Herring Analytical Homeopathic Repertory
Born:01-01-1800 Died:23-07-1880
Hering was born at Oschatz, Saxony
His inclination for the study of natural history was manifested at an early age
He even delighted in collecting, analyzing and arranging specimens from different kingdoms of nature, some of which thought worthy of acceptance by public museum
During his college days he excelled in everything especially in mathematics and in all branches
At the age of 17, he became interested in medicine and joined the University of Leipzig, where he became the favorite pupil of Dr. Henrich Robbi, an eminent surgeon
In 1817 he attended the Surgical Academy of Dresden for three years and from 1820 he studied medicine at Leipzig University
In 1826 he graduated with his medical degree M.D from the university of Wurzburg. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future).
In 1821 he received a dissecting wound in his right index finger, doctors advised amputation of his finger but he refused to do so.
His friend Kummer, a disciple of Hahnemann persuaded him to take homeopathic treatment and gave him Arsenic-alb. After a few doses he felt better and the gangrene was soon cured completely. Hering was surprised and became greatly interested in Homeopathy.
In 1824 Hering wrote his first letter to Hahnemann & he replied. “Your active zeal for the beneficial art delights me…. I would like to become better acquainted with you”.
In 1828, in Surinam, Hering became Interested in the use of snake poisons as remedies
In 1991 a translation of Hering’s own account of his first meeting with the famed bush master snake was published in similimum.
The first proving began when he was accidentally ingested some venom
He had done 104 provings of himself, he introduced the remedies – Lachesis, Psorinum,and Glonine
In 1833 Hering joined with George bute’s practice in philadelphia
Hering was approached by Wesselhoeft, Detwiller and Romig. They requested hering to join the school as the presedient and principal instructer.
In 1835 April 10 on Hahnemann’s birthday the school was opened- thus Allentown academy.
In 1848 he chartered the Hahnemann Medical College of Pennslyvania which is still considered to be one of greatest homeopathic teaching institutions of all time There Hering and his students treated over 50,000 patients a year and trained a total of 3500 homeopaths
Homoeopathic pharmacy was the another area of Hering’s interest and which he maintained until his death.
It was Hering who convinced Dr.Samuel dubs to make the first decimal potencies in the united states. Hering also trained Rudolph Tafel as his personal pharmacist
Hering used nitroglycerine for heart problems 30 years before it was used in conventional medicine.
Dr. Hering died at ten p.m. of July 23, 1880. He died suddenly of a heart attack while returning from a house call to a patient.
The funeral was held on July 28, 1880 the 52nd anniversary of his first Lachesis proving
Hering began organizing his voluminous notes into his still popular classic The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica the year before he died, in 1879, and it was completed by his students and published posthumously in 1891
Hering was a voracious writer. In Bradford’s Bibliography we find 352 items under his name including the 5 best known books
• The domestic physician- 1835
• Translation of gross materia medica- 1866
• Condensed materia medica- 1873
• Analytical repertory of mind
• Guiding symptoms of our materia medica
He wrote many articles, monographs, and books. He was the chief editor of the 'North America Homeopathic Journal‘ (1851- 1853), 'The Homeopathic News‘ (1854- 1856), 'The American Journal of Homeopathic Materia Medica‘from 1867 to 1871 and the journal of his own college.
He proved 72 drugs, out of which the following are most important ones: Cantharis, Colchicum, Iodium, Mezereum, Sabadilla, Sabina, Nux-mosch, Crotalus, Apis, Hydrophobinum, Phytolacca, Platina, Gelsemium, Kalmia, Ferrum met, Flouric acid, Phosphoric acid etc.
• Cure takes place above downwards
• From within outward
• From a more important organ to less important organ
• Symptoms disappears in the reverse order of their appearance ( the first to apear being the last to go)
TITTLE: Analytical repertory of the symptoms of the mind.
Analytical repertory is one of the best works of Dr.Hering. The year of publication of first edition is not available. The edition is published in 1881 in Philadelphia by American Homoeopathic Publishing Society, J.M.Stoodart & Co.
