Cyclamen Europaeum.Sow-bread. N.O. Primulaceae.
Tincture of the root gathered in spring.
HAHNEMANN (who only contributed five symptoms) was aided in this proving by
HAHNEMANN, Mat. Med. Pura, vol. v of original, vol. i of translation. Contains 5 symptoms from self, and 197 from 4 fellow-observers.
Cyclamen is most useful in deranged digestion, and in menstrual derangements,when accompanied by the disturbances of vision, and by vertigo and headache. The action is very similar to Pulsatilla. In digestive
troubles there is a general aggravation from fat food. Menorrhagia, or amenorrhoea with gastric derangements, and usual disturbances. Chlorosis. Anaemia is usually present with constant chilliness and dread of fresh air. Membranous dysmenorrhoea with profuse flow.
Cyclamen affects the digestive tract and female sexual organs. Large doses produce violent purging and vomiting, disturbed digestion with very salty saliva. Anemic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of uterus.
Sleepiness, morose and lassitude. Cough at night while asleep without waking, especially in children. (Cham., Nit-ac.) Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected inducing secondary anemia and various
Ill effects of inward grief and terror of conscience.
Better from moistening diseased parts and from bathing. Better during menstrual flow, by moving about. Better rubbing parts in warm room, lemonade, weeping, bathing the part.
Worse cold, open air, evenings, sitting, fats. Worse by rest, better on walking about. Sitting worse menstrual flow. Drawing shoulders forward Worse drawing them backward better twinges in back. Worse at night. Worse standing and cold water. Worse from eating at night. reflexes.
Anemia. Bone, pain. Chlorosis. Coryza. Diplopia. Dyspepsia. Enteralgia. Eye disorders. Headaches. Heel, pain. Hiccoughs. Menstruation, disorders. Menopausal. Pregnancy. Prostatitis. Rheumatism. Strabismus. Thirstless. Urethritis. Vertigo. Weaning, complaints after. Writer's spasm.
Terrors of conscience. Self-reproaches. Sadness as if he had committed a bad act or not done his duty. Grieves over duty neglected. Depression with weeping desire to be alone. Dull, sleepy and morose.
A joyous feeling alternating with irritability. Silent weeping. The room seems too small. Hallucinations as if two persons were lying in her bed. Tearful and broods over imaginary grief. Thinks she is alone and persecuted.
Vertigo, objects turn in circles or look pale, worse open air, better in a room and sitting.
Debility torpidity of mind and body. Dullness of senses, flickering before the eyes, squint, especially in connection with menstrual irregularities or fevers after convulsions, convergent squint, left eye drawn inwards. Amblyopia, diplopia, hemiopia.
Many digestive disturbances, saliva has a salty taste, which is communicated to all food eaten. After eating but little, satiety, aversion to food with nausea in palate and thirst. Desire for lemonade. Aversion to bread, butter, meat, fat, beer and ordinary food, craving for inedible things, for sardines.
Frequent vomiting in morning.
Prostatic troubles with stitches and pressure, urging to stool and urination.
Menstruation too early with some relief of melancholy mood and heaviness of feet. Scanty or suppressed menstruation with headache and vertigo. During pregnancy: hiccough, loathing and nausea in mouth and throat, complaints after weaning. Pressing, drawing or tearing pains at parts where bones lie near surface. Chilliness. Itching leaving a numb sensation.
Swelling of breast with milky secretion after menses. Air seems to stream from the nipples. Milk in virgin breast or non-pregnant women.
Chilblains, itching and pricking, worse at night in bed.
Shooting pains in the loins. Pains in periosteum. Pains in parts where bones lie near the surface. Burning, sore heels, better walking, worse sitting, standing. Chilblains. Weakness of knees. Cramp-like slow
contractions of the right thumb and index finger, they have to be extended by force. Writer's spasms.
Dreamy, frightful, lascivious. Great inclination to lie down, and to sleep.
Nightmares when falling to sleep. Unrefreshing sleep inter fused with terrible dreams.
Chilly all over, not better by covers. Offensive sweat. Attacks of chilliness in the morning or evening. During the evening, chill and great sensitiveness to cold air or to being uncovered. Febrile shivering and cold, followed by heat.
Ferr. and Chi. resemble it in chlorosis; Crocus and Thuja in sensation of something alive in abdomen; Am. mur. (menses < at night); Iris v. and Kali bi. (migraine with scintillations; headache < as sight returns, Kali bi.); Coccus c. (leucorrhoea < sitting > walking; Cycl. menses < sitting > walking); Rhus t. (enteralgia); Gels. and Seneg. (diplopia), Arn. (falls); Baryt. c., Calc. c., Canth. (chilly and fever); Coccul. In speedy satiety, Lyc., Nux, Sep. In prostatitis and urethritis, Lith. c., Dig., Sel., Caust., Lyc., Apis; in
squint, Alum.; sudden vanishing of sight with menses, Sep., Pul. (Pul. scanty, Cyc. profuse and dark); nausea in throat, Sep. Berb., pain in heels on standing. Desire for lemonade, Bell., Sabi.
Antidoted by; Camph., Coff., Puls. (The modalities of Cycl. are in general opposite to those of Puls.; the menstrual flow of Cycl. is more profuse while at rest; with Puls. the opposite is the case).
List of references;
1. Allen .H. C.—Key Notes on Materia Medica..
2. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
3. Boericke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4. Burnett . C –Best of Burnett, compiled by Dr.H.L.Chitkara.
5. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
6. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
7. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM.
