CEDRON HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY FOR snake-bites, stings of insects

Cedr. Cedron. Simaruba ferroginea. Rattlesnake Bean. Simaba Cedron.
N. O .Simarubacae.
A small tree, a native of Columbia and Central America, remarkable for the properties of its seed. The Cedron of commerce is not unlike a large blanched almond - it is often yellowish, hard and compact, but can be easily cut; it is intensely bitter, not unlike quassia in taste and has no odour.
Tincture of seeds. Tincture of pure bean scraped on wound.

Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, tincture to third Potency
Petroz and Teste introduced Cedr. into homeopathic practice, having received the seefrom Panama with an account of its powers of antidoting snake-bite when chewed immediately after being bitten and also of its traditional reputation in intermittent fevers.

Cedr. is particularly useful in tropical or in damp, warm, marshy countries.
It has powers of healing snake-bites and stings of insects.

Adapted to persons of a voluptuous disposition and of an excitable nervous temperament, especially to females.
.Periodicity is the most marked characteristic of Cedron. It has beenfound curative in malarial affections, especially neuralgia. Adapted to persons of a voluptuous disposition, excitable, nervous temperament. Mania.

Malarial disorders of damp, warm, marshy countries. Neuralgias occurring at exact periodicity is the most marked feature of this remedy.
Complaints after sex, chorea in women, neuralgia in men. Trembling. Numbness of the whole body. Convulsions during menses. Lectophobia. Bluish-red face, forearm to elbow and hands and feet cold, sweat beneath axilla and on chest.
Complaints after sex.

Antidotes the effect of snake bite and stings of insects.

Better from standing erect. Worse from periodically, at the same hour, openair, lying down, before storm after sleep.

Brow ague. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Ciliary neuralgia. Chorea. Epilepsy, menstrual. Glaucoma. Gout. Hydrophobia. Hysteria. Intermittent fever. Neuralgia. Neuritis. Rheumatism. Snake-bites. Toothache.

Nervous excitement, followed by depression. Restlessness, as driven from place to place, urine dark yellow increased quantities. Lectophobia. Body heavy, mind depressed. Mental symptoms are worse at night
Orbital neuralgia. Crazy feeling from pain across forehead. Whole body feels numb during headache. Stammers after sex. Head feels as if swollen. Pain from temple to temple across eyes. Pain over whole right side of face, coming on about 9 a.m. Crazy feeling from pain across forehead, worse working on black. Roaring in ears produced by quinine. Whole body seems numb with headache. Left-sided neuralgias.

Eyes red. Burn like fire. Shooting over left eye. Severe pain in eyeballs with radiating pains around the eye, scalding lachrymation. Supra-orbital neuralgia periodic. Pain over the eye worse sex. Iritis, choroiditis. Objects appear red at night and yellow by day.

Tinnitus. Hardness of hearing at night.

Point of nose cold with chilliness and yawning, 9 a-m. Secretion profuse. Glassy-looking mucus or thin, clear, acrid.

Animated red face. Flying heat of face alternating with chills. Prosopalgia(rt.). wandering pains, spasmodic distortion of muscles. Tumid face, pupils much dilated. Lips cold, bluish, dry during menses.

Prickling itching of tongue. Painful pricking of tongue with sensation of heat. Feels paralyzed. Difficulty of speech. Stammering after sex. During menses: mouth and tongue dry, breath fetid. After menses: profuse Ptyalism.
Toothache every night during menses with bleeding gums. Sudden toothache in left upper molars, on inspiration, sensation as if cold air touched the teeth.

Larynx constricted and tender. Intermittent laryngitis. Burning and constriction, difficult swallowing. Prickling and tingling in throat and fauces, extending some way down esophagus. Pain on small spot next root of tongue, as of a foreign body, worse from pressure.

Nausea with distention of stomach. Sensation as of a stone on stomach

Longing for cold drinks in some, for warm in others. Great thirst during menses. Loss of appetite.

Abdomen hard and distended. Stitches in spleen and liver. Flatulence, colic and cramp. Borborygmi (left side).

Involuntary stool during chorea attack. Ineffectual urging.

Many symptoms appear after sex and during the menses. Leucorrhea in place of menses. Ptyalism and leucorrhea after menses. Genital excitement at daybreak with discharge like leucorrhea and swollen breasts with some pain. Menstrual epilepsy. Puerperal eclampsia.

After sex pain over left eye. Gonorrhea-like discharge, lasting three days. Gleet with formication over whole body. Desire with firm erections, all night, on waking.

Pain in kidneys. Burning along ureter and in urethra. Feeling as if a drop of urine in urethra or a constant dripping from it.

Oppression. Sharp, darting-cutting pains under floating ribs and scapula.

Palpitations and hurried breathing with headache. Action irregular. Pulse quick and full with animated red face. Pulse uncountable.

Difficult respiration with partial loss of voice, recurring at different intervals. Suffocative fits recurring regularly every day 10 to 12 o'clock. Suffocating fits, worse after sex, worse after sleep, better by eating. Troublesome cough every morning at six, lasting two hours. Respiration much affected after sex. Breath cold.

