Chaparro Bush.,Goat-bush.,Bishirandi Amargoso.,Castila Nicholsoni.
N. O. Simarubaceae.
Fluid extract from bark of stem.

Dr. M. J. Bleim, of San Antonio, Texas, communicates to the North American
Journal of Homoeopathy, of March, 1899, an article in praise of this Mexican
plant, a small, thorny bush, three to five feet high, with a small,
saffron-coloured flower.

Dr. Bleim reports the following cases cured: (1) Mr. A., of New Orleans,
eighteen months ill with dysentery, was sent to Dr. Bleim under suspicion of
tuberculosis. Before seeing the doctor he met a stockman who said he could
cure him, having himself been cured with the remedy after a like experience.
Chapar. was the remedy, a teaspoonful of the extract three times a day. After
three doses there was considerable improvement. He took no more medicine, and
had no further trouble. (2) Boy, 12, had been treated for several months by
Dr. Bleim with indifferent results. Chapar., half a teaspoonful three times a
day. In forty-eight hours the discharge ceased, and the bowels became normal.
(3) An acute case had improved rapidly under Merc. cor. and colon-douches, but
came to a standstill at a certain point: three or four stools a day, more or
less pain; no appetite; very weak. Chapar. was ordered, a teaspoonful three
times a day; immediate general improvement; in forty-eight hours the bowels
were normal; within a few weeks strength was entirely restored.

Dr. right T. Knox, of Gonzales, narrates his own case: Dysentery three years.
Nothing gave more than temporary relief. Discharge after discharge of
quantities of bloody matter accompanied with much pain. Ravenously hungry all
the time in a land of plenty. Under the advice of a farmer he was persuaded to
drink freely of a tea made of the shrub, before each meal. The infusion has
the appearance of sparkling beer, and was most intensely bitter. In three days
there was great improvement. In two weeks the bowels were under control,
stools consistent, partly moulded, sleep good. Recovery was perfect.

Chaparro is prized by Mexican doctors as a tonic and antiperiodic.
Compare: Cedron, Merc., Nux, Nit. ac., Caps.


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