Arrow-poison. Woorari. Curara. Woorara. Woorali. Hoorali.Oorari. Strychnos toxifera
Natural Order: Loganiacae.

Proved by Wesselhoeft, Houat, and Macfarlan.

Arrow poison used for hunting by the South American Indians in the basin of the Orinoco and Amazon rivers. The poison paralyses the muscles, without affecting the sensitivity.

Homoeopathy has five Strychnos types: Nux vomica, Ignatia, Hoang Nan, Upas tieut and Curare. The first four are from the Old World, [East Indies] and all contain strychnine as their main effective constituent. The latter is from the New World [West Indies] and differs radically from the East Indies Strychnos types in that its effect is not based on strychnine but on alkaloids from the indol group. The main characteristic of the four East Indian types - including Strychninum, therefore - is that it increases the reflexes. Curare has exactly the opposite: the reflexes completely disappear. It produces muscular paralysis without impairing sensation and consciousness.

Curare acts on the periphery of the motor nerves. When taken internally it causes violent symptoms, sudden vertigo associated with great weakness of the legs. Sooner or later this is followed by vomiting of bile.
It is thus in many ways the opposite, in its action, of Nux vomica, though it is said to have the juice of a Strychnos in its composition.

It causes death by paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Reflex action is diminished or abolished (opp. Nux), and this is one great indication for its employment in homoeopathic practice.

A cure of pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis by the 200th had been recorded. A condition resembling catalepsy has been induced by it; immobility with fixed gaze on waking. Fetidity characterises many of the secretions and discharges.

It is suited to scrofulous children; producing scrofulous eruptions on skin,eczema, especially of face and behind ears; also liver-spots, yellow-brown. It favours the formation of corns. Debility short of paralysis indicates it; debility of the aged, and nervous debility from loss of fluids.
Its relation to hydrophobia and tetanus is probably antipathic. It causes a sensation as if the brain were full of fluid. Piercing, lancinating pains. Throbbing pains. Weakness; heaviness; numbness; numbness with tingling.

< By movement; walking; ascending. < Dampness, cold air, cold weather, cold wind, change of weather. < 2 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. Many symptoms appear on right side.

Indecision, no longer wishes to think or act for herself. Inability to think or study, forgetful, stupid, sleepy, indolent. Excited, hurried feeling. Depressed, desire to be alone.

Head confused, great weight in vertex. Nervous headache. Sharp pains all over head. Head drawn backward. Brain feels full of fluid. Head beats like a hammer, with vomiting of bile. Rush of blood to head. Falling out of hair.

Shortness of breath. Very distressing dyspnea. Short dry cough, provokes vomiting, followed by fainting. Threatened paralysis of the respiration on falling asleep. Dyspnea, stitching pains right side.Dyspnea, worse ascending. Short, hacking cough, dry with soreness of chest
walls. Cough troublesome in morning. Cough, worse breathing cold air,laughing, moving, eating. Severe pains in lungs, especially left.

Paralysis of limbs, burning with heat and chills. Aching in all the limbs and body. Numbness and tingling. Arms weak, heavy. Cannot lift the fingers. Weakness of hands and fingers in pianists. Legs tremble, give way in walking. Debility,Catalepsy. Favors development of corns.

Antidote to: Strychnia and to the poison of rabies. In cases of poisoning artificial respiration must be resorted to. Bromine and Chlorine antidote its effects. If the poisoning is due to a punctured wound, rubbing in tobacco or salt will neutralize it.

Compatible: After Arn. (paralysis from injury) after Bell. (paralysis after nosebleed).

Follows well: in debility of the aged: Bar-c.


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