Gummy Guttae, Garcinia Hanburi

Natural order: Guttiferae

First obtained from Cambodia or Comboga, a dependency of France, in Southeastern Asia, hence the name Gambogia.

First proved by Dr. Nenning of Germany, previously used as yellow pigment in water color painting.

Acts on mucous membranes, especially of the interstitial canal, producing irritation, excessive secretion and sometimes irritation. Powerful cathartic.

Frightful vomiting and purging, attended with fainting.
Stool proceeded by excessive cutting about naval. Stool expelled at once after considerable urging, and is followed by great relief. Stool is thin yellow or green, watery, or with some mucus. Burning in anus after stool (Ars, Iris.v, Caps) and prostration. Anus sore and excoriated. Griping below umbilicus, with sudden urging and sudden expulsion.
Great relief after stool, as though an irritating substance were removed from the bowels.
Resembles Crot.t in suddenness of desire for stool, and in the all coming our at gush. But in Crot.t is worse by leas food or drink which is not in Gamb
Diarrhea of the old people.

Mind: cheerful, talkative, feeling of ease, great lightness of all his motions.

Head: vertigo during rest or motion, in morning on rising. Pain in vertex as if bruised in forenoon, better in open air.

Eyes: itching of inner canthi with discharge of acrid corrosive tears after rubbing, better in open air. Intense itching of eyelids, so that children rub them frequently. < evening or afternoon, > walking in open air, but return in the morning. Nightly agglutination of lids, burning in the morning.

Nose: violent chronic sneezings. Dryness of right nostril with ulceration with burning pain. Much mucus in nose smelling like pus.

Mouth: feeling of coldness in the points of incisors. Dry mouth. Burning of anterior half or only of the tip of the tongue, which feels hard.

Throat: violent stinging in the right side of the throat < during and between the acts of deglutition. Sore pain in the throat, which is felt even touching out side of the neck. Roughness and burning in the throat, causing constant hawking. Throat feels swollen.

Stomach: Aversion to food. Violent thirst in the evening. Nausea proceeding from the stomach. Frightful vomiting and purging, with fainting. (Verat. alb.)
Gnawing in the stomach. (Ign., Lith.) Acute darting, stitching pains in the stomach. (Bry.) Ulcerative pain in the stomach, passing off after eating.

Abdomen: Inflation and tension of the abdomen, with pinching in the umbilical region. Rumbling in the bowels. (Aloe, Lyc.) Pinching in the abdomen and groins.

Stool: Frequent emission of flatulence, especially evening and night.
Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of the rectum, prolapsus ani, and constant pinching around the umbilicus, sometimes attended with discharge of mucus. Profuse watery diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus. Fecal diarrhoea, stools evacuated with great force. Yellow and green diarrhoeic stool, mixed with mucus, preceded by excessive cutting around the umbilicus.
Hard, insufficient stool, with strong urging, pressing, and protrusion of the rectum. (Nux v.)

Urinary Organs: Infrequent urination.

Female Organs: Leucorrhoea.

Respiratory Organs: Pressure in the middle of the chest. Pain in the chest, as if every part of it were sore and raw (Rumex.). Repeated extremely painful stitches in the sternum.

Generalities: Tearing in the shoulders. Burning sensation in various parts. (Ars.) Increased heat with anxiety. (Acon.)

Sleep: Sleepiness, great inclination to sleep. Anxious, vexatious dreams.

Therapeutic Range:
Catarrhal affections ; conjunctivitis ; dyspepsia ; diarrhoea ; dysentery.

Better: motion, cough better sitting up; open air.
Worse: towards evening or at night
Antidoted by: Camph. Coff. Coloc, Kali-c, Op.
Compare: Aloe, Podo. Puls. (Cough better sitting up, better open air), Apocy (stool expelled all one, but Gamb. has cutting before and better after stool), Crot. (Crot. has stool in one gush, but Gamb. is not worse from least food or drink like Crot.).

• Dictionary of practical Materia Medica – J.H. Clarke
• A premier of Materia Medica –- T.F. Allen
• A textbook of Materia Medica and therapeutics – A.W. Cowperthwaite.
• A Text-Book of Materia Medica. (Characteristic, Analytical, and Comparative.) by Pr.Allen Corson Cowperthwaite, M. D., PH. D., LL. D


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