GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS Homepathic Remedy Jaundice

Gratiola officinalis.
Hedge Hyssop.
"The Herb of Grace."
N.O. Scrophulariaceae (grows in moist places).
Tincture of fresh plant before flowering. Similia for Windows '95.

A plant growing in wet places in Central and Southern Europe

Gratiola is one of the most important members of the great Scrophularian group
Digit., Euphras., Tabac., Scroph. and should be carefully studied with these.
A large proportion of the effects of Gratiola are expended on the
gastro-intestinal tract.

It is an inodorous plant, of bitter taste, and very poisonous, causing violent
colic, diarrhoea, bloody stools, enteritis, jaundice, trembling of the
extremities, convulsions, cramps, excitement and disordered condition of the
sexual powers and death. Symptoms of a fully developed, rapid attack of
Asiatic cholera are produced.

On the other hand, the mind is strongly affected. Peevishness, ill-humour;
irresolute; hysterical; cerebral affections without fever. It is useful in
mental troubles from overweening pride.

Teste considers Gratiola the Chamom of chronic diseases.

There is < during and after eating; vertigo during and after a meal. Hunger
after a meal with a feeling of emptiness. The diarrhoea is yellowish, gushing,
watery, as though rushing from a hydrant. There is also vomiting of yellowish
fluid. Summer diarrhoea from excessive drinking of water whether cold or hot.
Soreness, burning or irritation of anus follows the stools.

Cooper has used it with great success in a case of gouty acidity with great
constipation; and in the constipation of cancer. He regards it as "the
vegetable antacid." It is said to have formed the basis for a once famous
nostrum for gout, "Eau Medicinale."

Indications are; Constant sinking but cannot eat; bitter taste.

The affection of the solar plexus is very marked; cramps beginning at pit of
stomach, and pains radiating therefrom; anxiety; gnawing; empty feeling;
rolling about in epigastric region. Urine is diminished, reddish, turbid.

The affection of the solar plexus is very marked; cramps beginning at pit of
stomach, and pains radiating therefrom; anxiety; gnawing; empty feeling;
rolling about in epigastric region. Urine is diminished, reddish, turbid.

Affects especially the mucous lining of the digestive tract, acting as an
emetic and cathartic, and causing inflammation, which also involves the
pelvic viscera, especially the urinary organs.

Abuse of coffee.

Brain disorders. Cholera. Coccyx, pain. Colic. Constipation. Cramps,
Diarrhea. Dropsy. Eye disorders. Gout. Headaches. Hemorrhoids. Hydrocephalus.
Hysteria. Mania. Masturbation. Mesenteric glands. Nausea. Neuralgias.
Nymphomania. Palpitations. Rheumatic pain. Stomach pains. Tetanus. Vision,

Better from open air, rest. Worse from eating, drinking too much water hot or
cold. Worse from summer, abuse of coffee, dinner. Worse motion. Worse in warm

Determination of blood to the head, with heat and somnolence (Op.).
Sense of coldness on vertex changing to heat. Pain in the occiput on early
waking, relieved by rising or lying prone.

Tensive feeling in face, as if swollen. Every morning swelling of the
upper lip (Bell., Calc. c.), disappearing after a few hours.

Teeth ache from cold things or from cold air (Coccus, Staph.).

Aversion to food; eructations. Vomiting of bilious matter (Iris, Nux
v., Podo.); of yellow bitter, sour water, without exertion. Nausea with
coldness in stomach and feeling as if full of water (Colch., Sulph. ac.).
Pain in stomach, with nausea and general discomfort. Great distension of
stomach after meals (Cinch., Lyc.). Pressure at pit of stomach, as from a
stone; worse after eating (Ars., Bry., Nux v., Puls. Sulph.).

Much rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (Aloe, Lyc.). Uneasiness
and griping pains in abdomen.

Constriction of and itching at anus. Diarrhoea consisting
only of yellow-greenish water, followed by burning in the anus. Diarrhoea
consisting of green frothy water, forcibly evacuated (Crot. tig., Natr.
carb., Thuja); without any pain; also yellow watery faeces; thin fluid,
bright yellow faeces, followed by chilliness; thin, watery faeces, with
soreness in anus. Great rectal and anal irritation, with passage of foetid

Burning in urethra during and after urination (Can. sat.,
Canth., Merc. cor.). The urine is scanty and reddish, and becomes turbid on

Antidoted by; Caust., Bell., Euphorb., Nux v.

It antidotes; Iodum.

Compare; Apis, Bell., Helleb., Cham., Nux v., Calc., Cascaril., Chi., Cin.;
(emptiness after stool, Petrol.); vanishing of sight and headache, Gels.;
botanical, Dig., Tab., Euphr., Scroph.


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