The name Cuprum is related to Cyprus, where it has been mined since ancient times. We don't know which of these two names is the oldest. Copper and gold are the two most ancient metals known to man. They are also the only colored metals.
Statues and bells are cast out of bronze, which is a combination of copper and tin. Its alloy with zinc is called 'messing', often used in medals, coins, cooking utensils. Copper is also used to make water pipes, taps and containers, because of its corrosion resistant properties.
Copper is a good conductor of electricity, hence its use in electric cables, transformers, electric engines etc. The latest developments in superconductors are all based on ceramic materials that have copper oxide
as its main compo-nent. The only metal that is even more conductive is silver, but it is also much more expensive.
In Chronic diseases by HAHNEMANN
A piece of pure metallic copper is rubbed upon a hard, fine whetstone under distilled water in a porcelain bowl.
The fine powder that sinks to the bottom is dried, and then like other metallic powders, it is raised by three hours' trituration with sugar of milk to the millionth potency, then by the attenuation and potentizing succession of the solution of one grain of this powder, it is brought to the decillionth
dynamical development.
One or two fine pellets, moistened with the medicinal fluid of one these degrees of potency, according to the circumstances of the invalid, are used as a dose.
Holding on to your work: serious.
Holding on to control: cramp.
Maintaining order: telling tales.
Maintaining order: ritual.
Detaining people who make mistakes: guards.
Protecting against criticism.
Extending control.
Enjoying rules.
Picture of Cuprum metallicum
Holding on to your work: serious
These are serious people who work hard. They want to get on with their work, to carry on and expand. They are not allowed to ease up, whatever has been built up should be maintained. They are serious, hard working, responsible, sometimes even extremely ambitious or fanatical.
Maintaining control: cramp
They don't want to lose control and this tendency to hold on can cause cramps, either on the emotional or on the physical level. They have to be kind and keep their emotions under control, but it is rather a forced sort of smile. They won't let go of their own ideas and thoughts, which are often very conservative. They are rigid and precise. The physical signs of this rigidity are usually symptoms of cramp, often cramp in the calves, as if they are always having to stand on tip toes. But they can also be cramps
anywhere else in the body; in the thighs, back, stomach, heart etc.
Maintaining order: telling tales
Rules are there to be obeyed. As long as they follow the rules nothing can go wrong. Or if something does go wrong they won't be blamed, because they have always obeyed the rules. They love rules, it gives them a sense of security. And it is very important to them that nobody steps out of line. If someone doesn't follow the rules they will report them. These are the children who tell tales.
Detaining people who make mistakes: guard
Their desire to control can be quite obsessive. Everything has to be checked, everything has to be perfect. They consider it their task to maintain order and can get very angry if other people step out of line.
Maintaining order: ritual
Another way of maintaining order is through ritual. Ritual is a key word for Cuprum. Their rigid desire to follow the rules can lead to ritualistic behaviour, a seemingly meaningless set of actions that are constantly
repeated in the same order. This remedy could be very useful for people who are frequently involved in rituals, people such as priests or judges. There is often also a sort of superstitious element in these rituals, 'touch wood', 'cross your fingers' etc.
Protection against criticism
They are very sensitive to criticism, especially when someone tells them they haven't stuck to the rules. They don't want others to interfere with their affairs. They can get extremely angry when someone criticises them, or touches them, or even looks at them. Cuprum children don't want to be touched, looked at, carried or driven. Hence their desire to hide or to escape. They want to avoid criticism and the pressure and restrictions of having to fulfill their task. Pressure of work can aggravate their complaints and if it gets too heavy they don't want to carry on any longer. Their own criticism of other people is always about not obeying the rules or not doing their duty..
Fears: failure, falling, losing control, anticipation, future, arriving too late, new enterprises, criticism, opposition, approached, looked at, touched, people, family, strangers, health, going mad, heart disease,
epilepsy, accidents, dark, water, fire; panic attacks with sweating and fainting, big eyes, easily frightened
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, falling, driving the car without brakes.
Delusions: selling vegetables, general, officer calling a policeman, pursued by enemies or police, loss, thieves, falling, fainting, devils, death, renovating old chairs, busy, insanity, ghosts.
Mood: friendly, mild, haughty.
Aggression: kicking, striking, screaming, destroying, biting, scratching faces (Smits), teasing animals, quarrelling, taunting, shitting in the street, malicious; << being touched, looked at, < injustice, < insults.
