure to remove the stricture urethra with laser.
Advantages are:
Ø  Less post operative pain.
Ø  Less bleeding
Ø  Less post operative infection.
Ø  Recovery is faster than normal surgical procedure.
Ø  Urine flow improves.
Complications are lesser than other procedures but chances of recurrence of stricture are one of the complications. 

Urethral stricture treatment with Ayruveda:

Ayurveda is mainly based on ingredients of medicinal plants. For urethral stricture treatment, they use both oral and local applicants. They claim that prescribed use of oral medication like kashyam and powders along with milk and medicinal application of oils to urethra will relieve the complaints.
They claim that, with ayurvedic medication, patients complaints like, flow of urine improves, pain and swelling and other associated complaints are completely relieved and recurrence of urethral stricture are very less.

Urethral stricture treatment with Homeopathy:

Homeopathy is constitutional and conventional treatment in which main aim is to relieve the complaints in mild, gentle and permanent way. Person to be treated mentally, emotionally and physically, as a whole, which improves the health and living style. In urethral stricture treatment, for allopathy there is no medical treatment instead of surgical interventions which leaves some complications. But in homeopathy there is wide range of medicines are there to prescribe, according to the totality of the complaints.

Advantages and aims of Homeopathic treatment are,
Ø  Flow of the urine improves
Ø  Associated complaints like pain, swelling relieved.
Ø  Urethral stricture due to injury or hurts is treated with root cause.
Ø  Urethral stricture due to urinary tract infections or gonorrhoea like STD’s are treated with homeopathic medications which relieves the stricture complaints.
Ø  Prostatic problems or other complaints which causes urethral stricture are treated with homeopathy which successfully relieves the complaints.
Ø  It eases the flow of urine, dribbling of urine and urine retention.
Ø  It acts on urinary muscles and membranes to avoid further progression and complications of complaints.
Ø  It will reduce or prolong the chances of recurrence of urethral stricture.
Ø  Homeopathy relieves the complaints after dilations and other surgical procedures.
Ø  Side effects of other conventional treatments or surgical procedures are treated with homeopathy without any side effects. 

Homeopathic rubrics for urethral strictures:

·         Urethra, stricture
·         Urethra, stricture, bruised pain in testes with
·         Urethra, stricture, convulsive, spasmodic
·         Urethra, constriction, convulsive, spasmodic
·         Urethra, constriction, urination during
·         Urethra, haemorrhages, gonorrhoea, after suppressed
·         Urethra, haemorrhages, urination, after
·         Urethra, inflammation, chronic
·         Urethra, narrowing of
·         Urethra, pain, drawing.
·         Urethra, pain, agonising
·         Urethra, pain, drawing, urination after
·         Urethra, pain, dragging, extending to bladder
·         Urethra, tumor
·         Urine, bloody
·         Bladder, urination, difficult
·         Bladder, urination, dribbling by drops
·         Bladder, urination, dribbling by drops, retention with
·         Bladder, urination, dysuria, stricture with
·         Bladder, urination, interrupted
·         Bladder, urination, unsatisfactory, bladder was not emptying, as if dribbling
·         Urethra, gonorrhoea, suppressed. 

Best remedies for urethral stricture:

cantharis, clematis, nitric acidum, petroleum, puls, apis, berberis, conium, indigo, kali iod, merc, petroselinum, sulph iod.

Cantharis: Retention of urine with cramp like pain in bladder. Urgent and ineffectual effort to urinate, with painful emission, drop by drop. Urination is difficult, weak and scattered. Urine is pale yellow or deep red coloured. Flow of sanguineous mucus from bladder. Emission of blood. Purulent urine. Burning and smarting on urination. Incisive pain in the front part of urethra during and after urination. Sharp, tearing, incisive pains, successive pulling and pulsations in the urinary organs. Burning, stinging and tearing in kidneys. Pressing pain in the kidneys extending to bladder along ureters relieved by pressing upon glans. Exceedingly painful sensibility of the region of bladder on touching.

Clematis: Burning sensation and smarting in urethra, on commencing to urinate. Stitching sensation in urethra extending to abdomen. Contraction in urethra, with urine stopping suddenly or flowing drop by drop. Jerk like tearing pain in the front part of urethra during intervals. Purulent urine. Urine is turbid, milky with violent pain while passing last drops.

