EUGENIA jambos – Jambos Vulgaris Homeopathic Remedy

Malabar plum tree, Rose apple

Produces a state of intoxication like alcohol. It made the prover very talkative and indolent. Most characteristic symptom of proving is better after urination. Sudden great change in him after micturition, every thing appears beautiful and larger, excitement soon changing to depression. Nausea better smoking.

Mind: continued state like intoxication, with great loquacity and indolence. Disposition to isolation. The patient is uncomfortable where ever he is; desire to lie down when seated, and to rise up when lying down.

Head: vertigo, during which all objects seems to be reversed. Hot lachrymation. Head as if a board were lying on right side. Fit of migraine in the evening, rolling and burning pain in the head, which force toward eyes, lachrymation, nausea and vomiting. Violent thirst and copious discharge of urine.

Face: pimples on face. Acne, simple and indurated. Pimples are painful for some distance around. Acne rosacea. Comedones.

Eyes: everything looks double, better looking intently. Eyes look sleepy and drunken.

Mouth: abundant accumulation of frothy and viscid saliva in the mouth, esp. before meal and when talking.

Stomach: great desire to smoke tobacco. Nausea better smoking.

Genito Urinary: impotence, emission of semen too slow or entirely wanting during coition. After coition perspiration and thirst. Deep colored urine. Shuddering after passing urine or sudden increase of brightness and of light before eyes

Fever: shivering run over him after micturition. Perspiration in the morning with burning thirst. Hot hands. Heat before midnight with little thirst and much sweat with pain in back better bending inward.

Extremities: nightly cramps in soles of feet (Cup, Zinc). Skin cracks about toes. Fissures between toes. Skin rheas from the nails, forming pus.

Sleep: profound stupefying sleep , even at noon, with confused dreams.

Compare: Berb. Aquif, Antim


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