EUPHORBIUM officinarum HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY Inflammation eyes

Euphorbium officinarum. Gum Euphorbium.
The resinous exudation of juice of Euphorbia resinifera exported from Morocco.
Euphorbia resinifera is a cactus-like plant of the Euphorbiaceae.
Anxious apprehensions. Seriousness and taciturnity. Earnest quietness, reflective; seeks quiet, though with inclination to work.
Turning vertigo, which causes falling sidelong.
Vertigo when standing or walking in the open air. Pressive and shooting headache.Pain, as from a bruise in occiput; < in morning; when lying; from heat; > by motion and cooling the head. Screwed in sensation in whole brain.
Inflammation of the eyes, with itching and dryness of the eyelids, and of the canthi. Chronic inflammation of the eyes. Opacity of cornea. Myopia. Clouded vision. Copious secreations of mucus in the canthi.Diplopia; seeing a person walk before him he imagines he sees the same man walking after him. Smarting lachrymation, and nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids.
Otalgia in the open air.
A suffocating itching in the nose, extending to the brain, with abundant flow of mucus from the posterior nares. Frequent sneezings.
Erysipelatous swelling of the cheek, with eruption of yellowish vesicles (full of yellowish humour), and piercing and digging pain. Red, inflamed, painful swelling of the face, with yellowish blisters secreting a thick yellow fluid. Pale (white oedema-like) swelling of the cheek. Burning pain in the face.
Pressive, shooting toothache, or with piercing pain, aggravated by contact or mastication, or else at the beginning of a meal, with shivering and pain in the head, and in the cheek-bones Brittleness of the teeth.
Dryness of the mouth, without thirst.Saltiness of saliva.
Salivation with shuddering, inclination to vomit, and pinchings in the stomach.
Burning pain from the throat (as from a hot coal) to the stomach, accompanied by heat (as if a flame were rushing out), anxiety, trembling, and water-brash
Sickly, rancid, bitter taste. Strong thirst for cold drinks. Empty risings. Hiccoughs. Water brash with anxiety and trembling, heat. Pain, as from a bruise, in the stomach. Burning pain in the stomach and epigastrium. Relaxation and flaccidity of the stomach, with retraction of the abdomen. Pinchings, and sensation of clawing in the stomach.
Spasmodic colic, flatulent, with pains as if the tissue were being separated or of pressure upwards, generally > by supporting the head on the knee and the elbow. Constrictive and burning pains in the abdomen. Tearing pains in the groins, such as from dislocations. Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen as after an emetic (morning).
Hard stool to pass.
Urgency to evacuate, with itching in the rectum (stool like glue). Liquid Diarrhoea with tenesmus.Stool first thin, then knotty. Sensation of burning in the anus, and pain as from excoriation in the abdomen.
Urgency to make water, with difficult discharge, scanty and drop by drop. White sediment in the urine. Itching stitch in the external portion of the urethra between the acts of urinating. Flow of blood from the urethra.
Tearing lancinations in the glans penis. Voluptuous icting in the prepuce. Tearing in the testicle.
Constant erections, without sexual desire. Burning pain in the scrotum. Discharge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis.
Dry, hollow cough, excited by a burning tickling in the trachea and the chest. Dry cough, day and night, as from oppression, with frequent expectoration in the morning. Attacks of violent cough commencing as soon as patient touches the pillow and continuing as long as she remains in bed.
Difficult respiration and short breath, with tensive pain in the muscles of the chest.
Oppression of breathing, as if the chest were not wide enough, with tension in the pectoral muscles,
especially when turning to the right side.Sensation of spasmodic distension in the chest.
Sensation as if one of the lobes of the liver were adherent. Sensation as if the left lobe of the lungs were adhering. Pressive lancination on the sternum. Lancination in the left side of the chest, during repose, mitigated by movement. Warm feeling in the middle of the chest, as if hot food had been swallowed. Burning pain in the chest.
Cramp-like pain in the dorsal spine, in the morning, in bed, when lying on the back. Sweat in the neck.
Paralytic tension in the joint of the shoulder, during repose, > by walking. Scarlet streaks on the front-arm, itching when touched. Cramp-like tractions in the hand, after writing.
Pains of dislocation in the hips. Burning pain at night in the thigh bones. Great weakness of the legs.