Nitric acidum: Frequent want to urinate, with scanty emission of deep coloured urine. Incontinence of urine. Painful emission of urine. Micturition in thin stream from stricture.  Urine is cold when passed. Foetid, strong smelled urine like horse’s urine. Smarting and burning pain in urethra while passing urine. Swelling of orifice of urethra. Needle like stitches in orifice of urethra. Ulcers in urethra. Discharge of mucus sanguineous kind of.

Petroleum: Constant dribbling of urine after micturition. Discharge of mucus from urine. Frequent emission of urine with scanty flow. Urine is bloody or turbid with deposits of red slimy sand. Involuntary discharge of urine especially during night. Burning pain in urethra. Stricture urethra after chronic urethritis.

Pulsatilla: Contraction of urethra with small stream of urine. Burning pain during micturition. Burning during and after urination. Pulling and pressure in urethra extending to bladder. Contraction in urethra with soreness in that region. Swelling at urethra with soreness when touched, intermittent stream of urine with violent pain dragging to bladder. Urine is watery colourless, brown and bloody. Severe alternating pains which changes position frequently. Associated with great anxiety. Old cases of gonorrhoea.

Apis: Burning and soreness when urinating. Strangury. Pain in the urethra with soreness on pressure and while stooping.  Frequent desire for urination with passage of only few drops. Urine is scant and high coloured with thirstlessness. Incontinence of when coughing and other circumstances. Burning and stinging pain in urethra, as if scalded.  Bladder is very painful after tenesmus and after urination. Urine is dark, frothy and sediments like coffee grounds.  

Berberis: Incisive pains in urethra even not urinating. Smarting pain in urethra with sensation of excoriation, even during emission of semen during coition. Motion excites and aggravates pain in urethra. Burning pain in urethra during and after urination but more after urination. Stitching and shooting pains extending to loins and thighs.  Urine is pale yellow, slimy and gelatinous.

Conium: Incisive pain in urethra during urination. Burning and shooting pain urethra especially after urination. Viscid mucus mixed with blood, which cannot be passed without severe pain. Urine flow drop by drop stops suddenly and doesn’t begin to flow for some moment. Pressure in the bladder with violent stitching pain bladder which is more while walking and better by sitting.

Indigo: suitable remedy for stricture urethra. Violent contraction of urethra with pain in bladder. Painful emission of small quantities of turbid urine. Frequent desire to urinate with difficulty in urination associated with thirstlessness.

Mercuris: Affections of urethra with continued want of urination with scanty flow. Flow of urine is like drop by drop. Urine is deep coloured, turbid and offensive smell. Thick, hard sediments of mucus from urine. Discharge of blood from urethra.  Pulsating, shooting pains in urethra even not urinating. Thick greenish discharge from urethra from gonorrhoea.

Petroselinum: constant dribbling of urine after micturition. Discharge of mucus with urine. Frequent emission of urine with scanty, bloody and foetid flow of urine. Burning of urethra. Stricture urethra after chronic urethritis.  

Sulph iod: Itching in urethra. Frequent micturitions especially in the morning with scanty and painful flow of urine. Stricture urethra. Shooting pain in bladder extending to urethra. Urine is thick, whitish and creamy.

These are some of the indicated remedies which help in urethral stricture cases. But proper case taking and drawing the personality of the patient by taking totality of mental, emotional and physical symptoms of the patient, analysing and repertorising the symptoms will give a correct constitutional remedy which suits the person. With this classical homeopathy we can treat the cases of urethral stricture by relieving from complaints, improving the well being of the person and reducing the complications of the case. But at the same time we have to understand our scope and limitations with homeopathic system of medicine. This process will give us successful cases. 


  1. Thank you Dr. Sunitha for providing such an informative, extensive knowledge on Stricture urethra and Homeopathic treatment.