Book contain 361 pages
In 1875, Hering wrote analytical therapeutics Vol-1 published by Boericke and Taffel, New York with 352 pages which may be the first edition of this book, because Hering always talks about the therapeutics in the introduction rather than a repertory
• Introduction
• How to use this book
• The arrangement (The 48 chapters)
• Our Nomenclature (Abridgement of Names, Limitation, List of Names and Their Abridgements, Notes to the List of Names, Nosodes, Remarks, Abbreviations, Marks & Signs and Conclusion)
• Chapters
• Appendix to chapters, index to model cures, index to remedies, index (to the repertory)
• To collect the all important symptoms, which are scattered in various books and journals appeared through proving and cured through practice in one book
• To enable the practitioner to find the curative remedy wit rapidity, even in apparent difficult cases
Similar work was done earlier which were published in the form of monographs of some medicines as an appendix to the journals and later as a separate volume. The attempt was made to collect under a drug all that is known about that effect and was arranged in a comparable form. So that reader can easily can compare
The manner in which the drug acts
Organ and part of body it influences
What is the kind, Nature and degree of action
Kind of sensation it produces
All the modalities of various symptoms
With constant view to general characteristics of the drug
Hering says that although it bears some similarity to the materia medica, the mental process is different in character. The materia medica requires a constant synthesis in the mind of reader, a constant action of mind aiming at that which is general in the numerous single observations are recorded in the symptoms.
This work contains most essentials results of our proving and results of our practice. Her it is told that clinical reports from reliable sources must be received as bonafide. i.e we must assume that the drug is the cause of what followed its administration.
Hahnemann was right when he adviced us not to be ruled by former cures , by always the symptoms produced.
“How to use this work”, will be enabled to decide on the remedy, in the most cases and in the shortest time.
Hahnemann advises, always to give the remedy according to the symptoms in each case, and not according to the names of diseases. All who follow Hahnemann's advice are much more successful.
The collections of remedies under the names of diseases have been made with the view of aiding individualization. Our lists of remedies given under this heading increased each year, where 50 years ago we had two or three, now we have ten or twenty times as many.
Boenninghausen states in the preface that use was made of
The symptoms from provings
Symptoms cured
Materia Medica Pura
The results of practice after careful examination
Are put together for judging the value of each symptom.
The greatest stress is laid, in the following work, on the entire abolishment of the alphabetical arrangement, for in fact nothing in the whole book has been arranged alphabetically, except the names of the drugs, and even there we trust it will be abandoned by the next generation. Many repertories have suffered under this most miserable of all “orders," taking up our time and wasting it by increasing the difficulties.
Hahnemann in his later editions finally placed the mental symptoms first; thus he adopted as a rule, first inner symptoms, then outer ones. This order we have now uniformly preserved throughout the whole work; functions of each organ are placed first, then the bodily symptoms. According to the same rule the symptoms or the whole body have been classified, as will be fully explained in the introduction to the arrangement.
RULE-1. Examine as many cases as possible, according to Hahnemann’s advice, Organon, Paragraph 83
RULE-II. Arrange the symptoms acc to their importance. The beginner should do this in writing.
Every doctor is asked: What is the matter? Can it be cured? How long will it take? He is therefore under the necessity on this account, to make not only a diagnosis, but also a prognosis.
What is of the highest importance in diagnosing holds but a minor position in a diagnosis of the drug. We decide all cases by symptoms. Hence the Anti-Hahnemannian call them useless, or even foolishly term them" moonshine.“
The diagnostic symptoms are seldom used in differentiating similar drugs. The symptoms, less diagnostic are mainly used in differentiating the similar drugs.
As a rule for arranging the symptoms of the sick. Aetiological peculiarities have always a very high rank. In most cases the last medicine employed allopathically or Homeopathically forms the main indication for the next choice.
In all chronic and lingering cases the symptoms appearing last even though they may appear insignificant, are always the most important in regard to the selection of a drug. The oldest are the least important. All symptoms between have to be arranged according to the order of their appearance. Only such patients remain well and are really cured, who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of their development.
In all zymotic diseases as in other epidemics to sum up all the symptoms of as many cases as we can examine properly and concentrate their symptoms into one image, from which to select that remedy really "specific" to the zymosis. Further, an additional rule to bear in mind.
Take the most characteristic symptoms at the invasion.
At the height of the disease.
Lastly during the decline of the disease, that is, during the recovery.
These three points have to be "covered" by the characteristics of the drug. We may find in this way a preventive/"prophylactic," medicine. If it cannot prevent altogether, will make all cases lighter and more readily curable.
After deciding the leading symptoms of a case, three of which atleast, we can refer to such pages/chapters in this work. Concomitant conditions may be examined and the closest similarity with one/another drug may be confirmed.
