Analysis and evaluation of symptoms:

Steps involved in making a correct homoeopathic prescription, especially in a chronic case are:
 Case taking
 Recording and interpretation
 Defining the problem
 Analysis and evaluation
 Errecting totality
 Selecting a proper repertory
 Repertorisation proper
 Analysis of repertorial result and prescription.

Every step has its own importance.
Broadly there are two aspects involved:
 Case taking
 Case processing
dr. Kent points:

A homoeopathic physician may have large no. Of symptoms but knows not what the remedy is; shows that he has failed to get anything that characterises it.
Case taking and case processing demand from the physician- intelligence, art and great patience.
Once case has been taken and recorded with proper details it is possible to do processing and will eventually lead to correct first prescription.

Analysis means:
According to oxford dictionary:-
A detailed examination or study;

Case analysis definition:
A logical resolving of the symptomatology into different components and further splitting them into viable units as per hierarchy. It includes tracing of the source and discovering the interaction of the patient and the environment underlying the individual phenomenon of disease.
In simple terms, the classification of the symptoms into various groups is called analysis.

Classification of symptoms:
According to:-
 Common symptoms (general)
 Uncommon symptoms
 Generals- mental and physical
 Pqrs
 Particulars-location, sensations,
Dr.garth boericke:-
 Basic symptoms
 Determinative symptoms
 Mental
 Physical
 Absolute – cause; type; location; character; concomitant; modalities.
 General- mental and physical.
 Particulars
 Common
 Pqrs
 Location
 Sensations
 Modalities
 Concomitants.
 Modalities
 Mind
 Sensations
 Objective symptoms
 Parts affected
 The last appearing symptom
 Concomitants.

Evaluation means:
According to oxford dictionary:

To find out or state the value of;

To assess

Stalwarts description:
1. Dr. Hahnemann :-
To arrange the symptoms in the order of heirarchy or priority with an idea of individualising the case, the process of grading is called evaluation.
The symptom which determines th choice of remedy are mostly peculiar to that remedy and of marked similitude to those of the disease.

According to aphorism 153: in this search………..the most suitable to for effecting the cure.
Symptoms can be divided in two groups:
 Uncommon symptoms
 Common symptoms

2. Dr. J.t. Kent:-
The symptoms must be judged as to their value as characteristics, in relation to the patient. They must be taken first then those less and less peculiar, until the symptoms that are common are reached.
These must be valued in proportion, as they relate to the patient rather than his parts.

Symptoms to be taken:
1.mentals: love & hates;desires & aversions; intellect;
2.related to the entire person: sensitiveness to heat,cold, storm,rest,night,day,time and other modalities.
3.particulars of the regions of the body:
Discharges from the ulcers,uterus,ears and other parts.
4.modalities of the parts affected.

3.dr.margret tyler & dr.john weir:-
Symptoms are of two orders:
1.those general to the patient as a whole (kent’s generals).
2.those particulars,not to the patient as a whole but to some parts of him (kent’s particulars).
Generals:1st grade are mental symptoms.
2nd grade are reactions to the mental environment as a whole to the bodily environment.
3rd grade are cravings and aversions.
4th grade are;in women,the mensrual state.
Particulars: with anything peculiar or unusual.
Common symptoms insist on the correct diagnosis.

Remember, the priceless symptoms for success are the strange, the rare, the unaccountable ones; those that flatly contradict preconceived ideas, and head off straight for a limited number of drugs.
4. Dr. H.a. Robert:-
the personality, the individuality of the patient, must stand out pre-eminently in the pictuer. This embraces not only his physical characteristics, but the expression of his mental and emotional characteristics as well.

The generals rank the highest in evaluating the case. The mental and emotional symptoms are the true reflections of his personality.
Subjective symptoms are the registration of his physical or other difficulties as expressed on his personality.

Objective symptoms can picture accurately certain phases of the case and can’t be distorted by the design of the patient.
Objective symptoms are more important in child life as we see through them their desires and dispositions. Many of these symptoms may be translated into subjective form.

Symptoms of location furnish quite characteristic symptoms, since every remedy acts more decidedly on certain parts of organism. Localisation in the right or left side of the body or as to the direction i.e. From which side to which direction the symptoms move are of importance too.

