Crocus sativus. Saffron. N.O. Iridaceae.
Tincture of dried stigmas.
Cooper makes a tincture of the fresh young shoots.
Crocus has three characteristics which clearly call for its use when met with.
The first is haemorrhage from various parts (nose, uterus, etc), when the blood is black, viscid, clotting, forming itself into long black strings, hanging from the bleeding orifice.
The second is a peculiar sensation as if something alive were moving about in the abdomen or chest. This may be a definite sensation, or it may be a hallucination or fixed idea. A curious circumstance in this connection is the fact that Crocus has often been successfully given to pregnant women who have complained of violent foetal movements, as well as in cases of imaginary pregnancy.
The remaining characteristic is in the mental sphere. It is a rapid alternation of mental conditions; anger with violence rapidly followed by repentance; laughter quickly followed by tears.
The reputation of Crocus in the cure of tumours is also an old one. It was externally "to scatter indolent tumours and ecchymoses."
Great thirst for cold drinks.
Abortion, threatened. After-pains. Anger. Asthenopia. Blepharospasm. Brain, congestion. Chorea. Dysmenorrhea. Fainting. Gastric disorders Hemoptysis. Hemorrhages. Headache. Heart disorders. Hysteria. Lachrymation. Laughter. Leucorrhea. Mania. Menstruation, heavy. Metrorrhagia. Nosebleed. Ophthalmia. Pregnancy, affections. Surgery, effects. Tumor . Ulceration. Wounds.
BETTER by yawning, desire to take a long breath. Better in open air ,after breakfast, yawning. WORSE from motion, puberty, pregnancy, heat, fasting. from lying down, reading during new and full moon. from hot weather, warm room in morning, looking fixedly at an object.
Laughing mania. Hysterical laughter is one of the effects observed by the older physicians. Rapidly changing or alternating mental disposition, opposite to each other, anger with violence rapidly followed by abject repentance, laughter quickly followed by tears.
Impressionable, affectionate and moody. Sudden changes, hilarity to melancholy. Changeable disposition. Vacillating moods. Happy and affectionate, then angry. Sings on hearing a single note sung. Jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, wants to kiss everybody. Involuntary laughter and weeping, worse music. Vivid recollection from music heard. (Lyc.)
Dry, burning, as after weeping, as if cold air was rushing through eyes. Appearances as of electric sparks. Must wipe eyes as if mucus or water were in them. Sensation as if she had been looking through too sharp spectacles. Feels as if smoke in eyes. Pupils enlarged and react slowly. Ciliary neuralgia, pain from eyes to top of head. Sensation as if cold air was rushing through eye. (Fl-ac., Syph.) Asthenopia with extremephotophobia. Threatened glaucoma, embolism of central retinal artery. Electric sparks or jumping spots before eyes. Lachrymation when reading. Twitching of the upper eyelid. Lids heavy.
Nosebleed, strings of dark blood hanging down the nose with faintness and cold sweat on forehead. Nosebleed at puberty of young girls
Sensation as if something living were jumping about in the stomach and abdomen (left side). Abdomen swollen, feeling of something heavy.
Menses dark, viscid too frequent and copious, black and slimy. Threatened miscarriage, especially when hemorrhage is dark and stringy. Uterine hemorrhage, clots with long strings, worse from
least movement, worse during full or new moon. False pregnancy. Movements of fetus are violent and painful. Urging of blood to genitals.
Sensation of heat ascending to the heart impeding breathing better yawning. Dull stitches in the left chest. Palpitation, anxious worse ascending stairs.
Jumping pain in left breast, as if drawn towards the back, as if jumping alive in right breast. Jerking pain in interior of left breast, as if drawn toward back by means of thread. (Crot-t.)
Obstinate constipation due to portal stagnation. Constipation in infants. Crawling and stitches in anus. Stools contain dark stringy blood. After operations for hemorrhoids.
Cold as ice with metrorrhagia, nosebleed. Spasmodic contractions and twitchings of single set of muscles. Chorea and hysteria with great alteration of feeling. Upper limbs fall asleep. Cracking in hip joint and knees, worse stooping. Weakness in knees and legs. Pain in ankles and soles.
It is antidoted by; Acon., Bell., Op.
Compatible; Chi., Nux, Puls., Sul.
Compare; Plat. in dark or black clotted flow; Croton (pain through left chest to back);
Staph. (> by yawning); Flour. ac. (sensation of cold wind blowing across eyes);
Codein (twitching of muscles, especially of eyeballs); Lach.(pains in eye to top of head);
Tarent. (contractions of single groups of muscles); Calc., Ipec., Ign. Tarent. (hysteria; hearing music wants to join in. In Tarent. music subsequently >; in Croc. it does not).
Wants to jump(Tarent,. Stram., Sticta, Asar., Agar.); wants to kiss, Agar. In miscarriage
at third month, Sabi., Kreas. In violent movements of foetus, Op., Sil., Thu.,Sul.;
in heat in heart, Rhod., Lachn., Op.
List of references;
1. Allen .H. C.—Key Notes on Materia Medica..
2. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
3. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4. Burnett . C –Best of Burnett, compiled by Dr.H.L.Chitkara.
5. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
6. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
7. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM.
8. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
9. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman
Tincture of dried stigmas.
Cooper makes a tincture of the fresh young shoots.
Crocus has three characteristics which clearly call for its use when met with.
The first is haemorrhage from various parts (nose, uterus, etc), when the blood is black, viscid, clotting, forming itself into long black strings, hanging from the bleeding orifice.
The second is a peculiar sensation as if something alive were moving about in the abdomen or chest. This may be a definite sensation, or it may be a hallucination or fixed idea. A curious circumstance in this connection is the fact that Crocus has often been successfully given to pregnant women who have complained of violent foetal movements, as well as in cases of imaginary pregnancy.
The remaining characteristic is in the mental sphere. It is a rapid alternation of mental conditions; anger with violence rapidly followed by repentance; laughter quickly followed by tears.
The reputation of Crocus in the cure of tumours is also an old one. It was externally "to scatter indolent tumours and ecchymoses."
Great thirst for cold drinks.
Abortion, threatened. After-pains. Anger. Asthenopia. Blepharospasm. Brain, congestion. Chorea. Dysmenorrhea. Fainting. Gastric disorders Hemoptysis. Hemorrhages. Headache. Heart disorders. Hysteria. Lachrymation. Laughter. Leucorrhea. Mania. Menstruation, heavy. Metrorrhagia. Nosebleed. Ophthalmia. Pregnancy, affections. Surgery, effects. Tumor . Ulceration. Wounds.
BETTER by yawning, desire to take a long breath. Better in open air ,after breakfast, yawning. WORSE from motion, puberty, pregnancy, heat, fasting. from lying down, reading during new and full moon. from hot weather, warm room in morning, looking fixedly at an object.
Laughing mania. Hysterical laughter is one of the effects observed by the older physicians. Rapidly changing or alternating mental disposition, opposite to each other, anger with violence rapidly followed by abject repentance, laughter quickly followed by tears.
Impressionable, affectionate and moody. Sudden changes, hilarity to melancholy. Changeable disposition. Vacillating moods. Happy and affectionate, then angry. Sings on hearing a single note sung. Jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, wants to kiss everybody. Involuntary laughter and weeping, worse music. Vivid recollection from music heard. (Lyc.)
Dry, burning, as after weeping, as if cold air was rushing through eyes. Appearances as of electric sparks. Must wipe eyes as if mucus or water were in them. Sensation as if she had been looking through too sharp spectacles. Feels as if smoke in eyes. Pupils enlarged and react slowly. Ciliary neuralgia, pain from eyes to top of head. Sensation as if cold air was rushing through eye. (Fl-ac., Syph.) Asthenopia with extremephotophobia. Threatened glaucoma, embolism of central retinal artery. Electric sparks or jumping spots before eyes. Lachrymation when reading. Twitching of the upper eyelid. Lids heavy.
Nosebleed, strings of dark blood hanging down the nose with faintness and cold sweat on forehead. Nosebleed at puberty of young girls
Sensation as if something living were jumping about in the stomach and abdomen (left side). Abdomen swollen, feeling of something heavy.
Menses dark, viscid too frequent and copious, black and slimy. Threatened miscarriage, especially when hemorrhage is dark and stringy. Uterine hemorrhage, clots with long strings, worse from
least movement, worse during full or new moon. False pregnancy. Movements of fetus are violent and painful. Urging of blood to genitals.
Sensation of heat ascending to the heart impeding breathing better yawning. Dull stitches in the left chest. Palpitation, anxious worse ascending stairs.
Jumping pain in left breast, as if drawn towards the back, as if jumping alive in right breast. Jerking pain in interior of left breast, as if drawn toward back by means of thread. (Crot-t.)
Obstinate constipation due to portal stagnation. Constipation in infants. Crawling and stitches in anus. Stools contain dark stringy blood. After operations for hemorrhoids.
Cold as ice with metrorrhagia, nosebleed. Spasmodic contractions and twitchings of single set of muscles. Chorea and hysteria with great alteration of feeling. Upper limbs fall asleep. Cracking in hip joint and knees, worse stooping. Weakness in knees and legs. Pain in ankles and soles.
It is antidoted by; Acon., Bell., Op.
Compatible; Chi., Nux, Puls., Sul.
Compare; Plat. in dark or black clotted flow; Croton (pain through left chest to back);
Staph. (> by yawning); Flour. ac. (sensation of cold wind blowing across eyes);
Codein (twitching of muscles, especially of eyeballs); Lach.(pains in eye to top of head);
Tarent. (contractions of single groups of muscles); Calc., Ipec., Ign. Tarent. (hysteria; hearing music wants to join in. In Tarent. music subsequently >; in Croc. it does not).
Wants to jump(Tarent,. Stram., Sticta, Asar., Agar.); wants to kiss, Agar. In miscarriage
at third month, Sabi., Kreas. In violent movements of foetus, Op., Sil., Thu.,Sul.;
in heat in heart, Rhod., Lachn., Op.
List of references;
1. Allen .H. C.—Key Notes on Materia Medica..
2. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
3. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4. Burnett . C –Best of Burnett, compiled by Dr.H.L.Chitkara.
5. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
6. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
7. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM.
8. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
9. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman
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