Next to this the chapter, with the pathological names nearest to the case may be consulted.
In all-important cases the monographs should be consulted, and last though not least the M.M.
Inner symptoms and functions first, outer and organic changes afterwards.
First increased functional activity, then altered, then decreased.
First the parts, then the whole body.
First the upper parts, then the lower.
All modalities placed to the related function.
The 48 chapters name with their contents/conditions are given.
Symptoms are arranged according to the organ or part of the body in which they appear, not where they originate; for instance, motions or positions of the head are placed to the outer head, not to the neck, the muscles of which cause the position or motion.
The use of the book, particularly the first chapter, will accomplish the rest.
Hering says we give names to secure the identity and adopt the most popular name by preference, rather than the chemical or botanical name, as it is frequently liable to change.
Abridgement of names-the rule will be to make the abridgements in general 2 syllables in length, to avoid mistakes three syllables or full name given.
Limitations deals with not including some Hahnemann's observations and other provings and analysis.
Such as only mentioned are not marked
i- means somewhat proved
ii-more proved
I- used
Ii-used often
II-very often
Notes to the list of names- there are 7 reasons to reject the name cimicifuga.
Nosodes, remarks(about translation of certain words from German MM),abbreviation(Authors)
In the margin list the 4 degrees of Boenninghausen have been distinguished by the following marks
i- observed on healthy
ii- observed often and repeatedly
I- applied successfully with the sick
II- applied very often repeatedly.
In most margin lists the I has been omitted and appears only when it seems necessary.
Sometimes intermediate or higher degrees are signified by Ii or IiI.
Then Conclusion.
This repertory is arranged as in 5th part of second edition of the antipsorics by Hahnemann, published in 1839 only very slight alteration is made to keep the consistency and uniformity through out.
Starting with mind (inner symptom first and then outer one). Sensorium then, the head and outer head. In functions we can see that all the increase of action comes first, followed by the morbid alterations and last decrease or lessening of the function.
The parts of the body arranged from above downwards starting from the head and ending with the lower limbs. The nutritive organs first then the organs keeping up the species sexual organs, then the respiration, circulation and motion.
From here, there is a slight alteration in the Hahnemann’s arrangement, the influence of motion and rest and different position then symptoms depending on the action of nerves – over excitement, convulsions, weakness, lameness, sleep, (the restorer of the nerve force) with symptoms before during and after sleep, and various parts of the day.
Inner symptoms and functions first, outer and organic changes afterwards.
First increased functional activity then altered and decreased.
First the parts, then the whole body.
First upper parts then the lower.
All modalities placed to the related function.
Each part will have at the beginning a key to special order if necessary and an index at the end if it is considered an advantage to the reader.
The repertory consists of 48 chapters.
Further we can also divide the chapters mainly into two categories for better understanding of the construction of this book.
1. Chapters, which contain symptoms of body, connected to that of mind (chapter 1&2).
2. Chapters, which contain symptoms of mind, connected to that of body. (Chapter 3 onwards).
The arrangement as well as the style of printing has one object especially in view, viz. to make it as easy as possible for the eye and through the eye, for the mind, to find what is to be looked for.
Inside each chapter the drugs are arranged vertically with their gradation. (Given on the left side of the drug) along the left margin of the page. In some sections this list is missing, for example: earache, outer ear, nose and outer nose etc.
The arrangement is entirely new and affords great relief to the eyes, as the motion from above downwards is accomplished with less fatigue and with more certainty, than the necessary repetition of the linear motion required in the common arrangement.
In most of the margin list I has been omitted and appears only when it seems necessary to make a distinction from others of less value. Sometimes intermediate or higher degrees are signified by II or III.
In some chapter marginal list will have similar type of gradations on the both the sides of the drug. This is explained in respective chapters.
In the section better in company and better when in alone (of chapter 1), the gradation on the left side of drug is related to better in company and the right side of drug is with respect to better when alone.
In the section emotions and excitement the inner marks are for the degree in which the heart, pulse and circulation are affected.
3. In the section headache from exertion of mind or intellectual work the outside mark represents great exertion, over study and the inner mark “t” is for thinking, “r” is for reading, “w” is for writing.
In the section from over exertion of mind and body, this book not only follows the gradation in accordance with Boenninghausen’s repertory has been taken as the basis for this repertory. Many additions and corrections were made by Boenninghausen’s himself during his practice.
