FEL TAURI Homeopathic Remedy preventing putrefactive Changes
Ox Gaul. Bilis Bovina. N.O. Ruminantia.
Impissated gall triturated with sugar of milk; or lower dilutions may be made with
Ox gall is a remedy of very ancient use. It is used in the old-school mostly as a purgative; for preventing putrefactive changes in the intestines, and for increasing peristalsis. It is sometimes given along with Opium to prevent the constipating effect of that drug. In the stomach bile is a foreign body,
precipitating pepsin and causing irritation of the stomach. It does not aid the digestion either of albumen or of farinaceous substances.
Fel. t. has been proved homoeopathically by Buchner, and has produced a few characteristic symptoms: disordered digestion, diarrhoea, headache, pains in joints, and cramps. It removed a tendency to sleep after eating. Several symptoms were noticed in nape of neck.
Fel tauri increases the duodenal secretion, emulsifies fats and increases the action of the intestines. Liquifies bile and acts as a purgative and chologogue. Disordered digestion, diarrhea and neck pain.
Fel Tauri has constipation, chronic gastric and intestinal catarrh, cirrhosis of liver, diabetes. Nape of neck pains. Obstruction of gall ducts.
Gallstones. Jaundice. Tendency to sleep after eating, much flatus, ascites.
Asthma. Catarrh. Constipation. Diarrhea. Flatus. Gallstones. Headache. Indigestion. Jaundice. Rheumatism.
Peevish, irritable mood. Greatly inclined to all kinds of business, unpleasant impression did not affect him.
Gurgling in stomach and epigastric region. Odorless and tasteless belchings, gurgling in stomach and epigastric region.
Violent peristaltic movements. Rumblings and motions in abdomen. Increased thirst.
Anxiety in chest. Constriction, on walking at 3 a. m. cannot sleep again for tightness of breath and cannot remain lying, it seems as though something in throat prevented free passage of the air, better by deep inspiration and sitting upright.
Urging to urinate. offencive urination
Sound sleep in morning with some perspiration. Tendency to sleep after eating. No inclination to sleep after eating, as he was accustomed to do.
Cholesterinum, Merc dulcis
Fagopyrum esculentum.Polygonum fagopyrum.Buckwheat. N.O. Polygonaceae.
Tincture of the whole mature plant.
Fagopyrum originally came from China and Mongolia, and nowadays is cultivated on a large scale in the United States. It is an agricultural crop with a very short growing season [just over three months], but is extremely sensitive to night frosts. Because it is such an undemanding crop, it was cultivated in the past on poor peaty and sandy soil. However, buckwheat has fallen out of favour because of its quite low and inconsistent yields. The fact that it cannot tolerate artificial fertilisers makes it a great favourite with
followers of organic farming. After popcorn and oatmeal, buckwheat has the most calories of all grains. It grows so thickly that it can become a weed itself if allowed to go to seed. Since it grows on the poorest soils and collects lots of calcium, it will - if plowed under as a green manure - render the soil more suitable for other crops.
The name Fagopyrum is derived from the Greek words fagos, beech, and pyron, wheat; = beechwheat [buckwheat]. The allusion to the beech is related to the similarity of the three-sided buckwheat fruit with beech nuts.
The flowers are rich in pollen and attract a lot of insects. Buckwheat honey has a strong aroma. Although the plant is often classified as a grain, botanically speaking it belongs to the rhubarb [Rheum] and dock [Rumex]
family. Ground buckwheat added to flour makes it an excellent binding agent.
All parts of the plant possess a substance capable of producing photosensitisation. All kinds of stock with an unpigmented skin seem to be susceptible to buckwheat poisoning [fagopyrism] if they are exposed to direct
sunlight after eating buckwheat.
Fagopyrism is characterised by irritation of the skin, oedema, and a serous exudate. It starts with inflammation and swelling of the ears, face, and eyelids, accompanied by itching. The infection may extend to unpigmented portions of the skin. Severe cases may develop vesicles containing a yellowish fluid which upon rupturing form yellow or brown crusts. If animals are placed in the shade shortly after eating buckwheat, they recover after a few hours. If they remain in the sun, however, they will soon die.