Common symptoms which are found in almost all the diseases may be left out unless they manifest themselves in a striking manner. All the attendant symptoms i.e. Concomitants should be carefully noted:
 Which rarely appear in connection with the leading disease.
 Those which belong to the other sphere of disease than the principal ailment.
 Those with characteristic signs of the medicine.

Considering the value of what dr.hahnemann calls “strange,rare and peculiar symptoms” ;the exposition that a.c. Doyle puts in the mouth of his famous character,sherlock holmes: “that which is out of the common is usually a guide rather than a hindrance. That which is seemingly confuses the case is the very thing that furnishes the clue to its solution”.

Causation of certain conditions and the symptoms produced help in-
 Pathological prescription.
 To know the tendencies of the patient.
 Susceptibility to disease conditions and idiosyncracies.
 Symptoms produced due to occupation.
 Poisoning from over drugging or working with metals.
 To know the basic miasm of the patient.

Modalities: the aggravations and ameliorations are very valuable as they are the natural modifiers of disease state and are the definite reactions of the patient. They become generals if they appertain in the same way to several parts of the body, even though they seemingly express themselves in local parts.
Contradictory symptoms:- are important as they rule out many of the remedies which might be considered in a case e.g. Fever with thirstlessness.
Contradictory symptoms may help in choosing the remedy from the stand point of being themselves a symptom,just as the paucity of symptoms. For this reason they can be considered as symptoms of 1st rank.

Periodicity of symptoms :-
It is necessary to consider the period of onset, the increase,the acme,the decrease and the end of the symptoms in periodic manifestations of the symptoms; in evaluation of symptoms.

5. Dr. Jugal kishore:-
Symptoms are the most important data input for finding the similimum. But the confusion arises, when we are faced with hordes of symptoms from the patient. For this the evaluation and analysis becomes a must.

Evaluation of symptoms require:
 Maturity of mind.
 Knowledge of medicine including normal and abnormal structure, function and

 Knowledge of homoeopathic philosophy.
 Knowledge of homoeopathic repertories and their philosophical background.

Stalwarts description contd.
It is necessary to differentiate the symptoms and signs which belong to a particular individual suffering from the sickness, from the herd symptoms of that particular sickness.
The grading of symptoms not only economises our effort and time, but also saves us from failure and disappointments.

The process of evaluation not only involves comparison of the symptoms produced by different remedies, to the symptoms of the patient,but also compares the remedies having similar pahtogenesis, and see which one suits the patient the most.

Hierarchy/grading of symptoms

1.mental symptoms-
emotion and will;love & hate;aversions & cravings;indifference or abnormal affection.
Irritability is common but its value increases when modified by definite exciting/aggravating conditions.
Symptoms of intellect,memory are assigned comparitively lower position.

It may originate due to-
Physical factors, drugs, poisoning; ingestion of the kind of food; mechanical cause and dynamic and psychological or emotional factors.
So its important to know about the onset of disease from homoeopathic point of view.

3.patient’s reaction to physical and social surroundings- to seasons, heat & cold, wetness, time,smoke & dust, change of position, motion & rest. These are physical generals.
in generalities- general modalities;thermal & meterological conditions; metabolic conditions like eating, sweating, sleep & dreams, urination, stools, menses.
social & personal factors like occupation,sexual functions etc. Affect patient in specific ways and are thus important.

Chronology of symptoms-
Recent symptoms- higher value as indicative of active disturbances in the body.
Remote symptoms- may also cover the present picture or may be needed later on when the dynamics of the movement of the symptoms takes place after the current prescription.
Periodicity and recurrence of symptoms are also characteristics.

4.desires and aversions- they are to be considered both in mental and physical plane, giving higher value to the former than the later.
5.menstrual and other discharges- the occurrence of some conditions before, during or after menses are to be specially noted.
6.characteristic particulars- particulars and concomitants which are peculiar, unusual, unexplainable are to be noted.

7.local or particulars- which are strongly marked and have noticeable modalities.
8.when common symptom changes into characteristic one.
9.signs and symptoms markedly related to a particular organ or function.
10.miasmatic background in family history.
11.pathological generals.

Symptoms are the sole expression of the internal disturbance. It is a complex entity, as complex and differentiated as the man himself. It is only by the proper understanding of these expressions in disease and their proper classification and evaluation, that we can apply our guiding law, similia similibus curenter, intelligently and for the benefit of our patients.


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