CISTUS CANADENSIS Homeopathic Remedy for glandular affections

Cist. Cistus canadensis. Rock Rose. Helianthemum canadense. Ice-plant. Frost-weed.
N. O. Cistacae. Tincture of whole plant.
Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, first to thirtieth potency.
Locally as a wash to arrest fetid discharges.

It is most suited to scrofulous subjects who are very sensitive to cold air.

Marked action in glandular affections, herpetic eruptions, chronic swellings,
when patient is extremely sensitive to cold. sensation of coldness in various parts. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Poisoned wounds, bites, phagedenic ulcers. Malignant disease of the glands of the neck.
Inhaled airfeels cool. Cold breath.

Cistus affects the glands especially of naso-pharynx, neck and breasts(left).

Cistus has affinity for naso-pharynx, aborts colds that center in posterior nose. Sniffling. It also produces herpetic eruptions, scorbutic states, chronic swellings and gangrenous ulcerations.

The patient is painfully sensitive to cold to cold inspired air. Feeling of coldness in various parts of tongue, saliva in throat, belchings in stomach,worse sweating, even the discharges. Mucus discharges are thick, yellow, foul, leave a painful rawness. Suppurations. Internal and external itching.
Formication through the whole body with anxious, difficult breathing.
Burnings. Indurations. Callosities with cracks.

Better from eating. Better by expectoration. Better by swallowing. There is also great sensitiveness to touch,
worse from touch. Worse slightest exposure to cold air, drafts, cold water, mental exertion, excitement touch. Worse by motion. Worse evening, night, morning. Worse by drinking coffee, (diarrhea).

Bone disorders. Cancer. Diarrhea. Erysipelas. Glandular swellings. Herpes zoster. Hip-joint disease. Hospital gangrene. Lupus. Panaritium. Parotiditis. Pharyngitis. Scorbutus. Scrofula. Sore-throat. Ulcers.

1.Similar symptoms to Calc.on physical level.
2.Excessively chilly persons; readily catching cold. Colds settle in throat and posterior nares.
3.Local sensations of coldness.
4.Thick, yellow, offensive mucus.
5.Desire for cheese; strong tasting and stimulating things.
6.Enlarged, indurated and suppurating glands.

Remarkable resemblance to Calc., though mostly on the physical
level only; no mental picture known.

Extreme SENSITIVENESS and susceptibility to COLD.

Sensation of COLDNESS in various parts [mouth, throat, nose, breath,
tongue, naso-pharynx, stomach, abdomen, saliva, eructations, forehead, chest,

Antidoted by: Rhus-t., Camph. and Sep.
Compatible: Magnesium - the plant grows on a magnesium soil.


Cit-v. Citrus vulgaris. Bitter Orange. Aurantium. Orange.
N. O. Rutacae.Tincture of peel of Seville orange.
Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies, local application and mouth wash, one dram to 8 ozs. of water. For cancer pains generally often effective.

The tincture of the orange peel is used as a pleasant bitter tonic in old-school practice. On sensitive individuals oranges in any form produce pathogen tic effects. Boiled dried orange peel excites the intestine in a manner similar to other forms of cellulose or agar.

There is an increased flow of bile which continues for hours. It unites both a cholagogue action with a mechanical stimulus to peristalsis. An orange eaten before breakfast is said to destroy the craving for alcohol in alcoholics


Choking, sensation. Faintness. Headache. Metrorrhagia. Neuralgia. Palpitations. Throat, rising in.

Diseases of the elderly with coldness and chilliness. Neuralgias and skin symptoms. Itching, redness and swelling of hands. Headache with nausea, vomiting and vertigo. Facial neuralgias mostly right-sided. Thoracic oppression.

Frequent and irresistible yawning. Disturbed sleep. Great excitement, quick motions. Pains in kidneys and bladder. Too copious menses. Pleurodynia. Palpitations.

Neuralgia in face, shooting, gnawing pains, most in temples, especially right side.

Something seems to rise in throat and choke her. Fearful taste at back of nose and throat, lasting for days and causing choking sensation and faintness.

Itching, general or more often only in upper limbs with redness and swelling of hands. Eruption and other symptoms like scarlatina.

List of references;
1. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica --- 1
2. Boricke. W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica-- 1,2
3. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.—1,2
4. Farrington. E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica. -- 1
5. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM -- 1,2
6. Kent. J. T. Lectures on Materia Medica.-- 1
7. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.-- 1,2
8. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman -- 1

(1—Cistus Canadensis, 2 --- Citrus Vulgaris)


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