HELONIAS DIOCA Homeopathic Remedy Uterine Symptoms
Pursh; H. lutea, Ait.; Chamoelirium luteum, Gray; C. Carolinianum, Willd.; Veratrum luteum, Linn.; Ophiostachys virginica, Delile. Unicorn-root
False Unicorn, Devil's Bit Blazing Staright.
N.O. Melanthaceae.
A plant growing in low grounds throughout the United states.
Tincture of the root. Triturations of the resinoid Helonin.
A herbaceous perennial found in low moist ground [name from Gr. helos, a marsh] east of the Mississippi and flowering in May and June. Not to be confused with True Unicorn Root, Aletris farinosa.
Dioica means dioecious, having male and female flowers on different plants. The yellow flowers of the male plants are in dense clusters and those of the females in individual clusters. The greyish-brown rootstock branches out into countless, whitish yellow roots.
The name Devil's Bit is based upon a peculiarity, of the root which, when cut across, shows the little rootlets freely movable in their channels or formina [like the thread in the eye of a needle], as though they were disconnected with the rest of the root. Legend accounts for it thus: The evil spirit angered that this root should have the power to cure disorders - as was then supposed - bit off a portion of it so as to curtail its usefulness, hence the name, Devil's Bit. [Pierce]
Nearly all Lilies are bulbous plants. They occur in all parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Lilies store organic sulphur. This is especially well known of onion and garlic, which since ancient times have used as purifiers of the physical body.
On the mental plane, a characteristic feature of the Lilies seems to be confusion as to her/his identity, whether due to dullness [All-c.], wildness [Lil-t.], over estimation of oneself [Verat.], boredom and indolence [Helon.] or to other causes.
Introduced by Parr. Proved by Tully and by Jones. Dr.Tully first proved in 1832, who took 10-30 minims of tincture of the root as a dose, it is had not proved thoroughly as much it entitled, especially by women. Dr.Jones, who published the result of proving in 1871, thinks that keynote symptom of this drug are “amelioration while doing something. The sense of profound debility lost when exercising.”
Through the vegetative sphere Helonias acts on the blood-making processes, inducing a debilitated condition and a disorganizing effect; hence it applicability in anaemia and chlorosis. Its local action is especially centered upon the kidneys and uterus, producing irritation and consequent stimulation, followed secondarily by an atonic condition.
Helonias has an extensive range of action, as its provings show, but the organ predominantly affected is the uterus. It has been called with justice a "uterine tonic," and one of the keynote indications for its use is a "consciousness of the womb," and relaxation of the uterine ligaments, misplacements and prolapse have been removed by Helon.
It is specially suited to nervously run-down females, easily fatigued by any work, who complain of a tired backache, a tired feeling extending into the limbs. Some of this passes off after commencing to work. This looks rather like the Rhus; "< on commencing to work, > after working a little;" but is not the same, for in the case of Rhus the relief comes from a limbering up of stiff joints.
The mental symptoms of Helon. Are very marked, and the extreme depression, gloom, and irritability of this case are characteristic of the remedy. One of the provers had a preliminary feeling of wellness before being plunged into a mental hell.
The backache is in the lumbar region, just over the kidneys, or else in the sacrum. The kidney themselves, especially the right, are the seat of pain, and then the urine is generally scanty.
S. A. Jones found Helonin turned an alkaline urine acid; increased the amount of urea; increased the amount of urine secreted. He considers this to be the result of a condition of debility, venous paresis, the result of previous arterial tonic contraction.
Helon. Produces irritation in mucous membranes; sore mouth; irritable stomach; burning and scalding when urination; but the most intense effect is produced in the vaginal mucous membrane.
The relation of the remedy to the climacteric period is indicated in the provings by alternate sensations of heat and cold. "A sensation as if a cool wind streamed up the back of the legs along the gastrocnemii muscles to the popliteal space" was noticed by one prover who had before had a burning, or warm numbness, in the legs, most marked in the knees, "seeming to be at the tendo Achillis of each leg, and very marked over the region of each gastrocnemius." "Every movement of the arms occasioned a chill, which seemed
To radiate from the solar plexus all over the body."