Contacts: mild, friendly, <- br="" doesn="" friends="" people="" recognize="" t="" talking="">mad, acting foolishly, hysteria, imitation.
Mood: happy, laughing, crying, gloomy, > music.
Mental: exhaustion, confused, dementia, delirium.
Hobbies: bravado, army outfits, black jackets and clothes.
Work:-> and <-><.
Profession: general, guard, priest, judge.
Causes: overwork.
Locality: left.
Weather: cold, cold feet.
Time: < 3 am and 5 pm:sudden attacks.
Desires: cold food, cold drinks, vegetables, bacon, mashed potatoes, meat (2), cheese, spices, fish.
Aversion: boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, warm food, mussels, fruit, sprouts.
Food: > cold drinks, < warm drinks.
Sleep: sleeplessness, light sleep; <<< lack of sleep.
Physical: > magnetizing, > rubbing, > stretching; < teething, > lying on stomach.
Cancer. fever, leucopenia, neutropenia. Epilepsy, starting in stomach with pain and nausea; thumbs clenched in fists, biting tongue, loss of urine, screaming; afterwards: restlessness,
headache and vomiting. Cramps (3!), in calves. back, > stretching; Chorea, tetanus, paralysis.
Restless-ness, lick their lips, tongue moves up and down (Smits). Migraine with loss of sight.
Ear infections. Colds, sneezing. Asthma (3). Hyper ventilation. Cough, prolonged, spasmodic, suffocating,
with vomiting, blueness in face and lips, stiffness and cramps; whooping cough. Lung cancer.
Heart spasms, pain radiating to left arm; high blood pressure; anemia (3); Raynaud's; arteriosclerosis.
Stomach complaints, pain, < lying on back, feeling of being eaten from the inside, > stooping. Gurgling sounds on drinking. Diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, > lying on stomach; cholera.
Diseases of the liver, cirrhosis, Wilson. Diabetes.
Kidney injuries (Dreisbach).
Arthritis, spondilitis, fibromyalgia. Bone deformities, tuberculosis.
Eczema; scurvy. Green hair.
DD:plants containing copper:Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Chocolate.
DD:Niccolum:is more controlled, only has to do his work. Cuprum has to maintain what he has achieved so far, has to keep everything perfect. They continuously have to prove they can still do it.->->
Statues and bells are cast out of bronze, which is a combination of copper and tin. Its alloy with zinc is called 'messing', often used in medals, coins, cooking utensils. Copper is also used to make water pipes, taps and containers, because of its corrosion resistant properties.
Copper is a good conductor of electricity, hence its use in electric cables, transformers, electric engines etc. The latest developments in superconductors are all based on ceramic materials that have copper oxide
as its main compo-nent. The only metal that is even more conductive is silver, but it is also much more expensive.
In Chronic diseases by HAHNEMANN
A piece of pure metallic copper is rubbed upon a hard, fine whetstone under distilled water in a porcelain bowl.
The fine powder that sinks to the bottom is dried, and then like other metallic powders, it is raised by three hours' trituration with sugar of milk to the millionth potency, then by the attenuation and potentizing succession of the solution of one grain of this powder, it is brought to the decillionth
dynamical development.
One or two fine pellets, moistened with the medicinal fluid of one these degrees of potency, according to the circumstances of the invalid, are used as a dose.
Holding on to your work: serious.
Holding on to control: cramp.
Maintaining order: telling tales.
Maintaining order: ritual.
Detaining people who make mistakes: guards.
Protecting against criticism.
Extending control.
Enjoying rules.
Picture of Cuprum metallicum
Holding on to your work: serious
These are serious people who work hard. They want to get on with their work, to carry on and expand. They are not allowed to ease up, whatever has been built up should be maintained. They are serious, hard working, responsible, sometimes even extremely ambitious or fanatical.
Maintaining control: cramp
They don't want to lose control and this tendency to hold on can cause cramps, either on the emotional or on the physical level. They have to be kind and keep their emotions under control, but it is rather a forced sort of smile. They won't let go of their own ideas and thoughts, which are often very conservative. They are rigid and precise. The physical signs of this rigidity are usually symptoms of cramp, often cramp in the calves, as if they are always having to stand on tip toes. But they can also be cramps
anywhere else in the body; in the thighs, back, stomach, heart etc.