Dr. Dunham during his stay with Boenninghausen, was allowed to copy the author's own marks, corroborations and additions, which had been made from his practice, during more than 10 years. Dr. Dunham with his well-known liberality left his copy long enough in Philadelphia to be compared and carefully copied.
4. Marks on the inner side are in numerals and are given as a comparative table with three numbers. It is the same grades used by Boenninghausen in his repertory. the first number represents after emotion, the second after exertion of intellect, the third exertion of the body.
5. In the section mental state after eating the B is break fast, d for dinner s for supper. If only after one of the three meal, an*is added. In others the meal has not been specially mentioned.
6. In section palpitation with mental symptoms “a” signifies anxiety.
7. In the section after sleep the grade before the drug signifies amelioration and after the drug signifies aggravation and the cipher signifies that nothing has been observed.
8. In the section on seasons, “w” stands for winter, “spr” for spring, “s” for summer and “f” for rain fall.
In the section “chill, heat, sweat” the three grades represents chill, heat and sweat respectively, if only two are there then they are the heat and sweat.
10. In the section worse during the phases of the moon, the first grade is for full moon and the second for new moon. These are according to Boenninghausen and Jahr.
On the right side of this drug list we can see the text showing the difference between the drugs on the basis of connections. For example
1. In section anger arnica is the 6th drug in the drug list it produces connection at the mouth causing putrid breath, and at stool & urine causing involuntary passage of them respectively.
2. In the section complaints after laughing, Manganum the 22nd drug is connected to ear and we can see drawing stitch from stomach in to ear.
As the drugs given in the left margin are differentiated on the basis of mental or physical concomitant. This repertory is called the analytical repertory.
Main rubrics are given in capital letter
Drugs are given vertically for the main rubric, then sub rubric and sub sub rubrics are given
At the end of main rubric, line is given
Right side of the page (in top) main rubrics of that page is given. Left side mind and disposition is given
Note and model cures are given in main rubrics. But it is not given in all rubrics.
Cross references are given in some rubrics. E.g. Ailments owing to fear (p.no-82), female inner sexual organs (p.no-175,177)
For some main rubrics drugs are not given. E.g. Better when thinking about something else (p.no-100), sensation of fullness (p.no-117)
Misplaced rubric -Cold, heat, sweat is given under external head.
In some rubrics indentations are given in sub rubric level. E.g- sweat, paleness, tongue, mouth and teeth.
Some rubrics have spelling mistakes/ old terminology. E.g- Scrobiculum(158), Vomituritio(153), Praecordial anxiety(160), Uropoetic organs(172), Slumber(265), Ailings from over exertion of mind and body, in same rubric numbers added which indicate the degrees of importance given by B. in his R.
Additions by Hering’s are marked as*. E.g sub rubrics of shock of injury(p.no-76)
Abbreviations used for the drugs:
Two syllables in length are used. The exception is given in some cases to avoid clerical or typographical mistakes and three syllables are used. This is used to avoid confusion as in Crot. May be either Crotalus or Croton.tig, Cocc for Coccionella or Cocus cacti.
Abbreviations used for authors:
H: Hahnemann
B: Boenninghausen
B.R: Boenninghausen’s Repertory.
Nosodes are also represented.
Model cures are given in each section.
Drugs which posses neither provings nor sufficient clinical observations, have been omitted.
At the end of the book there is an appendix to few chapters and an index to the model cures with the authors same, drug and page number. Followed by an index to the remedies.
An index to the symptoms is also given.
The arrangement is totally different and very difficult to understand.
Systemic repertorization is not possible.
Chapters are not arranged properly and no clear demarcation at the end of each chapter.
Rubrics are not arranged properly and sub rubrics are not following an order it is difficult to search.
Sub rubrics containing very few remedies. So repertorization is not possible.
Chapter sensorium is missing.
Total numbers of drugs used 749, but many drug synonyms are used and cross-references are given.
When commenting about translation from German materia medica. Hering says east wind from midst of Europe means dry land wind, not like our east but more like our west wind. so dry or damp wind used.
In Rio Janeiro or new Holland, the same reversion has to take place with regard to the north and south wind of hemisphere. Hence it is given as cold or warm wind.
Bread in Germany means rye bread.
Bread and butter mean sandwiches.
Different types of symbols are used in various chapters to represent different modalities. So it is difficult for the novice to understand.
