COMMON NAME : Sal Ammoniac. Ammonium chloride.
SOURCE : Mineral kingdom
PREPARATION : First decimal solution withater,subsequent dilutions with alcohol. Also triturations.
PROVER : Dr.Hahnemann

SPHERE OF ACTION : Mucous membranes, Extremiies, Skin, Eyes, G.I.T, G.U.T.
Am-m. affects mucous membranes increasing the secretion in the lungs and gallbladder ducts. Am-c. has fat all over. Fatty tumors. Large buttocks. Obesity. Body fat but the legs are thin.

A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state is produced by this remedy. Tendency to irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, pulsations. Am-m. causes ulceration and ulcerative or festering pain. Neuralgic pains in the stumps of amputated limbs. Hemorrhages. Boiling sensation. Tension and tightness, as if the muscles or tendons are too short in groins, hamstrings, lumbar region etc.

CONSTITUTION : It is especially adapted to fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles. It is adapted to patients who are fat, puffy and sluggish with thin limbs, who always feel tired and sore.

AILMENTS: Cold, Wet Weather, Sedentary life, Grief, Anxiety, Fear, Fright, Mental&Physical exertion, Virulent poisoning, After operations.

CLINICAL :Anosmia. Bronchitis. Colds. Constipation. Coryza. Cough. Diarrhea. Eyes inflammation. Fatty tumors. Feet, pains. Glands, enlarged. hemorrhoids. Liver disorders. Melancholia. Menstruation, disorders during. Obesity. Pneumonia. Sciatica. Scurvy. Spleen, pains. Sprains.

Am.mur. is less prominently a right-side medicine than Am.c.; Guernsey regards it as rather left-sided. It acts specially also on the forehead. It causes ulceration and ulcerative pains; also dislocation-like pains and tension as if tendons were contracted. Both cause paralytic weakness; both are < in open

Am.mur. has > from warm bath. Am.carb. has greater sensibility to cold and to damp weather than the muriate. Both have itching eruptions of all kinds; drowsiness by day with indolence; shivering in the evening. The mental state
is very similar in the two. The muriate has perhaps more melancholy and disposition to tears than the other; and it has peculiar to itself "antipathy to certain persons."

Am.mur. has fear of darkness, like Stram., which is not noted under Am.carb. The muriate has fullness in head; weight in forehead.

Burning in eyes in twilight or in morning with photophobia. Keratitis. Ulceration in corners of mouth. Sensation in stomach as if fasting, which nevertheless feels full; < after breakfast. Intermittent pains in both hypochondria. Stitches and burning in liver region, stitches in spleen < sitting. Tension in either groin.
Shootings in scapula and ice-cold sensation between scapulae, unrelieved by external wraps. In the fever chilliness predominates. Choudhury cured with it a case of intermittent characterised by absence of thirst in all stages.

Constipation and piles with bleeding at stool. Sore, smarting haemorrhoids. Hard stool covered with mucus; mucous secretions generally increased.

Menses too early and too copious (Am.c.), with pains in loins. Vomiting, diarrhoea, and neuralgic pains in feet during period.

Coryza, acrid, watery; scalding hot; with cold feeling between shoulders. Loss of smell. Cough and asthmatic symptom < evening and at night and < in open air.

Pain as from ulceration at tips of fingers. Neuralgic pains in stumps of amputated limbs (Al. cep.). Ulcerative pains in heels (ulcers from friction Al.cep.). (Panaris.) Sciatic pain as if tendons were too short.

< Sitting or walking. Tension in legs on lying. Large buttocks. Fatty tumours. Obesity. Body fat; legs thin (Am.c., fat all over).

There is > walking crooked, < on walking erect. Most symptoms are < at night and from two to four a.m.

Better from open air, rapid motion, walking crooked. Worse morning the head and chest. Worse afternoons, the abdominal symptoms, evenings, the skin, fever and limbs. Worse walking erect, periodically, night from 2 to 4 a.m.

(1) Calc., Caust., Seneg.
(2) Mag-m, Nat-m., Valer. and Mur-ac. - pains in feet and heels.
(3) Rhus-t. - sprains, worse sitting.
(4) Seneg. - fat people.
5) Sep., Sulph. - In "aversion to darkness"
(6) Calc., Carb-an., Stront., Valer., and Stram.

Antidotes to: Bitter almonds, Coffea, Nux-v., Caust.
A hot bath relieves aggravation caused by Am-m.



COMMON NAME : Benzoate of Ammonia.NH4C7H5O2.
PREPARATION: Solution in distilled water.
Historical dose: Trituration and all potencies second trituration.

CLINICAL: Albuminuria, Dropsy,Gout,Indigestion,Ranula, Rheumatism.

The chief symptoms of Ammonium Benzoicum are the head feels heavy, dull and stupid. Urine scanty, smoky. Right kidney sensitive to pressure. Gout with fluid in great toe joint or with deposits.
Gout with deposits in the joints. Gout with fluid in big toe joint or with deposits. Urinary incontinence in the aged.

EYES: Feeling of swelling and soreness, apparently in the puncta and saccus lachrymalis. Lids swollen.

TONGUE: Swelling under tongue, right side like ranula.

STOMACH: Eructation of food without acidity, with apparent weakness of digestion, or acid eructations. Increased warmth in stomach.

URINARY ORGANS: Sensation of internal soreness on pressure in leaning the back against the cushioned back of a carriage in region of right kidney. Bloated face, eyelids swollen, head heavy, stupid; urine scanty, smoky. (Albuminuria.) Urine smoky-looking, scanty, strong-smelling.

RESPIRATORY ORGANS:Increased mucus in larynx causes frequent hawking and spitting.

BACK:Pains across sacrum, with urgency to stool.