Buckwheat contains vitamin P [rutin], the permeability vitamin that reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries. Remarkably enough, the rutin content in buckwheat depends on the time and the season. The content continues to increase until the climax of the blooming period, and reaches its maximum in the evening. It decreases after blooming.
Among humans certain individuals are very sensitive to buckwheat. They develop a rash from eating foods made from buckwheat flour. Rarely do individuals develop a dermatitis upon contact with the leaves of buckwheat.
Proved and introduced, in 1873, by Hitchcock on 9 persons [8 men, 1 woman].
Digestive organs. Mucous membranes. Skin. Capillaries.
With Fagopyrum itching is marked and is felt in different parts of the body, eyes, posterior sinuses, anus, deep in hands, legs etc. Pruritus senilis. Post-nasal catarrh, dry crusts, granular appearance of posterior
sinuses with itching. Fluent coryza. Itching erythema.
Visible pulsations of carotids and other arteries. Discharges are offensive. Pain in streaks.
Senile itching. There is intense an itching of the arms and legs, becoming worse toward evening. Blotches like flea-bites appear in many localities, sometimes all over the body, are sore to the touch and are
multiplied by scratching. These eruptions are persistent and the itching is intense. Blind boils may be
developed and attain a large size. The itching of the face is especially marked about the roots of the whiskers.
Itching of the hands which is "deep in" is persistent and annoying, this condition being supposed to be the result of irritation of the coats of the arteries.
Better cold water, coffee, cold applications, pressure. Ameliorations from motion in cold air and from sitting still in warm room.
Worse in the afternoon. Worse from sunlight, scratching, motion. Aggravations occur after retiring, ascending stairs. Worse from deep inspiration, walking in bright sunlight, lying on right side, riding in cars. Worse when stooping or writing.
MIND: Confusion > after eating . Dreams of failures ; unpleasant dreams in morning . Dullness > eating. Restlessness in bed[Puls.].
HEAD: Fullness in forehead in morning ; in forehead > stool .Itching of occiput < warm room [ Sulph.]. Pain, headache at night in bed; > while bending head backward ; < opening mouth; pressing pain at vertex . Pulsating in forehead at night .
EYE: Feeling of dryness and smarting at external canthi . Itching in morning . Lachrymation < reading . Burning pain in morning on rising [ Sulph.]; at night ; > moving eyelids very slowly . Redness in
morning . Swollen, watery eyes in morning on rising .
NOSE: Nose sensitive to cold air. Cracked nostrils . Discharge, crusts, bleeding when removed . Painful dryness of inside of nose . Obstruction, on rising, nose alternately stuffed and clear through
the day . Pain inside nose, extending to behind eyes, on inspiration; pain in nose from breathing cold air .
FEMALE: Itching > cold water . Leucorrhoea, bland, < rest ; while sitting ,> standing; > walking [Cocc.].
CHEST: Pain at region of heart > > eructations ; > gentle motion; > lying on back , < stooping ; < walking far or sitting long ; sharp pain at apex of heart, < deep inspiration, > lying on left side ; sharp
pain in region of heart, extending to left shoulder and arm ; stitching pain in nipple, extending backward, > pressure . Palpitation of heart ongoing to bed .
SKIN: Eruptions on hairy parts [Rhus-t.]; like flea-bites [ Jug-r.]. Itching > cold air [Kali-bi.]; in old people ,
One of the most marked symptoms is a visible pulsation of the carotids and other arteries.
Offensiveness distinguishes many excretions. Headaches involving eyes, root of nose, and back of neck; hot head; bending head backward. Headache with tired neck.
Itching is general; scalp, eyes, margins of lids; ears; nose. The nose is sore and has crusts in it. Lips dry and cracked.
Worse: Apples [1; = pain in stomach]; milk [1].
Better: Coffee [1].
Many symptoms of sore throat.
Rheumatic symptoms are > by motion. Heat and restlessness after retiring.
Perspiration, often offensive.
Compare; Rhus ( > by motion ); Senega ( > bending head back ); Lyc. ( hours of
aggravation 3 to 6 p.m. ); Puls.; Polygonum.