Born:01-01-1800 Died:23-07-1880
Hering was born at Oschatz, Saxony
His inclination for the study of natural history was manifested at an early age
He even delighted in collecting, analyzing and arranging specimens from different kingdoms of nature, some of which thought worthy of acceptance by public museum
During his college days he excelled in everything especially in mathematics and in all branches
At the age of 17, he became interested in medicine and joined the University of Leipzig, where he became the favorite pupil of Dr. Henrich Robbi, an eminent surgeon
In 1817 he attended the Surgical Academy of Dresden for three years and from 1820 he studied medicine at Leipzig University
In 1826 he graduated with his medical degree M.D from the university of Wurzburg. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future).
In 1821 he received a dissecting wound in his right index finger, doctors advised amputation of his finger but he refused to do so.
His friend Kummer, a disciple of Hahnemann persuaded him to take homeopathic treatment and gave him Arsenic-alb. After a few doses he felt better and the gangrene was soon cured completely. Hering was surprised and became greatly interested in Homeopathy.
In 1824 Hering wrote his first letter to Hahnemann & he replied. “Your active zeal for the beneficial art delights me…. I would like to become better acquainted with you”.
In 1828, in Surinam, Hering became Interested in the use of snake poisons as remedies
In 1991 a translation of Hering’s own account of his first meeting with the famed bush master snake was published in similimum.
The first proving began when he was accidentally ingested some venom
He had done 104 provings of himself, he introduced the remedies – Lachesis, Psorinum,and Glonine
In 1833 Hering joined with George bute’s practice in philadelphia
Hering was approached by Wesselhoeft, Detwiller and Romig. They requested hering to join the school as the presedient and principal instructer.
In 1835 April 10 on Hahnemann’s birthday the school was opened- thus Allentown academy.
In 1848 he chartered the Hahnemann Medical College of Pennslyvania which is still considered to be one of greatest homeopathic teaching institutions of all time There Hering and his students treated over 50,000 patients a year and trained a total of 3500 homeopaths
Homoeopathic pharmacy was the another area of Hering’s interest and which he maintained until his death.
It was Hering who convinced Dr.Samuel dubs to make the first decimal potencies in the united states. Hering also trained Rudolph Tafel as his personal pharmacist
Hering used nitroglycerine for heart problems 30 years before it was used in conventional medicine.
Dr. Hering died at ten p.m. of July 23, 1880. He died suddenly of a heart attack while returning from a house call to a patient.
The funeral was held on July 28, 1880 the 52nd anniversary of his first Lachesis proving
Hering began organizing his voluminous notes into his still popular classic The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica the year before he died, in 1879, and it was completed by his students and published posthumously in 1891
Hering was a voracious writer. In Bradford’s Bibliography we find 352 items under his name including the 5 best known books
• The domestic physician- 1835
• Translation of gross materia medica- 1866
• Condensed materia medica- 1873
• Analytical repertory of mind
• Guiding symptoms of our materia medica
He wrote many articles, monographs, and books. He was the chief editor of the 'North America Homeopathic Journal‘ (1851- 1853), 'The Homeopathic News‘ (1854- 1856), 'The American Journal of Homeopathic Materia Medica‘from 1867 to 1871 and the journal of his own college.
He proved 72 drugs, out of which the following are most important ones: Cantharis, Colchicum, Iodium, Mezereum, Sabadilla, Sabina, Nux-mosch, Crotalus, Apis, Hydrophobinum, Phytolacca, Platina, Gelsemium, Kalmia, Ferrum met, Flouric acid, Phosphoric acid etc.
• Cure takes place above downwards
• From within outward
• From a more important organ to less important organ
• Symptoms disappears in the reverse order of their appearance ( the first to apear being the last to go)
TITTLE: Analytical repertory of the symptoms of the mind.
Analytical repertory is one of the best works of Dr.Hering. The year of publication of first edition is not available. The edition is published in 1881 in Philadelphia by American Homoeopathic Publishing Society, J.M.Stoodart & Co.