8. Kent. J. T. Lectures on Materia Medica.
9. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
10. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman
Tincture of the root gathered in spring.
HAHNEMANN (who only contributed five symptoms) was aided in this proving by
HAHNEMANN, Mat. Med. Pura, vol. v of original, vol. i of translation. Contains 5 symptoms from self, and 197 from 4 fellow-observers.
Cyclamen is most useful in deranged digestion, and in menstrual derangements,when accompanied by the disturbances of vision, and by vertigo and headache. The action is very similar to Pulsatilla. In digestive
troubles there is a general aggravation from fat food. Menorrhagia, or amenorrhoea with gastric derangements, and usual disturbances. Chlorosis. Anaemia is usually present with constant chilliness and dread of fresh air. Membranous dysmenorrhoea with profuse flow.
Cyclamen affects the digestive tract and female sexual organs. Large doses produce violent purging and vomiting, disturbed digestion with very salty saliva. Anemic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of uterus.
Sleepiness, morose and lassitude. Cough at night while asleep without waking, especially in children. (Cham., Nit-ac.) Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected inducing secondary anemia and various
Ill effects of inward grief and terror of conscience.
Better from moistening diseased parts and from bathing. Better during menstrual flow, by moving about. Better rubbing parts in warm room, lemonade, weeping, bathing the part.
Worse cold, open air, evenings, sitting, fats. Worse by rest, better on walking about. Sitting worse menstrual flow. Drawing shoulders forward Worse drawing them backward better twinges in back. Worse at night. Worse standing and cold water. Worse from eating at night. reflexes.
Anemia. Bone, pain. Chlorosis. Coryza. Diplopia. Dyspepsia. Enteralgia. Eye disorders. Headaches. Heel, pain. Hiccoughs. Menstruation, disorders. Menopausal. Pregnancy. Prostatitis. Rheumatism. Strabismus. Thirstless. Urethritis. Vertigo. Weaning, complaints after. Writer's spasm.
Terrors of conscience. Self-reproaches. Sadness as if he had committed a bad act or not done his duty. Grieves over duty neglected. Depression with weeping desire to be alone. Dull, sleepy and morose.
A joyous feeling alternating with irritability. Silent weeping. The room seems too small. Hallucinations as if two persons were lying in her bed. Tearful and broods over imaginary grief. Thinks she is alone and persecuted.
Vertigo, objects turn in circles or look pale, worse open air, better in a room and sitting.
Debility torpidity of mind and body. Dullness of senses, flickering before the eyes, squint, especially in connection with menstrual irregularities or fevers after convulsions, convergent squint, left eye drawn inwards. Amblyopia, diplopia, hemiopia.
Many digestive disturbances, saliva has a salty taste, which is communicated to all food eaten. After eating but little, satiety, aversion to food with nausea in palate and thirst. Desire for lemonade. Aversion to bread, butter, meat, fat, beer and ordinary food, craving for inedible things, for sardines.
Frequent vomiting in morning.
Prostatic troubles with stitches and pressure, urging to stool and urination.
Menstruation too early with some relief of melancholy mood and heaviness of feet. Scanty or suppressed menstruation with headache and vertigo. During pregnancy: hiccough, loathing and nausea in mouth and throat, complaints after weaning. Pressing, drawing or tearing pains at parts where bones lie near surface. Chilliness. Itching leaving a numb sensation.
Swelling of breast with milky secretion after menses. Air seems to stream from the nipples. Milk in virgin breast or non-pregnant women.
Chilblains, itching and pricking, worse at night in bed.
Shooting pains in the loins. Pains in periosteum. Pains in parts where bones lie near the surface. Burning, sore heels, better walking, worse sitting, standing. Chilblains. Weakness of knees. Cramp-like slow
contractions of the right thumb and index finger, they have to be extended by force. Writer's spasms.
Dreamy, frightful, lascivious. Great inclination to lie down, and to sleep.
Nightmares when falling to sleep. Unrefreshing sleep inter fused with terrible dreams.
Chilly all over, not better by covers. Offensive sweat. Attacks of chilliness in the morning or evening. During the evening, chill and great sensitiveness to cold air or to being uncovered. Febrile shivering and cold, followed by heat.
Ferr. and Chi. resemble it in chlorosis; Crocus and Thuja in sensation of something alive in abdomen; Am. mur. (menses < at night); Iris v. and Kali bi. (migraine with scintillations; headache < as sight returns, Kali bi.); Coccus c. (leucorrhoea < sitting > walking; Cycl. menses < sitting > walking); Rhus t. (enteralgia); Gels. and Seneg. (diplopia), Arn. (falls); Baryt. c., Calc. c., Canth. (chilly and fever); Coccul. In speedy satiety, Lyc., Nux, Sep. In prostatitis and urethritis, Lith. c., Dig., Sel., Caust., Lyc., Apis; in
squint, Alum.; sudden vanishing of sight with menses, Sep., Pul. (Pul. scanty, Cyc. profuse and dark); nausea in throat, Sep. Berb., pain in heels on standing. Desire for lemonade, Bell., Sabi.
Antidoted by; Camph., Coff., Puls. (The modalities of Cycl. are in general opposite to those of Puls.; the menstrual flow of Cycl. is more profuse while at rest; with Puls. the opposite is the case).
List of references;
1. Allen .H. C.—Key Notes on Materia Medica..
2. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
3. Boericke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4. Burnett . C –Best of Burnett, compiled by Dr.H.L.Chitkara.
5. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
6. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
7. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM.
8. Kent. J. T. Lectures on Materia Medica.
9. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
10. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman
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