Better from if busy, diversion, holding abdomen. Worse from fatigue, stooping. Worse motion touch. Worse pregnancy, pressure of clothes. Touch aggravates cannot bear the least pressure of the dress on breasts, nipples, kidneys, etc.
Albuminuria. Amenorrhea. Anemia. Atony, uterus. Backaches. Breast disorders. Chlorosis. Cramps. Debility. Depression. Diabetes. Dysmenorrhea. Impotence. Kidney, pains. Leucorrhea. Lochia prolonged. Menopausal disorders. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Pruritus vulva. Rheumatism. Splenalgia. Infertility. Uterus disorders.
The mental symptoms of Helon. Are very marked and the extreme depression, gloom and irritability of this case are characteristic of the remedy. One of the provers had a preliminary feeling of wellness before being plunged into a mental hell. Profound melancholy. Irritable cannot endure the least contradiction. Desires to be let alone.
Conversation unpleasant. Patient is better when kept busy with mind engaged, when doing something. Consciousness of a womb. Finds faults with everyone.
Burning sensation on top. Headache, better mental exertion. Heat or upward pressure in vertex, as if skull were too full.
Salivation of pregnant women and teething children. Aphthae during pregnancy. Bitter taste in early a.m.
Cramp-like pain in the stomach. Burning in stomach, burning and aching in spine, belchings. Irritable stomach with general dropsy.Loss of appetite, belchings, fullness, cramp and painful congestion of the stomach. Appetite poor, food tasteless, "bilious", sleepy during the day.
Burning in the lower third of abdomen. Pain in left side, as if in spleen, which feels as if distended, causing a dull ache. Colic-like pains in hypogastric region off and on all day. Motion and rumbling in abdomen, as if diarrhea would come on, cramps in the stomach.
Loss of sexual desire and power with or without sterility. Dragging in sacral region with prolapse, especially after a miscarriage. Pruritus vulvae. Backache after miscarriage. (Kali-c.) Weight and soreness in womb, conscious of womb. Heavy dragging in pelvis. uterus, heavy, sore, tender, ulcerated or prolapsed or other malpositions. Menses too frequent too profuse. Menses, suppressed, kidneys congested. Foul, lumpy or curdled leucorrhea. Vulva, aphthous inflamed. Parts hot, red, swollen, burn and itch terribly. Albuminuria during pregnancy. Debility attending the menopause. Hemorrhage from atony of dark foul blood.
Sexual desire and power increased. Erections unusually strong and frequent. Impotence.
Burning sensation at the kidneys. Constant aching, extreme tenderness of kidneys. Dull ache and heat in region of the kidneys instead of menses. Nephritis of pregnancy with obstinate vomiting. Involuntary discharge of urine after the bladder feels empty. Urine, profuse, clear, albuminous, saccharine, phosphatic. Diabetes mellitus and insipidus.
Burning scalding when urinating, desire frequent and urging. Strangury.
Pain and weight in back, tired and weak. Aching between scapulae. Aching and burning across the lumbar region, can trace outlines of kidneys by constant burning. Boring pain in lumbar region, extending down legs. Great languor, better exercising. Weakness, weight and dragging down in sacrum, down to buttocks.
Sore pain in outer side of thighs. Sensation as if cool wind streamed up calves. Feet feel numb, when sitting. Severe pains in right hip-joint, worse during motion.
Feels hot when tired. Chills, seemingly radiating from solar plexus all over body, caused by motion of arms. Flushes of heat pass over him with every movement while in a room.
Alet. and Lil.t. are closely allied botanically and medically with Helon. Helon. antidotes the prolapse of Lil.t. and the mental depression of Kali brom.
In general it is a close analogue of Pulsat., in its local and general symptoms.
Compare also; Sep.; Pic.ac. (tired aching and some burning in back and legs); Pallad. (tiredness; soreness; irritability); Plat. (indurated uterus); Nat.m., Agn., and Caust. (aversion to coitus); Eup.purp., Chi., Ferr., Hydrast., Senec.; Act.r. (uterine symptoms and gloom; Nat. Hyperchlor. (sodden condition of uterus); Pip.meth. (> by diverting mind).
