Homeopathic Treatment for Clear and glowing skin

- An article by Dr Sunitha Devi Vanemreddy M.D(Hom) drsunithavannemreddy@gmail.com Skin is the largest and major sensory organ in the human body. Everybody wishes to have a clear and glowing skin. Skin contains sweat glands and sebaceous glands to protect from the ultraviolet rays and other conditions. Depending on the region we live skin colour changes and texture of the skin also alters from one person to another. Skin condition varies basing on the weather and health condition of the person. Clear and glowing skin affected by both internal and external factors. The condition occurs to skin are not life threatening one but most of the people especially youngsters feels it is life altering condition. Sometimes skin loses its glowing effect and become dull and lifeless. It might be because of external factors like pollutions, chemicals and other toxins and internal factors like hormonal shift and other metabolic and systemic diseases which affect the skin. Two ...