  2. I've been suffering from uretral stricture for past 15 years. I do self dialation using metal dialator once a month. After dialation for 2 weeks I'm ok. Starting from 3rd week, I feel obstructed when I pass urine. Narrowing is before externel sphinter from tip of the penies. My urine is normal. What homeopathic remedy would be best in my case

    1. Dear Gurudas,
      Do you can explain your case according to case sheet, so that I can suggest you right Homeopathic remedy for Urethral stricture. download Homeopathic case sheet here.

    last novemeber got to know that I am suffering from uretheral stricture and taking homeopathy there is relif but not much it has already 8 months passed away please suggest me right medicine.Doctor please help me

  4. Partial structure in bulbumembrens urethra
    I got pain down when i urination and lota burning etc, also going PE. Again again and had Ultrasound and MRI down for prostate and other part pelvic. Are normal
    Ultra sound report baladder not complete empty due uTI proble
    My doc suggest me test RGU and they some restrictions in urethra and they august me for cystoscopy operation
    Plz august me Any other medicion medicion for bulbumembrens urethra structure

    1. Thuja, nitric acid 200 and causticum are good remedies but need more symptoms to suggest remedy.

  5. Greetings..

    My Name is Venkata Ramana,27 years old.from last one year i am suffering from burning urination and fever, on june get know i have structure(Reports as persistent short segment narrowing 3.4 CM posterior part of penile urethra-Stricture urethra) then i went through VIU surgey. feel better for 02 month than started problems as well still facing with burning urination and fever. Please help me to live as normal.

  6. Urethrel stricture


    I have urethral stricture, a 10 months ago I operated cystourethrogram + mti and still have been feeling good but, last two week I have feeling symtom of reoccurring and i m dont want to treat it from halopathic.
    I feel pain during
    Slow flow
    Diversion flow

    Please advise remedy or could you send any remedy for vanish or treatment I pay you

    I shall be gratfull to you.
    Your prompt response is highly apprecited thankyou

  7. Penile stricture ( urethral narrowing)
    I have been suffering from urethral stictur from past seven eight months. Symptoms: narrow stream, recurrent uti, buning micturation.

    Day before yesterday, i went thrught urethrotomy and dailation. But i have read that this is surgery not a curre to it. Stricture may reoccure. Homeopathy is last optiioj left to me with last hope for permanent cure. Please help

  8. Urethra stricture after urethroplasty
    Reason for Today's Visit (Present Complaints):*: I have multiple health issues but at this time I am wanting to work on the urethral stricture that has occurred after having surgery to remove scar tissue from my urethra due to damage from improper insertion of catheter in the past. Things seem to be healing well after the surgery but now 3 months later feels as though the stricture has occurred near the prostate and perhaps along there urethra. I have a slope in stream moderate Force I do need to apply contractual force of the bladder to get this train going. If I relax the stream may or may not stop but towards the end I can spit or urine 2 to 3 more times. There is pain in the urethra near the prostate between my legs from surgery does not increase while urinating. Is worse when sitting if I sit on the area also stricture at the head of the penis that's where it started

    1. Dear Donald,

      I have gone through your symptoms I suggest you to take NITRIC ACID 200c, just single dose, 2 pills and wait for 10 days.

      you cn discuss your case with me at 91- 9440369772
      12- 1pm and 8-9 pm Indian timings.

  9. urethral strictures after treatment of stricture
    Symptoms of urethral strictures that weak stream and groin pain


    1. Dear sreekanth,

      Urethral stricture from suppression of STD's can be cured with Homeopathic Medicines.
      Don't go to surgery it will create some more problems. In future. Please write more symptoms to suggest remedy.

  10. urethra stricture
    i have urethra stricture since 2006 its lengh is 3 centimeter i want to know if there is a way to do a surgery and finish the stricture coz i am tired of it


    1. yes it is NITRIC ACID 200C and THUJA 200c best works but i must know more symptoms to select remedy for you.

  11. Dear Doctor,

    I have started taking SARSAPRILLA from 29.06.16. Allopathic antibiotic course for recent fever and urine infection was completed yesterday (7.07.16).

    Recently I have gone through an article where it is claimed that THIOSINAMINUM can permanently cure BULBAR URETHRAL STRICTURE. As I am suffering from the same disease, I would request you kindly let me know whether this particular medicine will be helpful for me. In case you feel that this medicine will be helpful, kindly let me know the quantity (dosage) of the medicine to be taken per day.