False Unicorn, Devil's Bit Blazing Staright.
N.O. Melanthaceae.
A plant growing in low grounds throughout the United states.
Tincture of the root. Triturations of the resinoid Helonin.
A herbaceous perennial found in low moist ground [name from Gr. helos, a marsh] east of the Mississippi and flowering in May and June. Not to be confused with True Unicorn Root, Aletris farinosa.
Dioica means dioecious, having male and female flowers on different plants. The yellow flowers of the male plants are in dense clusters and those of the females in individual clusters. The greyish-brown rootstock branches out into countless, whitish yellow roots.
The name Devil's Bit is based upon a peculiarity, of the root which, when cut across, shows the little rootlets freely movable in their channels or formina [like the thread in the eye of a needle], as though they were disconnected with the rest of the root. Legend accounts for it thus: The evil spirit angered that this root should have the power to cure disorders - as was then supposed - bit off a portion of it so as to curtail its usefulness, hence the name, Devil's Bit. [Pierce]
Nearly all Lilies are bulbous plants. They occur in all parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Lilies store organic sulphur. This is especially well known of onion and garlic, which since ancient times have used as purifiers of the physical body.
On the mental plane, a characteristic feature of the Lilies seems to be confusion as to her/his identity, whether due to dullness [All-c.], wildness [Lil-t.], over estimation of oneself [Verat.], boredom and indolence [Helon.] or to other causes.
Introduced by Parr. Proved by Tully and by Jones. Dr.Tully first proved in 1832, who took 10-30 minims of tincture of the root as a dose, it is had not proved thoroughly as much it entitled, especially by women. Dr.Jones, who published the result of proving in 1871, thinks that keynote symptom of this drug are “amelioration while doing something. The sense of profound debility lost when exercising.”
Through the vegetative sphere Helonias acts on the blood-making processes, inducing a debilitated condition and a disorganizing effect; hence it applicability in anaemia and chlorosis. Its local action is especially centered upon the kidneys and uterus, producing irritation and consequent stimulation, followed secondarily by an atonic condition.
Helonias has an extensive range of action, as its provings show, but the organ predominantly affected is the uterus. It has been called with justice a "uterine tonic," and one of the keynote indications for its use is a "consciousness of the womb," and relaxation of the uterine ligaments, misplacements and prolapse have been removed by Helon.
It is specially suited to nervously run-down females, easily fatigued by any work, who complain of a tired backache, a tired feeling extending into the limbs. Some of this passes off after commencing to work. This looks rather like the Rhus; "< on commencing to work, > after working a little;" but is not the same, for in the case of Rhus the relief comes from a limbering up of stiff joints.
The mental symptoms of Helon. Are very marked, and the extreme depression, gloom, and irritability of this case are characteristic of the remedy. One of the provers had a preliminary feeling of wellness before being plunged into a mental hell.
The backache is in the lumbar region, just over the kidneys, or else in the sacrum. The kidney themselves, especially the right, are the seat of pain, and then the urine is generally scanty.
S. A. Jones found Helonin turned an alkaline urine acid; increased the amount of urea; increased the amount of urine secreted. He considers this to be the result of a condition of debility, venous paresis, the result of previous arterial tonic contraction.
Helon. Produces irritation in mucous membranes; sore mouth; irritable stomach; burning and scalding when urination; but the most intense effect is produced in the vaginal mucous membrane.
The relation of the remedy to the climacteric period is indicated in the provings by alternate sensations of heat and cold. "A sensation as if a cool wind streamed up the back of the legs along the gastrocnemii muscles to the popliteal space" was noticed by one prover who had before had a burning, or warm numbness, in the legs, most marked in the knees, "seeming to be at the tendo Achillis of each leg, and very marked over the region of each gastrocnemius." "Every movement of the arms occasioned a chill, which seemed
To radiate from the solar plexus all over the body."