Coffee relieves stomach symptoms.
List Of References
1. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
2. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
3. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
4. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
Impissated gall triturated with sugar of milk; or lower dilutions may be made with
Ox gall is a remedy of very ancient use. It is used in the old-school mostly as a purgative; for preventing putrefactive changes in the intestines, and for increasing peristalsis. It is sometimes given along with Opium to prevent the constipating effect of that drug. In the stomach bile is a foreign body,
precipitating pepsin and causing irritation of the stomach. It does not aid the digestion either of albumen or of farinaceous substances.
Fel. t. has been proved homoeopathically by Buchner, and has produced a few characteristic symptoms: disordered digestion, diarrhoea, headache, pains in joints, and cramps. It removed a tendency to sleep after eating. Several symptoms were noticed in nape of neck.
Fel tauri increases the duodenal secretion, emulsifies fats and increases the action of the intestines. Liquifies bile and acts as a purgative and chologogue. Disordered digestion, diarrhea and neck pain.
Fel Tauri has constipation, chronic gastric and intestinal catarrh, cirrhosis of liver, diabetes. Nape of neck pains. Obstruction of gall ducts.
Gallstones. Jaundice. Tendency to sleep after eating, much flatus, ascites.
Asthma. Catarrh. Constipation. Diarrhea. Flatus. Gallstones. Headache. Indigestion. Jaundice. Rheumatism.
Peevish, irritable mood. Greatly inclined to all kinds of business, unpleasant impression did not affect him.
Gurgling in stomach and epigastric region. Odorless and tasteless belchings, gurgling in stomach and epigastric region.
Violent peristaltic movements. Rumblings and motions in abdomen. Increased thirst.
Anxiety in chest. Constriction, on walking at 3 a. m. cannot sleep again for tightness of breath and cannot remain lying, it seems as though something in throat prevented free passage of the air, better by deep inspiration and sitting upright.
Urging to urinate. offencive urination
Sound sleep in morning with some perspiration. Tendency to sleep after eating. No inclination to sleep after eating, as he was accustomed to do.
Cholesterinum, Merc dulcis
Fagopyrum esculentum.Polygonum fagopyrum.Buckwheat. N.O. Polygonaceae.
Tincture of the whole mature plant.
Fagopyrum originally came from China and Mongolia, and nowadays is cultivated on a large scale in the United States. It is an agricultural crop with a very short growing season [just over three months], but is extremely sensitive to night frosts. Because it is such an undemanding crop, it was cultivated in the past on poor peaty and sandy soil. However, buckwheat has fallen out of favour because of its quite low and inconsistent yields. The fact that it cannot tolerate artificial fertilisers makes it a great favourite with
followers of organic farming. After popcorn and oatmeal, buckwheat has the most calories of all grains. It grows so thickly that it can become a weed itself if allowed to go to seed. Since it grows on the poorest soils and collects lots of calcium, it will - if plowed under as a green manure - render the soil more suitable for other crops.
The name Fagopyrum is derived from the Greek words fagos, beech, and pyron, wheat; = beechwheat [buckwheat]. The allusion to the beech is related to the similarity of the three-sided buckwheat fruit with beech nuts.
The flowers are rich in pollen and attract a lot of insects. Buckwheat honey has a strong aroma. Although the plant is often classified as a grain, botanically speaking it belongs to the rhubarb [Rheum] and dock [Rumex]
family. Ground buckwheat added to flour makes it an excellent binding agent.
All parts of the plant possess a substance capable of producing photosensitisation. All kinds of stock with an unpigmented skin seem to be susceptible to buckwheat poisoning [fagopyrism] if they are exposed to direct
sunlight after eating buckwheat.
Fagopyrism is characterised by irritation of the skin, oedema, and a serous exudate. It starts with inflammation and swelling of the ears, face, and eyelids, accompanied by itching. The infection may extend to unpigmented portions of the skin. Severe cases may develop vesicles containing a yellowish fluid which upon rupturing form yellow or brown crusts. If animals are placed in the shade shortly after eating buckwheat, they recover after a few hours. If they remain in the sun, however, they will soon die.