Book contain 361 pages
In 1875, Hering wrote analytical therapeutics Vol-1 published by Boericke and Taffel, New York with 352 pages which may be the first edition of this book, because Hering always talks about the therapeutics in the introduction rather than a repertory
• Introduction
• How to use this book
• The arrangement (The 48 chapters)
• Our Nomenclature (Abridgement of Names, Limitation, List of Names and Their Abridgements, Notes to the List of Names, Nosodes, Remarks, Abbreviations, Marks & Signs and Conclusion)
• Chapters
• Appendix to chapters, index to model cures, index to remedies, index (to the repertory)
• To collect the all important symptoms, which are scattered in various books and journals appeared through proving and cured through practice in one book
• To enable the practitioner to find the curative remedy wit rapidity, even in apparent difficult cases
Similar work was done earlier which were published in the form of monographs of some medicines as an appendix to the journals and later as a separate volume. The attempt was made to collect under a drug all that is known about that effect and was arranged in a comparable form. So that reader can easily can compare
The manner in which the drug acts
Organ and part of body it influences
What is the kind, Nature and degree of action
Kind of sensation it produces
All the modalities of various symptoms
With constant view to general characteristics of the drug
Hering says that although it bears some similarity to the materia medica, the mental process is different in character. The materia medica requires a constant synthesis in the mind of reader, a constant action of mind aiming at that which is general in the numerous single observations are recorded in the symptoms.
This work contains most essentials results of our proving and results of our practice. Her it is told that clinical reports from reliable sources must be received as bonafide. i.e we must assume that the drug is the cause of what followed its administration.
Hahnemann was right when he adviced us not to be ruled by former cures , by always the symptoms produced.
“How to use this work”, will be enabled to decide on the remedy, in the most cases and in the shortest time.
Hahnemann advises, always to give the remedy according to the symptoms in each case, and not according to the names of diseases. All who follow Hahnemann's advice are much more successful.
The collections of remedies under the names of diseases have been made with the view of aiding individualization. Our lists of remedies given under this heading increased each year, where 50 years ago we had two or three, now we have ten or twenty times as many.
Boenninghausen states in the preface that use was made of
The symptoms from provings
Symptoms cured
Materia Medica Pura
The results of practice after careful examination
Are put together for judging the value of each symptom.
The greatest stress is laid, in the following work, on the entire abolishment of the alphabetical arrangement, for in fact nothing in the whole book has been arranged alphabetically, except the names of the drugs, and even there we trust it will be abandoned by the next generation. Many repertories have suffered under this most miserable of all “orders," taking up our time and wasting it by increasing the difficulties.
Hahnemann in his later editions finally placed the mental symptoms first; thus he adopted as a rule, first inner symptoms, then outer ones. This order we have now uniformly preserved throughout the whole work; functions of each organ are placed first, then the bodily symptoms. According to the same rule the symptoms or the whole body have been classified, as will be fully explained in the introduction to the arrangement.
RULE-1. Examine as many cases as possible, according to Hahnemann’s advice, Organon, Paragraph 83
RULE-II. Arrange the symptoms acc to their importance. The beginner should do this in writing.
Every doctor is asked: What is the matter? Can it be cured? How long will it take? He is therefore under the necessity on this account, to make not only a diagnosis, but also a prognosis.
What is of the highest importance in diagnosing holds but a minor position in a diagnosis of the drug. We decide all cases by symptoms. Hence the Anti-Hahnemannian call them useless, or even foolishly term them" moonshine.“
The diagnostic symptoms are seldom used in differentiating similar drugs. The symptoms, less diagnostic are mainly used in differentiating the similar drugs.
As a rule for arranging the symptoms of the sick. Aetiological peculiarities have always a very high rank. In most cases the last medicine employed allopathically or Homeopathically forms the main indication for the next choice.
In all chronic and lingering cases the symptoms appearing last even though they may appear insignificant, are always the most important in regard to the selection of a drug. The oldest are the least important. All symptoms between have to be arranged according to the order of their appearance. Only such patients remain well and are really cured, who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of their development.
In all zymotic diseases as in other epidemics to sum up all the symptoms of as many cases as we can examine properly and concentrate their symptoms into one image, from which to select that remedy really "specific" to the zymosis. Further, an additional rule to bear in mind.
Take the most characteristic symptoms at the invasion.
At the height of the disease.
Lastly during the decline of the disease, that is, during the recovery.
These three points have to be "covered" by the characteristics of the drug. We may find in this way a preventive/"prophylactic," medicine. If it cannot prevent altogether, will make all cases lighter and more readily curable.
After deciding the leading symptoms of a case, three of which atleast, we can refer to such pages/chapters in this work. Concomitant conditions may be examined and the closest similarity with one/another drug may be confirmed.
