Name from Greek chion, snow, and anthos, a flower. Small tree, bearing in June white flowers like snowdrops. The root-bark is heavy enough to sink in water. The outside is reddish or greyish-brown; the inner surface is a yellowish-brown. It is almost odourous, but very bitter in taste.

COMMON NAME: Chion. Fringe-tree ,Chionanthus virginica. Chionanthus americana.
Show-flower.Old-man's beard. Poison ash. Snow drop tree. Snow flowers.

HABITAT: Found on river banks and sandy plains in southern Pennsylvania and also indigenous to the eastern part of North America. In the autumn, the shiny green leaves become bright yellow. The tree grows on river banks and prefers a moist but porous and somewhat stony soil.

PREPARATION: The bark, which is the part employed, contains Saponin. The fresh bark is
pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol.
Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, tincture and first potency.
PROVER: A proving was made by Dr. John Z. Lawshe in 1881 and was communicated,
with additions, to the Southern Journal of Homoeopathy by H. C. Morrow.

Chionanthus used to be a popular tonic and antifebrile remedy in North America. The bark reduces the blockage in the liver and stimulates the discharge of gall.

CLINICAL: Constipation. Debility. Emaciation with liver-disorder. Gall-stone colic. Headaches. Jaundice. Liver, diseases. Malaria. Migraines. Neurasthenia. Nursing women, complaints.

Chionanthus is a most valuable liver remedy. It is particularly useful in catarrhal jaundice, but is not indicated in other varieties. There is no more effective remedy when it is well indicated and is also indicated in hypertrophy, obstructed liver in malaria districts. The following are the leading indications: A prominent liver remedy. Enlarged liver, constipation, clay-colored stool with jaundice and high-colored urine. Liver region sore. Liver derangement. Gallstones, (Berb., Cholest., Calc.). Chronic jaundice. Jaundice recurring every summer. Jaundice with arrest of menses. useful in the jaundice of childhood and that of pregnant women. Especially valuable in engorgement and acute congestion of the liver. An excellent remedy for gall-stones. It is said to prevent their formation and promotes the discharge of those already formed.

This remedy is often of service in many kinds of headaches, like the neurasthenic, periodical sick headaches, menstrual and bilious. periodical sick headaches with heavily coated tongue The pain in the forehead, chiefly over eyes. Eyeballs very painful with pressure over root of nose.

Enlarged spleen. (Cean.) Diabetes mellitus. Paroxysmal, abdominal pain. Bruise, soreness is felt in various organs, liver, eyeballs etc. Pains ascend upwards from forehead, stomach etc. Sensation of contraction of stomach as if something alive moving in it with uneasy sensation in liver and spleen. Rheumatic pains in left ankle and tarsal bone.

Chion. is suited to bilious temperaments. One observer (H. Recorder, xii, 369), who gave Chio. to a nursing woman who had liver disorder with jaundiced tint, noticed that whilst rapid improvement of the liver symptoms occurred, at the same time the milk disappeared and the menses returned. The medicine was stopped and Sabal. serr. given and the milk returned. Six weeks
later Chio. was again given and identically the same result took place.

MIND: Listless, apathetic. Wants to be let alone. Feels played out. No desire to do anything. Hypochondriacal, inclined to look on the dark side.

HEAD: Severe bilious, sick headaches, worse stooping, motion. Dull frontal headache, over root of nose, over eyes, through temples. Feels sore and bruised. Heavy, dull feeling in forehead. Forehead very hot and dry. Perspiration on head during fever, while asleep.

EYES: Eyeballs feel bruised.Yellow conjunctiva. Feel sore and bruised.Blood vessels of sclerotic very much enlarged. Whites of eyes have a yellowish cast all over.

NOSE: Pressing at the root of nose or squeezing on bridge. Drawing or pressing at root of nose during headache.

MOUTH: Tongue heavily coated. Dry sensation not relieved by water, also profuse saliva. Tongue, broad with thick greenish yellow fur, feels drawn up.Salivation.

STOMACH: Belching, nausea, and vomiting. Great nausea and retching with desire for stool. Bitter sour, hot, bilious, ropy, gushing, vomiting, sets the teeth on edge. Vomiting with colic and cold sweat on forehead and back of hands.Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.Complete loss of appetite. Tried to eat, but food nauseated. Eating and drinking relieved empty, weak feeling in stomach to some extent.

ABDOMEN: Cutting and twisting pains all through the abdomen. Sore abdomen enlarged
with jaundice and constipation. Aching in umbilical region, griping. Feels as if a string were tied in a "slip-knot" around intestines which was suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened. Pancreatic disease. Gripping at navel. Weakness in hypogastrium. Passage of offensive flatus. Abdominal pains somewhat better by lying on stomach and abdomen.
constipation. Clay-colored stool, also soft, yellow and pasty. Stools, tarry, clay colored or undigested. Cold sweat on forehead and back of hand during stool. Stools undigested and showing an absence of bile.Diarrhea. Stool copious, watery, dark brown. Stools terribly offensive, like
carrion. Emission of flatus during stool. Hot, scalding sensation in anus during stool.

LIVER: Hypertrophy of liver. Hepatic region tender. Cholecystitis. Bilious colic. Gall-stones. Jaundice with arrest of menses.Enormous liver, constipation, stools clay-colored, skin very
yellow. Soreness in region of liver. Chronic cases of jaundice. Jaundice recurring every summer.

URINARY SYSTEM: Bile and sugar in urine. Diabetes Mellitus. Large amount of high specific
gravity, frequent urination. Urine very dark. Urine orange yellow colour, thick, black, syrupy.

SKIN: Marked moisture of skin. Yellow all over. Jaundice, chronic, recurring every summer, caused by drinking too much cider. Sallow, greenish, itching.