Buckwheat contains vitamin P [rutin], the permeability vitamin that reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries. Remarkably enough, the rutin content in buckwheat depends on the time and the season. The content continues to increase until the climax of the blooming period, and reaches its maximum in the evening. It decreases after blooming.
Among humans certain individuals are very sensitive to buckwheat. They develop a rash from eating foods made from buckwheat flour. Rarely do individuals develop a dermatitis upon contact with the leaves of buckwheat.
Proved and introduced, in 1873, by Hitchcock on 9 persons [8 men, 1 woman].
Digestive organs. Mucous membranes. Skin. Capillaries.
With Fagopyrum itching is marked and is felt in different parts of the body, eyes, posterior sinuses, anus, deep in hands, legs etc. Pruritus senilis. Post-nasal catarrh, dry crusts, granular appearance of posterior
sinuses with itching. Fluent coryza. Itching erythema.
Visible pulsations of carotids and other arteries. Discharges are offensive. Pain in streaks.
Senile itching. There is intense an itching of the arms and legs, becoming worse toward evening. Blotches like flea-bites appear in many localities, sometimes all over the body, are sore to the touch and are
multiplied by scratching. These eruptions are persistent and the itching is intense. Blind boils may be
developed and attain a large size. The itching of the face is especially marked about the roots of the whiskers.
Itching of the hands which is "deep in" is persistent and annoying, this condition being supposed to be the result of irritation of the coats of the arteries.
Better cold water, coffee, cold applications, pressure. Ameliorations from motion in cold air and from sitting still in warm room.
Worse in the afternoon. Worse from sunlight, scratching, motion. Aggravations occur after retiring, ascending stairs. Worse from deep inspiration, walking in bright sunlight, lying on right side, riding in cars. Worse when stooping or writing.
MIND: Confusion > after eating . Dreams of failures ; unpleasant dreams in morning . Dullness > eating. Restlessness in bed[Puls.].
HEAD: Fullness in forehead in morning ; in forehead > stool .Itching of occiput < warm room [ Sulph.]. Pain, headache at night in bed; > while bending head backward ; < opening mouth; pressing pain at vertex . Pulsating in forehead at night .
EYE: Feeling of dryness and smarting at external canthi . Itching in morning . Lachrymation < reading . Burning pain in morning on rising [ Sulph.]; at night ; > moving eyelids very slowly . Redness in
morning . Swollen, watery eyes in morning on rising .
NOSE: Nose sensitive to cold air. Cracked nostrils . Discharge, crusts, bleeding when removed . Painful dryness of inside of nose . Obstruction, on rising, nose alternately stuffed and clear through
the day . Pain inside nose, extending to behind eyes, on inspiration; pain in nose from breathing cold air .
FEMALE: Itching > cold water . Leucorrhoea, bland, < rest ; while sitting ,> standing; > walking [Cocc.].
CHEST: Pain at region of heart > > eructations ; > gentle motion; > lying on back , < stooping ; < walking far or sitting long ; sharp pain at apex of heart, < deep inspiration, > lying on left side ; sharp
pain in region of heart, extending to left shoulder and arm ; stitching pain in nipple, extending backward, > pressure . Palpitation of heart ongoing to bed .
SKIN: Eruptions on hairy parts [Rhus-t.]; like flea-bites [ Jug-r.]. Itching > cold air [Kali-bi.]; in old people ,
One of the most marked symptoms is a visible pulsation of the carotids and other arteries.
Offensiveness distinguishes many excretions. Headaches involving eyes, root of nose, and back of neck; hot head;
Itching is general; scalp, eyes, margins of lids; ears; nose. The nose is sore and has crusts in it. Lips dry and cracked.
Worse: Apples [1; = pain in stomach]; milk [1].
Better: Coffee [1].
Many symptoms of sore throat.
Rheumatic symptoms are > by motion. Heat and restlessness after retiring.
Perspiration, often offensive.
Compare; Rhus ( > by motion ); Senega ( > bending head back ); Lyc. ( hours of
aggravation 3 to 6 p.m. ); Puls.; Polygonum.
Coffee relieves stomach symptoms.
List Of References
1. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
2. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
3. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
4. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
Very beautifull article.