Next to this the chapter, with the pathological names nearest to the case may be consulted.
In all-important cases the monographs should be consulted, and last though not least the M.M.
Inner symptoms and functions first, outer and organic changes afterwards.
First increased functional activity, then altered, then decreased.
First the parts, then the whole body.
First the upper parts, then the lower.
All modalities placed to the related function.
The 48 chapters name with their contents/conditions are given.
Symptoms are arranged according to the organ or part of the body in which they appear, not where they originate; for instance, motions or positions of the head are placed to the outer head, not to the neck, the muscles of which cause the position or motion.
The use of the book, particularly the first chapter, will accomplish the rest.
Hering says we give names to secure the identity and adopt the most popular name by preference, rather than the chemical or botanical name, as it is frequently liable to change.
Abridgement of names-the rule will be to make the abridgements in general 2 syllables in length, to avoid mistakes three syllables or full name given.
Limitations deals with not including some Hahnemann's observations and other provings and analysis.
Such as only mentioned are not marked
i- means somewhat proved
ii-more proved
I- used
Ii-used often
II-very often
Notes to the list of names- there are 7 reasons to reject the name cimicifuga.
Nosodes, remarks(about translation of certain words from German MM),abbreviation(Authors)
In the margin list the 4 degrees of Boenninghausen have been distinguished by the following marks
i- observed on healthy
ii- observed often and repeatedly
I- applied successfully with the sick
II- applied very often repeatedly.
In most margin lists the I has been omitted and appears only when it seems necessary.
Sometimes intermediate or higher degrees are signified by Ii or IiI.
Then Conclusion.
This repertory is arranged as in 5th part of second edition of the antipsorics by Hahnemann, published in 1839 only very slight alteration is made to keep the consistency and uniformity through out.
Starting with mind (inner symptom first and then outer one). Sensorium then, the head and outer head. In functions we can see that all the increase of action comes first, followed by the morbid alterations and last decrease or lessening of the function.
The parts of the body arranged from above downwards starting from the head and ending with the lower limbs. The nutritive organs first then the organs keeping up the species sexual organs, then the respiration, circulation and motion.
From here, there is a slight alteration in the Hahnemann’s arrangement, the influence of motion and rest and different position then symptoms depending on the action of nerves – over excitement, convulsions, weakness, lameness, sleep, (the restorer of the nerve force) with symptoms before during and after sleep, and various parts of the day.
Inner symptoms and functions first, outer and organic changes afterwards.
First increased functional activity then altered and decreased.
First the parts, then the whole body.
First upper parts then the lower.
All modalities placed to the related function.
Each part will have at the beginning a key to special order if necessary and an index at the end if it is considered an advantage to the reader.
The repertory consists of 48 chapters.
Further we can also divide the chapters mainly into two categories for better understanding of the construction of this book.
1. Chapters, which contain symptoms of body, connected to that of mind (chapter 1&2).
2. Chapters, which contain symptoms of mind, connected to that of body. (Chapter 3 onwards).
The arrangement as well as the style of printing has one object especially in view, viz. to make it as easy as possible for the eye and through the eye, for the mind, to find what is to be looked for.
Inside each chapter the drugs are arranged vertically with their gradation. (Given on the left side of the drug) along the left margin of the page. In some sections this list is missing, for example: earache, outer ear, nose and outer nose etc.
The arrangement is entirely new and affords great relief to the eyes, as the motion from above downwards is accomplished with less fatigue and with more certainty, than the necessary repetition of the linear motion required in the common arrangement.
In most of the margin list I has been omitted and appears only when it seems necessary to make a distinction from others of less value. Sometimes intermediate or higher degrees are signified by II or III.
In some chapter marginal list will have similar type of gradations on the both the sides of the drug. This is explained in respective chapters.
In the section better in company and better when in alone (of chapter 1), the gradation on the left side of drug is related to better in company and the right side of drug is with respect to better when alone.
In the section emotions and excitement the inner marks are for the degree in which the heart, pulse and circulation are affected.
3. In the section headache from exertion of mind or intellectual work the outside mark represents great exertion, over study and the inner mark “t” is for thinking, “r” is for reading, “w” is for writing.
In the section from over exertion of mind and body, this book not only follows the gradation in accordance with Boenninghausen’s repertory has been taken as the basis for this repertory. Many additions and corrections were made by Boenninghausen’s himself during his practice.