Stiff neck, pains all along spine. Pain in neck and loins on rising in morning. Pain under scapula and in pelvis.

Acute sudden pain in ball of right thumb up arm to shoulder, same in right foot to knee, causing her to drop to the floor. Sharp pain in joints, worse feet and hands. Pain in ball of right foot, extending to knee. Shingles withradiating pain. Dropsy of knee-joint.

Yawning and stretching. Drowsy, sometimes very profound sleep. Restless, frequent waking. Worse after sleep. Dreamed (he seldom dreamed) of pleasant social interviews with female acquaintances. Dreamed of a quarreling with a dead sister and other dead friends, cried about it and awoke with sensation of a stone in the stomach.

Excitement before chill. Malaria. Regular paroxysms of fever, coming at same hour, commencing every day 6 p-m. by chills in back and limbs or cold feet and hands. Hot stage: dryness, heaviness of head, redness of face, burning heat in hands, pulse full and accelerated, thirst with desire for warm drinks. Shivering and chill, followed by profuse perspiration every evening. Chill with congestion to head, hands, feet and nose remain icy cold. During sweat: coldness and heat and heat and coldness irregularly intermingle. Quotidian or tertian fever with marked regularity.

(1) Ars., Aran., Bell.,
(2) Cedr. removes roaring in ears of Chin. Bell. removes "Objects appear red
at night, and yellowish by day" of Cedr.,
(3)Ars. and Sabad. - complaints return same hour every day.
(4) Aran. - ague when chills predominates.

Antidoted by: Lach., Bell.
Antidote to: Lach.


Cean. Red root. Ceanothus americanus. New Jersey Tea. N. O. Rhamnacae.
Tincture of fresh leaves. The fresh leaves are pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.
Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, first potency. Locally as hair tonic

Burnett, following Hale is our chief authority for Ceanothus. It has been recently proved by I. C. Fahnestock, but its place had already been made clear by clinical use and definite clinical symptoms have been observed.

Ceanothus is a spleen remedy par excellence, deep seated pain in left hypochondrium, pain and fullness in left side, cutting pain. Pain inflammation, enlargement of spleen, either alone or with other disorders indicate its use, chilliness, principally down back, shivering, rigors, must sit over fire, worse in cold weather. Low spirits with splenic affection. Headache, right side with spleen pain. Marked blood pressure, reducing powers.
This remedy has a special affinity to the spleen, which enlarges enormously. Ague cake of malaria. Deep-seated or cutting pains and fullness in region of spleen. Chronic bronchitis with profuse secretion. Active hemostatic, materially reducing the clotting of blood.?

Anemic patients where liver and spleen are at fault. Leukemia. Enlargement of spleen and liver. Pain in left hypochondria with dyspnea, diarrhea. Periodical neuralgia. A left-sided remedy generally. Lost of several pounds in weight.

Deep-seated pain in left hypochondrium. Unable to lie on left side. Pain in liver and back. Pain in left side with leucorrhea and chilliness. Sensitiveness in umbilical region with desire to relax abdominal muscles. Whole abdomen moves with beat of heat. Bearing-down in abdomen worse after eating.

Sharp pain above pubes in region of bladder, before urination. Urine is quite green, contains bile, strong odor, frothy. Urine is alkaline with increased phosphates, high specific gravity, trace of sugar. After urinating feeling as if all had not passed. Pain in back and irritation of urethra. Constant urging to urinate.

Diarrhea, bearing down in abdomen and rectum. Dysentery. Stool light brown with loud flatus. Continual bearing-down in rectum with constricting sensation.

Great weakness on walking or standing. Aversion to move, feels too weak.
Worse from cold weather. Worse lying on left side, motion.

Anemia. Diarrhea. Dyspnea. Heart, disordered. Intermittent fever. Jaundice. Leucorrhea. Leukemia. Menses, suppressed. Side, pains. Spleen disorders.

Cean. is followed well by: Berb., Con., Myric., Querc.
Antidote: Nat-m.

Myrtus communis has a pain in the left side, but that is high up under theclavicle;
the pain that is a little lower is the property of Sumbul;
stilllower of Acidum flouricum;
a little further to the left of Acidum oxalicum;
more to the right of Aurum; right under the left breast
These remedies promptly do their work when these left-sided pains are apart of
the disease picture, but they will not touch the pain that is deep in behind the ribs of the left side; more superficially Bryonia has it;
a little deeper than Bryonia, Pulsatilla nuttal, will touch it; and so will Juglans regia,
which poor Clothar Muller proved as a student.of Cimicifuga rac.
But the real splenic stitch requires China, Chelidonium, Berberis, Chininum
sulphuricum or Conium, or Ceanothus Americanus.

List of references;
1. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
2. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
3 . Burnett . C –Best of Burnett, compiled by Dr.H.L.Chitkara.
4. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
5. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
6. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman


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