Thyroid Problems Homeopathic Natural Remedies best alternate treatment

- Dr.Devendra Kumar MD Homeo,
Hypothyroidism is due to deficiency of production of Thyroid Hormone. There are many causes for the low production of Thyroid Hormone. Most common cause is Auto immune. Auto immune thyroid is also called Hashimato's Thyroiditis. The next most Common cause is Deficiency in Iodine intake. In these cases Thyroid gland will be enlarged in order to produce more thyroid hormones. It is also called Grave's disease.
Homeopathic Natural Remedies are the best alternate treatment for the cure of Thyroid Problems permanently. I have seen most cases of Hypothyroidism under lying cause is the excess use of steroid medicines in allopathy. Those cases who underwent cesarean or major surgery are commonly prone for this auto immune hypothyroid problems. People who underwent surgery for the second time are most likely the victims of this Hypothyroidism.
I would like to explain how Homeopathy can treat Hypothyroidism:
Homeopathic treatment for Hypothyroidism aim in raising the immune levels of the patient suffering from Hypothyroid. Elevated immune system can able to control the damage produced by auto immune antibodies as well reduce the production of Auto immune antibodies.
Homeopathic Remedies for the Treatment of Hypothyroid:
Lachesis is one of the Best Homeopathic Remedy to treat thyroid complaints. Lachesis patients with Hypothyroism craves much more fanning and open air. Perspiration in Lachesis thyroid patients will be high. Lachesis Constitution also desires pickles very much. These patients usually have circulatory defects and more over Lachesis thyroid patients desire to talk that means loquacious. Lachesis thyroid patients are robust in constitution with increased sexual desire. Charming good looking and attractive.
Kalium Carbonicum is also the best Homeopathic Remedy for Hypothyroidism. Kali carb patients with Hypothyroidism are obese in constitution. These people often can't tolerate cold air. Feels aggravated from cold air. Many times Kali carb patients with thyroid disorders suffer from back pain, high sweating and sudden weakness. Kalium carbonicum patients have also great gastric problems.
Iodium is good remedy for Hypothyroidism. These Iodium patients are lean looking with great hunger. They loose weight even though eat well. Iodium Hypothyroid patients more often have enlarged lymph nodes. People suffer from Thyroid glands problems due to deficiency of Iodine, in those cases Iodium Homeopathic remedy is the best suitable Remedy. Iodium 200c potency is most suitable remedy for Hypothyroidism patients.
Spongia is also one of the great remedy for Hypothyroid complaints due to enlarged thyroid gland. The Spondia Hypothyroid patients are more likely prove to respiratory and Heart complaints. Spongia is one of the best Homeopathic remedy for Grave's disease.
Phytolacca Berry is also a good Homeopathic mother tincture for the cure of Thyroid enlargement. Phytolacca Berry is perticularly useful when thyroid patient is obese. Many patients came to my clinic with over weight related to hypothyroid complaints. I prescribe phytolacca most effectively to reduce the weight. Phytolacca decandra is especially useful when thyroid gland is enlarged and hard.
Your comments and suggestions are most valuable on the topic.
Lachesis is one of the Best Homeopathic Remedy to treat thyroid complaints. Lachesis patients with Hypothyroism craves much more fanning and open air. Perspiration in Lachesis thyroid patients will be high. Lachesis Constitution also desires pickles very much. These patients usually have circulatory defects and more over Lachesis thyroid patients desire to talk that means loquacious. Lachesis thyroid patients are robust in constitution with increased sexual desire. Charming good looking and attractive.
Kalium Carbonicum is also the best Homeopathic Remedy for Hypothyroidism. Kali carb patients with Hypothyroidism are obese in constitution. These people often can't tolerate cold air. Feels aggravated from cold air. Many times Kali carb patients with thyroid disorders suffer from back pain, high sweating and sudden weakness. Kalium carbonicum patients have also great gastric problems.
Iodium is good remedy for Hypothyroidism. These Iodium patients are lean looking with great hunger. They loose weight even though eat well. Iodium Hypothyroid patients more often have enlarged lymph nodes. People suffer from Thyroid glands problems due to deficiency of Iodine, in those cases Iodium Homeopathic remedy is the best suitable Remedy. Iodium 200c potency is most suitable remedy for Hypothyroidism patients.
Spongia is also one of the great remedy for Hypothyroid complaints due to enlarged thyroid gland. The Spondia Hypothyroid patients are more likely prove to respiratory and Heart complaints. Spongia is one of the best Homeopathic remedy for Grave's disease.
Phytolacca Berry is also a good Homeopathic mother tincture for the cure of Thyroid enlargement. Phytolacca Berry is perticularly useful when thyroid patient is obese. Many patients came to my clinic with over weight related to hypothyroid complaints. I prescribe phytolacca most effectively to reduce the weight. Phytolacca decandra is especially useful when thyroid gland is enlarged and hard.
Your comments and suggestions are most valuable on the topic.
Yes sir. It is very much true homeopathic way of treatment will give maximum results in Thyroid complications. Very much chances to cure also if treated symptomatically. I feel above all Graphites and FUCUS Q helps me much in obsessed persons.
ReplyDeleteI was suffering from thyroid issues for some time. I had tried allopathic medicine for it but then I came to know about the probable dangerous side effects of such a treatment. That is when someone referred me to Homeopathy4all. And am glad to say homeopathy works! Its just that it the results are gradual and one needs to undergo the treatment with patience. Doctors at H4All investigated the root cause of my ailments and prescribed the right medicines to me.
ReplyDeleteIts nice to know about treatment for Hypothyroid at Homeopathy4all. Homeopathy certainly helps you to cure your problem of thyroid completely.