Cramp-like contraction of the toes. Cold perspiration of the legs in the morning. Sore pain in (right) heel when walking in the open air. The feet go to sleep frequently when sitting.
Gnawing and burning itching, which provokes almost constant scratching. Furncules. Indolent ulcers. Streaks of a purple-red on the skin. Warts. Blood boils. Cold gangrene.
Drowsiness during the day, accompanied by frequent yawnings. Drowsiness after eating.
Comatose somnolency during the day. Difficulty in sleeping in the evening, with trembling and starts. Frequent waking.Sleeps with his arms extended over his head.
Shuddering and want of vital heat, especially in affections of the internal
organs. Shivering at the commencement of a meal and when walking in the open (not cold) air. Shuddering and shivering, with coldness in the hands and heat in the cheeks, without thirst.
Perspiration in the morning, with heat, without thirst.
Antidoted by; Camph., Op., large quantities of lemon-juice.
It antidotes; Ars., Nux v.
Compare; Colch., Elat., Ant. t., Verat.; also the Euphorbiacious plants.
Acalyph., Crot. tig., Jatroph. c., Mancin., Mercurialis, Ricinus, Yucca fil.,and the various Euphorbias. It follows; Graphit., Lach., Puls., Sep.
Most symptoms are < at night and in the morning. Rest <, motion >.
Painfulness of coccyx, < on rising from sitting. Heat applications >. Touch <.
Tearing or pressive, or shooting pains in the limbs, especially during repose,mitigated by movement.
Rheumatic pains < when at rest.
Shooting and tensive pains in the muscles.
Burning pains in different parts of the body, especially in the internalorgans. Cancer pains. Great relaxation and lassitude.
Paralytic weakness in the joints, with difficulty in rising from a seat, or when beginning to move. The majority of the symptoms are < during repose, by a sitting posture, and by the touch. Caries. Burning in the bones.
Caper Spurge. N. O. Euphorbiaceae.
The symptoms are the effects of poisoning by seeds.
A tincture of the whole plant is made.
The chief symptoms of E. lath. are; Retching and vomiting and bloody stools with brilliant eyes, flushed face; the abdomen is drawn inward. The whole body is stiff and icy cold. Uneasiness.
Brilliant eyes. Staring look Pupils dilated with wide-open eyes. Almost closed from Oedema of lids.
Very sensitive and oedematous mucus membranes with ulceration. End of nose very much inflamed externally.
Erythema, beginning on face, gradually extending into the hair parts, and then spreading over whole body, taking eight days to do so; eruption glossy, rough edematous, with burning and smarting;
aggravated by touch and cold air; ameliorated by close room and sweet-oil applications.Deathly pale Glowing hot cheeks. Fine bran-like desquamation. Sensation of cobwebs.Cold perspiration in beads on forehead. Red puffed and in spots suppurating At first ruddy glow on cheeks, afterwards death-like pallor.
Sudden violent vomiting with bloody stools. Vomiting and retching.
Nausea and vomiting of copious clear water, intermingled with white, gelatinous lumps.
Abdomen drawn inward.
Drastic purgation from large doses; mild laxative condition from smaller doses; followed several weeks afterwards by obstinate constipation.
Stools of white, transparent, gelatinous mucus; later mingled with blood.
Copious, frequent; violent purgation. Bloody stools.
Inflammation of scrotum resulting in deep acrid ulcers, with intense itching and burning; worse, touching the parts from washing.
Laboured breathing. Breath cold and musty odour.Cough; first, a hacking, as from inhalation of sulphur; later on,paroxysmal, like whooping-cough, in regular paroxysms, ending in diarrhoea and vomiting, with sleepiness between each paroxysm.
Pulse small, irregular. Pulse 120, full, bounding, somewhat irregular
Sleep disturbed, anxious dreams. Restless at night
Pallor and coldness of surface. Body bathed in profuse perspiration, standing out like beads on
forehead; later, cold, clammy perspiration on forehead.
Erythema, beginning on uncovered parts, on face, and spreading over whole body; glossy, rough, oedematous, with burning and smarting.
Fine bran-like desquamation following in the wake of the erythema.
Eruption rough, scaly, smarting, and burning; when scratched forms deep,ragged ulcers; skin where ulcerated remains red.
Worse ; touch and cold air; better, close room and sweet-oil application.
Antidoted by Rhus tox. (skin symptoms); Veratr. alb. (vomiting, purging, cough and coma).


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