Better from if busy, diversion, holding abdomen. Worse from fatigue, stooping. Worse motion touch. Worse pregnancy, pressure of clothes. Touch aggravates cannot bear the least pressure of the dress on breasts, nipples, kidneys, etc.
Albuminuria. Amenorrhea. Anemia. Atony, uterus. Backaches. Breast disorders. Chlorosis. Cramps. Debility. Depression. Diabetes. Dysmenorrhea. Impotence. Kidney, pains. Leucorrhea. Lochia prolonged. Menopausal disorders. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Pruritus vulva. Rheumatism. Splenalgia. Infertility. Uterus disorders.
The mental symptoms of Helon. Are very marked and the extreme depression, gloom and irritability of this case are characteristic of the remedy. One of the provers had a preliminary feeling of wellness before being plunged into a mental hell. Profound melancholy. Irritable cannot endure the least contradiction. Desires to be let alone.
Conversation unpleasant. Patient is better when kept busy with mind engaged, when doing something. Consciousness of a womb. Finds faults with everyone.
Burning sensation on top. Headache, better mental exertion. Heat or upward pressure in vertex, as if skull were too full.
Salivation of pregnant women and teething children. Aphthae during pregnancy. Bitter taste in early a.m.
Cramp-like pain in the stomach. Burning in stomach, burning and aching in spine, belchings. Irritable stomach with general dropsy.Loss of appetite, belchings, fullness, cramp and painful congestion of the stomach. Appetite poor, food tasteless, "bilious", sleepy during the day.
Burning in the lower third of abdomen. Pain in left side, as if in spleen, which feels as if distended, causing a dull ache. Colic-like pains in hypogastric region off and on all day. Motion and rumbling in abdomen, as if diarrhea would come on, cramps in the stomach.
Loss of sexual desire and power with or without sterility. Dragging in sacral region with prolapse, especially after a miscarriage. Pruritus vulvae. Backache after miscarriage. (Kali-c.) Weight and soreness in womb, conscious of womb. Heavy dragging in pelvis. uterus, heavy, sore, tender, ulcerated or prolapsed or other malpositions. Menses too frequent too profuse. Menses, suppressed, kidneys congested. Foul, lumpy or curdled leucorrhea. Vulva, aphthous inflamed. Parts hot, red, swollen, burn and itch terribly. Albuminuria during pregnancy. Debility attending the menopause. Hemorrhage from atony of dark foul blood.
Sexual desire and power increased. Erections unusually strong and frequent. Impotence.
Burning sensation at the kidneys. Constant aching, extreme tenderness of kidneys. Dull ache and heat in region of the kidneys instead of menses. Nephritis of pregnancy with obstinate vomiting. Involuntary discharge of urine after the bladder feels empty. Urine, profuse, clear, albuminous, saccharine, phosphatic. Diabetes mellitus and insipidus.
Burning scalding when urinating, desire frequent and urging. Strangury.
Pain and weight in back, tired and weak. Aching between scapulae. Aching and burning across the lumbar region, can trace outlines of kidneys by constant burning. Boring pain in lumbar region, extending down legs. Great languor, better exercising. Weakness, weight and dragging down in sacrum, down to buttocks.
Sore pain in outer side of thighs. Sensation as if cool wind streamed up calves. Feet feel numb, when sitting. Severe pains in right hip-joint, worse during motion.
Feels hot when tired. Chills, seemingly radiating from solar plexus all over body, caused by motion of arms. Flushes of heat pass over him with every movement while in a room.
Alet. and Lil.t. are closely allied botanically and medically with Helon. Helon. antidotes the prolapse of Lil.t. and the mental depression of Kali brom.
In general it is a close analogue of Pulsat., in its local and general symptoms.
Compare also; Sep.; Pic.ac. (tired aching and some burning in back and legs); Pallad. (tiredness; soreness; irritability); Plat. (indurated uterus); Nat.m., Agn., and Caust. (aversion to coitus); Eup.purp., Chi., Ferr., Hydrast., Senec.; Act.r. (uterine symptoms and gloom; Nat. Hyperchlor. (sodden condition of uterus); Pip.meth. (> by diverting mind).
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