
Maidenplum, Antrum of Highmore
Anacardaceae (Anacardium orientale, Anacardium occidentale, Rhus toxicodendron)
The tincture is prepared from fresh leaves and the bark of a very poisonous plant growing luxuriantly in Cuba and the southern parts of the USA, called GUAO by the natives of the West Indies. Plant is very poisonous that sleeping beneath its shade causes fatal illness, esp. when the sun is shining on it. Slightest contact and even walking in the neighborhood of growing tree, being sufficient to cause violent inflammation. The trunk and branches of tree contain a milky fluid, turning black on exposure to sunlight, discoloring the skin, linen, etc. the plan causes tormenting itching, swelling, redness, vesication, ulceration

Region: Skin, Eyes, Nose, Right side

Generalities :
A scarlet redness of the whole body, like scarlet fever.
Swelling of the whole body.
Pains throughout the body, especially in the left side, > moving in the open air.

Head: Giddiness on rising from bed, everything looks dark. Better motion, worse heat.

Eyes: ciliary neuralgia with eyes feeling large and protruded, esp. right. Sore eyeballs. Worse near warm stove. Feels as if pressed outward. Sees only glimmer of light with left eye. Vision of left eye becomes lost. Glaucoma, sense of fullness, eyeball feels too large. Motion of eyes aggravates and in the evening, by candle light, bending forward. Burning, itching of eyes and nose, with violent sneezing.

Face: swollen, with eyes projecting. Aching first left and then right maxillary joint on entering warm room. Lower lip blisters and swollen.

Mouth: pain in teeth better by pressure. Second right molar carious, pain commences in it at 4.30 to 5 pm worse in bed, better by external warmth and pressure. Tongue coated dirty yellow. Mouth dry.

Skin: leprosy. Itches, red and pimples. Redness all over, like scarlatina. Erysipelas. Deep ulcers with hard edges. Red stripes on skin. (Euphorb). Eczema of the trunk and extremities, also pustular type. Oedema of reduced skin. Recurrent eczema. Ulcers are deep with hard edges, thick purulent fetid discharge and the surrounding skin is covered with small shining scales.

Chest: Pain under left breast through to scapula. Acute pain in the left mammary gland. Pain from right side of chest down arm to fingers.
Cough. Cannot draw a long breath on account of sharp pain at the centre of thorax on left side. Sloughing ulcer on right breast

Male sexual organs: intense itching on lower part of penis, also on inner side of prepuce. Continued tingling and itching of scrotum in the night.

Sleep: dreamy, refreshing sleep with pleasant dreams. Almost clairvoyant

Inflammation of the left leg and foot, with swelling and fever. Wandering rheumatic pains.

Worse: Heat, touch, rest, night.
Better: Open air, scratching, motion.

The symptoms of this drug are very similar to those of Rhus.t, with which it is closely allied botanically. Both have pain with relief from motion, both may be called for in erysipelas, both cause scarlet redness of the body, with burning and itching, both produce weakness, numbness, restlessness etc. they differ in their eye symptoms which are worse near a worm stove, while Rhus.t it relieves his complaints.

Compare: Rhus.t, Anacard, Euphorb.


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