SLEEP: Could not go to sleep before midnight. Nervous and restless after going to bed. Feels very badly and sick all over on waking in the morning. Sleepy during the day, could hardly keep awake. Perspiration on head and face during sleep.

FEVER: Heat with aversion to uncover. Cold sweat on back of hands. Chill at noon. Chilly sensations darting through body from front to back. Aching in back or limbs before and during fever. Wants to be covered during chill and fever. No thirst during chill or fever. Headache and backache during fever, eyeballs very sore.

EXTRIMITIES: Cold sweat on the back of hands during stool. Rheumatic pain in left ankle and tarsal bones. Rheumatic pain in articulations of left thumb. Sore, aching, tired feeling in lower limbs.

Worse from motion, cold.
Better from lying on abdomen.


(1) Bry., Card-m., Cean., Chin., Euon., Chel., Lept., Merc., Podo.
(2) In bilious vomiting, Bry., Eup-per., Iris and Nux-v.
(3) In green frothy stools, Elat., Grat., Kali-bi., Mag-c., Iris., Merc.
(4) In weakness, bruised and sore feelings, Arn., Bapt., Bry., Eup-per., Gels., Nux-v., Rhus-t.
(5) In headache, Bell., Bry., Caps., Gels., Nux-v.
(6) sensation of something alive, Croc., Thuj. Card-m.; Chel.; Chin.;


1) ALLEN.T.F.- Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica.
2) ANSHUTZ – New,Old And Forgotten Remedies.
3) BOERICKE.W – A New manual of Hom. Materia medica and repertory.
4) CLARKE.J.H.- A Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica.
5) COWPERTWAITE-A text book of hom. Materia medica.
6) HUGHES .R- A Cyclopedia Of Drug Pathogenesis.
7) MURPHY.R- Lotus Materia Medica.
8) PHATAK.S.R- Hom. Materia medica.


COMMON NAME: Chloroform.Formula, CHCl3.
Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, higher potencies or sixth.

Chloroform is the well-known anesthetic, the general effects of which in arresting sensation need no description. Unlike Ether and Nitrous oxide, which require to be administered without air, chloroform vapor must have abundance of air inhaled with it or asphyxia results.

Its most noteworthy effect is complete relaxation of all the voluntary muscles of the body. It may cause death by paralyzing the respiration or the heart. Its use is contraindicated where there is brain softening, fatty heart, alcoholism or albuminuria.

Marcy cured with it a case of arachnitis ending in convulsions.

It is especially indicated in delirium where excitement and violence predominate, desire to kill. Paralysis of voluntary and involuntary muscles and special senses. Chloroform will dissolve gall-stones and cases have been treated by the injection of Chloroform into the gallbladder. Symptoms were obtained by Dr. D. Macfarlan with the 6c potency.

CLINICAL: Arachnitis. Asphyxia. Colic. Convulsions. Delirium tremens. Flatulence.
Gallstones. Muscae volitantes. Bladder sphincter, paralysis. Puerperal convulsions. Sick headache. Smell, lost. Taste, lost. Tetanus. Typhus. Vertigo.

General anesthetic, and anti-spasmodic. Complete muscular relaxation. Weak and quick pulse, shallow or stertorous breathing. Convulsions, nephritic or biliary colic, gastralgia. Great weakness, especially on right side. Limbs very tired from knees down.

Much perspiration all over face and chest, drowsy and dizzy, dry lips and throat, dry tickling cough at night. Flatulence, food regurgitates, sore and bruised feeling in stomach, catching pain around heart. Sharp pain in right chest when he takes long breath, shortness of breath on exertion.

MIND: Delirium where excitement and violence predominate. Wild excitement, followed by complete insensibility. Sings comical songs, could scarcely be persuaded to leave the piano. Obscene language used under its influence in two provers. Desire to kill.

HEAD: Severe bursting headache in forehead. Headache with dizziness with roaring in ears with excessive nausea and vomiting. Head drawn down upon the shoulders, eyes opened and closed rapidly, pupils contracted and rapid convulsive movements of face of muscles of limbs.
Vertigo, rising from spine into occiput. Whirling in head as if he would fall forward. As if ground waving on closing eyes.

EYES: Conjunctiva insensible. Pupils dilated insensible to light. Eyes turned up. Sight gradually went out and returned gradually. Dark points and bright streaks. Small black points float before eyes. Large black spots, gray spots, float a few inches before the eye, follow the motion of the eye. Bright and dark points, sparks, flashes of light.

NOSE: Complete loss of smell.
MOUTH: Teeth smooth, as after acids. Soapy taste. Taste lost.
Burning in throat, scraping. Violent scraping and coldness in fauces on inspiration.

STOMACH: Belchings. Burning in stomach, alternating with chilliness. Nervous hiccough.
Nausea and vomiting, sea sickness or morning sickness, much acidity and great distention of stomach and bowels with gas, abdomen tense, rumbling.

HEART: Constantly increasing retardation and weakening of action of heart and arteries.

URINARY: Paralysis of sphincter of bladder after childbirth.

(1) Chloralum., Phos.
(2) Ether - post-operative bronchitis.
(3) Spiritus Aetheris Compositus - Hoffman's Anodyne - Flatulence, angina pectoris.

Antidoted by: Phosphorus is the remedy to give for narcosis of chloroform. Amyl-n, Ip., Brandy, Ice in rectum.
It antidotes: Strychnine.

1) ALLEN.T.F.- Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica
2) BOERICKE.W – A New manual of Hom. Materia medica and repertory.
3) CLARKE.J.H.- A Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica.
4) MURPHY.R- Lotus Materia Medica


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