Maintaining order: telling tales
Rules are there to be obeyed. As long as they follow the rules nothing can go wrong. Or if something does go wrong they won't be blamed, because they have always obeyed the rules. They love rules, it gives them a sense of security. And it is very important to them that nobody steps out of line. If someone doesn't follow the rules they will report them. These are the children who tell tales.
Detaining people who make mistakes: guard
Their desire to control can be quite obsessive. Everything has to be checked, everything has to be perfect. They consider it their task to maintain order and can get very angry if other people step out of line.
Maintaining order: ritual
Another way of maintaining order is through ritual. Ritual is a key word for Cuprum. Their rigid desire to follow the rules can lead to ritualistic behaviour, a seemingly meaningless set of actions that are constantly
repeated in the same order. This remedy could be very useful for people who are frequently involved in rituals, people such as priests or judges. There is often also a sort of superstitious element in these rituals, 'touch wood', 'cross your fingers' etc.
Protection against criticism
They are very sensitive to criticism, especially when someone tells them they haven't stuck to the rules. They don't want others to interfere with their affairs. They can get extremely angry when someone criticises them, or touches them, or even looks at them. Cuprum children don't want to be touched, looked at, carried or driven. Hence their desire to hide or to escape. They want to avoid criticism and the pressure and restrictions of having to fulfill their task. Pressure of work can aggravate their complaints and if it gets too heavy they don't want to carry on any longer. Their own criticism of other people is always about not obeying the rules or not doing their duty..
Fears: failure, falling, losing control, anticipation, future, arriving too late, new enterprises, criticism, opposition, approached, looked at, touched, people, family, strangers, health, going mad, heart disease,
epilepsy, accidents, dark, water, fire; panic attacks with sweating and fainting, big eyes, easily frightened
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, falling, driving the car without brakes.
Delusions: selling vegetables, general, officer calling a policeman, pursued by enemies or police, loss, thieves, falling, fainting, devils, death, renovating old chairs, busy, insanity, ghosts.
Mood: friendly, mild, haughty.
Aggression: kicking, striking, screaming, destroying, biting, scratching faces (Smits), teasing animals, quarrelling, taunting, shitting in the street, malicious; << being touched, looked at, < injustice, < insults.
Contacts: mild, friendly, <- br="" doesn="" friends="" people="" recognize="" t="" talking="">mad, acting foolishly, hysteria, imitation.
Mood: happy, laughing, crying, gloomy, > music.
Mental: exhaustion, confused, dementia, delirium.
Hobbies: bravado, army outfits, black jackets and clothes.
Work:-> and <-><.
Profession: general, guard, priest, judge.
Causes: overwork.
Locality: left.
Weather: cold, cold feet.
Time: < 3 am and 5 pm:sudden attacks.
Desires: cold food, cold drinks, vegetables, bacon, mashed potatoes, meat (2), cheese, spices, fish.
Aversion: boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, warm food, mussels, fruit, sprouts.
Food: > cold drinks, < warm drinks.
Sleep: sleeplessness, light sleep; <<< lack of sleep.
Physical: > magnetizing, > rubbing, > stretching; < teething, > lying on stomach.
Cancer. fever, leucopenia, neutropenia. Epilepsy, starting in stomach with pain and nausea; thumbs clenched in fists, biting tongue, loss of urine, screaming; afterwards: restlessness,
headache and vomiting. Cramps (3!), in calves. back, > stretching; Chorea, tetanus, paralysis.
Restless-ness, lick their lips, tongue moves up and down (Smits). Migraine with loss of sight.
Ear infections. Colds, sneezing. Asthma (3). Hyper ventilation. Cough, prolonged, spasmodic, suffocating,
with vomiting, blueness in face and lips, stiffness and cramps; whooping cough. Lung cancer.
Heart spasms, pain radiating to left arm; high blood pressure; anemia (3); Raynaud's; arteriosclerosis.
Stomach complaints, pain, < lying on back, feeling of being eaten from the inside, > stooping. Gurgling sounds on drinking. Diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, > lying on stomach; cholera.
Diseases of the liver, cirrhosis, Wilson. Diabetes.
Kidney injuries (Dreisbach).
Arthritis, spondilitis, fibromyalgia. Bone deformities, tuberculosis.
Eczema; scurvy. Green hair.
DD:plants containing copper:Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Chocolate.
DD:Niccolum:is more controlled, only has to do his work. Cuprum has to maintain what he has achieved so far, has to keep everything perfect. They continuously have to prove they can still do it.->->
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