ReplyDeleteYour remedy is KALI CARB 200, take just 2 pills and wait for one month.
ReplyDeletehypothyroid, low body temp around 96 most of the time, greatly increased migraines, cold even when it hot out, weight gain, extremely dry skin, poor digestion, no sweating, blood work is low t 4, no enlarged thyroid, no energy, depression. Anything you could suggest to help would be wonderful
Please try a dose 2 pills of THUJA 200c, and wait for 15 days.
Deletei have just got off thuja 1 m for a virus i had. and it did seem to help the cough in my throte that i have had for 3 years. im not taking it right now, should i do it again?
Deleteyes pls try again now but just 2 pills of thuja 200c
ReplyDeleteDear sir I am using 'thyroxine tab' since long time , but I want to use homeopathic tab thyroidinum 3x or more power, therfore kindly suggest me which power of thyroidinum can I use and how much time may I use this.
I have digestive problems
Obsity, fatigue
Thyroidinum 6x daily 2 tablets morning and evening. empty stomach and after 6 pm.
DeleteSwelling leg
Have a nice day! My patient name is Mr. Muku Age: 50, problem leg swelling, prostate gland increased, thyroid. I gave him Thyrod..200 one dose some cure. Next Lyco 200 one dose, next Sabal serr. Q 1 Oz but he is not fully cure. Pls suggest me next remedy.
Thanks & b/rgds.
Karamot Ali
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Please try a dose just 2 pills of MEDORRHINUM 200c.
ReplyDeleteDear doctor,
ReplyDeleteOne of my uncles, aged 70, have been suffering from a strange health condition for the last 10 years.
He has taken various treatments - Allopathy, Homeopathy, Herbal etc. from many doctors/experts but did not get any satisfactory recovery.
Now a days, he is very restricted in food taking. He can't consume what other normal people are taking everyday. He has to avoid oily, fried, fast foods.
He has gone through various pathological tests and nothing abnormal was found. They were likely: - CBC, Urine R/E, X-Ray, Lever Functioning Test, SGPT, SGOT, Bilirubin etc., and all are OK.
He's having slightly low blood pressure (avg 110/70). No Diabetes.
His main symptoms are as below:
Main problems:
1. Feeling very weak physically. Can any good Alfalfa Tonic or Combination of Mother Tinctures be of any help?
2. Not feeling any urge to take bath in a week. Even in Summer season, he sleeps with blanket over his body. What to do with this strange condition?
With thanks & regards,
Sms Hasan
Please give him a dose just 2 pills of PSORINUM 200c and wait for 10 days.
ReplyDeleteThyroid cancer tumor
ReplyDeleteThyroid cancer. I have a nodule/tumor the size of a walnut in my throat. No pain when I swallow food or water. It is located on left bottom lobe. I was told I had a few nodules on the right side as well. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in December of 2014, the tumor has not grown since then. They did a biopsy to be sure. I also suffer from anxiety at times. Fear of unknown or no control. I really would like to shrink tumor that is a big concern. Thank you.
Arsenicum Album 200 is right remedy in your case.
ReplyDeleteSir , this is lokanadh can you please give me an idea of selecting ars.alb for that case on which bases .. i would like to learn from you soo many things sir ... you are simply superb in selection of remedy ..
DeleteHelo dr, we can't determine in Homeopathy that we are excel at any point of time. Homeopathy is continuous learning process. after 20 years of experience with Homeopathy now I am feeling little bit learning Homeopathy.sometimes I may lean many things from you, through our discussions.
Selecting Arsenicum alb or any other remedy for Hypothyroid case is based on Symptoms similarity only. Mainly arsenicum album patients are highly anxious, thirst takes often little water. Many times these people have aggravations from bad odors and bad food, what is happening now a days due to modern food habits.
ReplyDeleteIs there a homeopathic cure for primary hyperparathyroidism?
I had an adenoma on a parathyroid in 2001, it was removed and a papillary carconoma was detected in a multinodular struma. Second operation followed in 2001 again with total thyroidectomy and RAI 150 MiCu.
Now again hyperparathyroidism after having been in a normal state for 12 years.
Don't want an operation again (cutting a third time in throat area is tricky) because I have only 1 parathyroid left, it would mean becoming HYPOparathyroid, that is not a cure. Is there a possibility this can be cured by homeopathy? I have severe osteoporosis -3.9. Thank you very much!
Helo Ines, your Homeopathic Remedy is CALCAREA CARB 200c. just take 2 pills and wait for 15 days and come back after 15 days.
ReplyDeleteSir, a male patient of aged 21 was suffering from memory loss like he is perfect in every thing he will just forget only names specally .. he cant able to remamber even 2 lines of matter with out understanding .. if he understand he can wright even 20 to 30 lines of matter but in his own language of english .. sir, i had tryes anacardium 200 but no relif .. advice me the perfect remedy i want to give him BACOPA MONARI(BRAMHI)Q as a next remedy what will be your reply?..!
ReplyDeleteYou can try dr. BACOPA MONARI(BRAMHI)Q along with that give him a dose just 2 pills of ALUMINA 200c.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI'm 43 Male diagnosed with Hypothyroidism with TSH level at 180 last Oct.
Taking Thyroidinum 3X (2 pills Twice a day) since last November.
Got tested again last month and found TSH level reduced to 165, i.e. current medicine is effecting positively.
But I often feel weak for some times sleepy when there is no much work during the day time.
Please advise if I am on right medication and dosage.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI'm 36 years , diagnosed with hypothyroidism for 6 years. T3 and T4 are normal, only TSH is around 6-7.5.Also obese and have warts and PCOS. Please advise right medication to cure hypothyroidism and to reduce weight. Thank you.