Dr. Dunham during his stay with Boenninghausen, was allowed to copy the author's own marks, corroborations and additions, which had been made from his practice, during more than 10 years. Dr. Dunham with his well-known liberality left his copy long enough in Philadelphia to be compared and carefully copied.
4. Marks on the inner side are in numerals and are given as a comparative table with three numbers. It is the same grades used by Boenninghausen in his repertory. the first number represents after emotion, the second after exertion of intellect, the third exertion of the body.
5. In the section mental state after eating the B is break fast, d for dinner s for supper. If only after one of the three meal, an*is added. In others the meal has not been specially mentioned.
6. In section palpitation with mental symptoms “a” signifies anxiety.
7. In the section after sleep the grade before the drug signifies amelioration and after the drug signifies aggravation and the cipher signifies that nothing has been observed.
8. In the section on seasons, “w” stands for winter, “spr” for spring, “s” for summer and “f” for rain fall.
In the section “chill, heat, sweat” the three grades represents chill, heat and sweat respectively, if only two are there then they are the heat and sweat.
10. In the section worse during the phases of the moon, the first grade is for full moon and the second for new moon. These are according to Boenninghausen and Jahr.
On the right side of this drug list we can see the text showing the difference between the drugs on the basis of connections. For example
1. In section anger arnica is the 6th drug in the drug list it produces connection at the mouth causing putrid breath, and at stool & urine causing involuntary passage of them respectively.
2. In the section complaints after laughing, Manganum the 22nd drug is connected to ear and we can see drawing stitch from stomach in to ear.
As the drugs given in the left margin are differentiated on the basis of mental or physical concomitant. This repertory is called the analytical repertory.
Main rubrics are given in capital letter
Drugs are given vertically for the main rubric, then sub rubric and sub sub rubrics are given
At the end of main rubric, line is given
Right side of the page (in top) main rubrics of that page is given. Left side mind and disposition is given
Note and model cures are given in main rubrics. But it is not given in all rubrics.
Cross references are given in some rubrics. E.g. Ailments owing to fear (p.no-82), female inner sexual organs (p.no-175,177)
For some main rubrics drugs are not given. E.g. Better when thinking about something else (p.no-100), sensation of fullness (p.no-117)
Misplaced rubric -Cold, heat, sweat is given under external head.
In some rubrics indentations are given in sub rubric level. E.g- sweat, paleness, tongue, mouth and teeth.
Some rubrics have spelling mistakes/ old terminology. E.g- Scrobiculum(158), Vomituritio(153), Praecordial anxiety(160), Uropoetic organs(172), Slumber(265), Ailings from over exertion of mind and body, in same rubric numbers added which indicate the degrees of importance given by B. in his R.
Additions by Hering’s are marked as*. E.g sub rubrics of shock of injury(p.no-76)
Abbreviations used for the drugs:
Two syllables in length are used. The exception is given in some cases to avoid clerical or typographical mistakes and three syllables are used. This is used to avoid confusion as in Crot. May be either Crotalus or Croton.tig, Cocc for Coccionella or Cocus cacti.
Abbreviations used for authors:
H: Hahnemann
B: Boenninghausen
B.R: Boenninghausen’s Repertory.
Nosodes are also represented.
Model cures are given in each section.
Drugs which posses neither provings nor sufficient clinical observations, have been omitted.
At the end of the book there is an appendix to few chapters and an index to the model cures with the authors same, drug and page number. Followed by an index to the remedies.
An index to the symptoms is also given.
The arrangement is totally different and very difficult to understand.
Systemic repertorization is not possible.
Chapters are not arranged properly and no clear demarcation at the end of each chapter.
Rubrics are not arranged properly and sub rubrics are not following an order it is difficult to search.
Sub rubrics containing very few remedies. So repertorization is not possible.
Chapter sensorium is missing.
Total numbers of drugs used 749, but many drug synonyms are used and cross-references are given.
When commenting about translation from German materia medica. Hering says east wind from midst of Europe means dry land wind, not like our east but more like our west wind. so dry or damp wind used.
In Rio Janeiro or new Holland, the same reversion has to take place with regard to the north and south wind of hemisphere. Hence it is given as cold or warm wind.
Bread in Germany means rye bread.
Bread and butter mean sandwiches.
Different types of symbols are used in various chapters to represent different modalities. So it is difficult for the novice to understand.
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