Remedy is similar in its action to the Ammonias and to Benzoic acid.
Also to Gnaphal. (gouty concretions), Caustic., Tereb., Urtica.


COMMON NAME: Bromide of Ammonium. (NH4Br.)

PREPARATION : Solution in distilled water.
Historical dose: Trituration and all potencies, first potency.

This salt has been well proved by A.M. Cushing.

CLINICAL :Ciliary neuralgia. Coryza. Cough. Epilepsy. Kidney. pain. Larynx, catarrh. Nails, biting. Obesity. Ophthalmia, scrofulous. Ovaries, disorders.Pharyngitis. Pterygium. Whooping cough.
Ammonium bromatum has the eyes and ovaries markedly affected. In the morning the eyes are red and sore with mucus in corners, (worse left eye). There is pain in left ovary, dull with hard swelling. Chronic laryngeal catarrh of speakers.
Obesity. It is indicated in laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh. Sudden strangling, suffocating, cough. Suffocating sensation before epilepsy. Irritable feeling in finger nails, better by biting it. Constrictive pain in head, chest, legs. Sudden short cough when rising in the morning, from accumulation of mucus in throat. Cough at 3 a.m.

It is indicated in epilepsy when the aura begins with a fainting or suffocating sensation at epigastrium, rising up both sides of sternum to throat. There is an irritable feeling under finger nails, > only by biting them. Many symptoms occur on waking, 3 a.m. must walk about for fear of suffocation.

Better from warmth and warm drinks. Worse in open air, cold air. on waking, 3 a.m.

Kali bro., Arg.n., Caust., Bufo, Cepa (Coryza < in warm room); Lach. (< after sleep).
Cough from accumulation of mucus in throat. Aesc.h., Atrop., Grat., Kre., Seneg.


COMMON NAME: Ammonia. Spirits of Hartshorn.NH4 OH.
PREPARATION: Solution in water. Historical dose: All potencies, first to third potency, and also five to ten minims well diluted with water.

CLINICAL: Aphonia. Chills. Cyanosis. Esophagitis. Hemorrhage. Nephritis.Rheumatism. Sloughing of tissue. Snake-bites. Thirst. Thrombosis. Timidity.Ulcerations. Vomiting.
The symptoms of caustic ammonia closely resemble those of the carbonate. The caustic nature of the drug is exemplified in the burning sensations experienced, especially in throat, gullet, and rectum.
In a case of poisoning in a man who took a mouthful of a strong solution of "household ammonia" by mistake there was great swelling of mucous membrane of mouth and throat, stertorous breathing, voice muffled and husky; later, cough
with blood-stained expectoration. One night there was a headache and delirium, and at the same time the urine contained albumen and hyaline casts.

As with the carbonate there is timidity - great tendency to take fright. Shivering.
White patches on tongue and inner side of cheeks.
There is intense thirst, and excessively violent ejection of stomach contents.
Voice low, weak. Speech broken. Aphonia, with debility; or with burning rawness in throat. (A good all-round remedy in aphonia.) Great oppression of breathing; the patient gasps for breath.
It has been used in muscular rheumatism of the shoulders and thighs.
Haemorrhages occur from mucous surfaces. Great excitement in evening.
< After eating or drinking.

The Ammonias, especially Amm.carb.
Antidoted by: Vinegar and vegetable acids.

COMMON NAME: Gum Ammoniac.

A remedy for the aged and feeble, especially in chronic bronchitis. Ill humor. Sensitive to cold.
Sensation of burning and scratching in neck and oesophagus.
Catarrhal headache due to closure of frontal sinuses.

Dim sight. Stars and fiery points float before eyes.
Easily fatigued from reading.
Throat dry; worse inhaling fresh air. Full feeling, burning and scraping sensation. Immediately after eating, sensation as if something stuck in oesophagus, causing swallowing difficult.

Difficult breathing. Chronic bronchial catarrh.Large accumulation of purulent matter and feeble expectoration; worse cold weather.Mucus tough and hard.

Heart beats stronger, extends to pit of stomach.
Coarse rattling of chest in old people.

Antidotes: Bry.; Arnica.
Compare: Senega; Tart. emet.; Balsam Peru.


COMMON NAME: Iodide of Ammonia.
Historical dose: Trituration and all potencies, second and third trituration.

Ammonium Iodatum is indicated when Iodine has but partially relieved its cases of laryngitis and bronchitis, catarrhal Pneumonia, edema of lungs.

Dull headaches, especially in young people. The face is stupid, heavy. Vertigo and Meniere's disease. Laryngitis and bronchitis, catarrhal pneumonia, edema of lungs.

(1) Iodine. 2) Ammonium tartaricum - dry hacking cough after every cold.

COMMON NAME: Ammoniae phosphas. Hydro-diammonic phosphate (NH4)2HPO4 Solution.

Allen says Am-p. has been used with success in some cases of facial paralysis. This salt has been used in cases of chronic gout with nodes of urate of soda on the joints.

Ammon. phos. is a remedy for chronic gouty patients uric acid diathesis indicated in bronchitis and nodosities of the joints of the fingers and backs of the hands. Facial paralysis. Pain in shoulder-joint. Tightness around chest. Heaviness of limbs, unsteady tottering gait. Coldness from least draft of air.

It has been used successfully in some causes of nodosities of the fingers and backs of the hands, and also for chronic bronchitis in patients suffering from chronic rheumatic gout.

Facial paralysis. Gout. Joints, concretions.

C. Voigt took three grains of Am.Phos., with the result: In about an hour, attacked by a sense of tightness in the precordia and around the chest;nausea; thirst; a hard, small frequent pulse; and a collapsed state of the circulation. Afterwards, fullness and tension in head; heaviness in limbs;unsteady, tottering gait.

Allen says it has been used with success in some cases of facial paralysis.



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