    1. yes THIOSINAMINUM is specific remedy for BULBAR URETHRAL STRICTURE, u can use this remedy 30 potency weekly once for one month. let us see the result.

  12. stricture urethra & Cystitis. facing burn trouble and low quantity in urine flow.
    Dr advised me surgery due to stricture urethra and cystitis. I am facing burning pain and low quantity problem in urine need to go several time for urine but due to low production I got unsatisfied every time.

    1. Dear syed please take nitric acid 200c,

      and Phytolacca decandraQ
      How to use Homeopathic Medicine and Second Prescription | HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH

  13. Stricture urethra
    Suggest medicine to treat urithral stricture and relief in pain


  14. Dear Tahir,

    First of all try THUJA 200c just 2 pills, single dose one day only, no need daily,

    let me know symptoms after 10 days,

    please recommend my services to your family and friends, contacts, face book etc.

  15. urethraL STRIcture in a bulbous part of urethra
    sir i have three times urine retention after first time using catheter at the time of angioplasty on 12/02/2016 after examinations by xrey there is a nerrowness in a sagment of urehra bulbous part


    1. Dear Kishan pal Gupta,

      I have gone through your detailed case,

      I suggest you to take just 2 pills of Thuja 200c, and let me know after 10 days.
      don't take medicine daily please.

  16. urethral stircture
    I got ur link now and last November I got to knw that i am suffering from the uretheral stricture now days i am taking homeopathy but there is no big relief some time feel too much burning problem when i urinate or some time little bit burning same with my flow some time look fine or some time urine comes in drpos or slowly when i urinate take so much time.I feel pain in my penis when i am not urinate .please suggest me the medicine .

    1. Do u cn explain ur case as i suggested?

  17. Hi i am balbir singh suffering from urethral stricture

  18. Dear Dr,

    My age is 35, Weight is 85 and I am unmarried.

    I am facing urine flow and drop problem since 2011 also diabetic since 2012 after ultrasound and X ray Dr found that I have stricture urethra and cystitis. and Dr suggested me for Operation.

    In ultrasound shown that 170 ML Urine available in urine bladder. I always fell my urine bladder is not empty and need to go again and again in very short time.

    I am facing difficulties and low flow drop drop urine sometime in urine.

    Dr I don't want operation because now I am unmarried and I know aftet operation I will face problem in sexual relationship.

    so please prescribed me effective medicine for stricture urethra & cystitis also prescribed medicine for diabetic.

    Dr one more thing at the time of intercourse with my Girl Friend I feel loose of penis and very soon discharge.

    Dr I am going to get marry within a year.

    Please help and prescribed effective medicines on my symptoms.

    Please Note: I am taking below homeopathic medicines but not much relief.

    Cantharis 1M Alternative Day

    Clematis 200. Three Time A day

    Apismel 30 Three time a day

    Sabal sur Q. Three Time A day

    Syzigium Jamb Q Three time a day .

    thanking you.

    Thanks & Regards

    S S M Haque


    1. According to current symptoms u need to take CAUSTICUM 200c, just 3 pills, not daily, just 3 pills and wait for 15 days, let me know after 15 days.

  19. I recently got operated for urtheral stricture. Want to start with homeopathy so that it doesnt happen again. Please help.



  20. I have uretharal stricture in urethra bulburmembrance. I have done 2 surgery micro scopy, but still i have suffering problem, i have to go every week for dialtation.
    Please give me parmanent solution this problem


  21. Dear Haresh,

    Take Thuja 200, Just 2 pills and wait for 10 days.

  22. I am suffering from urethra stricture since last 8 years. can you help me ?. My e-mail id is pls. give me ur contact nos.


    1. Dear Ravi chenna,

      Urethral stricture is curable in Homeopathy. let me know more details

  23. urethra strciture
    Message*: Hi
    I have been suffering from urethra stricture for last twenty years .Do homeopathy can cure it

    1. yes homeopathy helps in your case, just take 3 pills (not daily) of NITRIC ACID 200c and let me know after 15 days.

    Sir I am in great worry of my life because my urethra was placed in between legs after operation, please do help me, to fix it into penis. I would like to meet you sir, please give me your appointment.YOUR ARE MY LAST HOPE.Thanks,

  25. Dear Sir,
    I am suffering with burning urination and fever from 2014, as per reports came to know I have stricture urethra(Posterior part of penile urethra) and As per doctor advice I have went through VIU operation. after than I was fine till 4-5 Months than problem started again and I met doctor, he said that has do open surgery. That's why I am scaring, because I am unmarried. If any thing goes wrong my life will spoil. So kindly requesting you to share prescription for stricture urethra I am grateful to you sir.

    1. Dear yvramana, sorry for delay in reply. I have gone through the reports. I suggest you to take a dose just 2 pills of NITRIC ACID 200c, and wait for 15 days. Berberies Vulgaris mother tincture morning 3 drops and evening 3drops in half cup of water for 15 days.. let me know symptoms after one month. mean while you can contact me at any time.

  26. Sir I have urethral stricture below the verumontam confirm by rgu test .
    My symptoms is.
    1: frequent and urge to urinate 12 -14 times in 24 hour not disturb in night .
    2: weak urine flow .
    Having max flow rate is 11 ml/sec
    Avg flow rate is 6.6ml/sec

    Urine colour is water colour in 70 percent time .....
    Please suggest me a homeopathic medicine for that .

    Thanku sir .

  27. Please try Nitric acid 200c just 2 pills and wait for 15 days sir.

  28. Dear doctor
    I have multiple urethral strictures even from childless
    2 on the end of penis about 2 cm each
    1 under the testicols wich looks like an corn bean.

    During manual dilation was not possible to insert even 8foley sonde, very tight and very fibrous.
    Flow of urine is very less , pain on the urethra difficult to urine, no other simptoms only this. Sometimes the flow is like drops and soon i think i have to go for manual dilation

    I had try many remedies but no help

    Pls suggest

    Thank you in advance

  29. Dear doctor
    I have multiple urethral strictures even from childless
    2 on the end of penis about 2 cm each
    1 under the testicols wich looks like an corn bean.

    During manual dilation was not possible to insert even 8foley sonde, very tight and very fibrous.
    Flow of urine is very less , pain on the urethra difficult to urine, no other simptoms only this. Sometimes the flow is like drops and soon i think i have to go for manual dilation

    I had try many remedies but no help

    Pls suggest

    Thank you in advance

  30. Chronic Urethritis Treatment includes antibiotics or other medications to kill the infection. Sex partners should be treated as well. It is imperative to refraining from sexual activity until the treatment is completed because infections can remain active even after your symptoms have disappeared.

  31. Dear Sir,
    I am santosh from Jamshedpur and suffering from Urethral stricture from Last 12 years, undergone surgery VIU two times (first in 2011 and second in 2012) and was continuing self catheterization.
    After some time I discontinued the cathererization and now again urine flow obstructed and catheter is not passing through. Some times urine blocked for 4-5 hours and feel heavy pain in lower abdomen.
    Urge to urinate but not passing urine is main problem at sometimes. Recently I started Conium 200 - 4drops X 2 times. Urine flow is better but not as normal as it should be. sometimes I feel pain in kidney areas too. Kindly suggest the correct medicine.
    Thanks and Regards,

  32. Sir, nitric acid is syrup? Can u tell me the name pl..

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Sir, I have problem of slow urine and sometimes drops comes and pain in starting of urine in penis .I gone throug USG my homeopath doc. Says its a urinary stricture ..USG seems ok..he gave me homeopath tabs and m taking since several months but for some times I got free from that but again within two three days it remains earlier..some time I have to give pressure to pee in starting and then when urine comes it's starting smoothly but in very slow speed and weak stream..please suggest me the proper medicine which can relief me soon and permanently ..
    Thanks.and reply me soon..sir..

  35. I am a man of 47 years. I had a turp surgery on last year, but later I suffered an inflammation that led to a stenosis of the bulbar urethra (it was reduced the diameter in 60 %, 3 cm long). Can I take thiosinaminum? I have Thiosinaminum 6DH, 30c and 200c. What is the better? I have taken petroselinum 30c and 6c, in the last few weeks, which has improved my condition, but not enough (less pain but uretral stricture remains).


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