IGNATIA Patient Grief after losing persons Very Dear
Ignatia amara. (Strychnos ignatia ? Strychnos multiflora ? The actual tree from which the so-called "beans" are obtained is not known.)
Faba indica.St. Ignatius' Bean. (Philippine Islands.)
Tincture and trituration of the seeds.
HAHNEMANN, Mat. Med. Pura, vol. ii of original, vol. i of translation. Contains 620 symptoms from self and 175 from others.
A large shrub or small tree, climbing in habit, found growing in the Philippine Islands and Cochin China.
The seeds of Ignatia contain a larger proportion of strychnine than those of Nux vomica, yet there is a great difference between the characteristic features of the two drugs. Ign. has been called the "feminine" of the "masculine" Nux-v. The consequences of worry or a worrying state of mind, no
less than grief, call for Ign. an introverted stated of mind.
It is adapted to the sensitive, excitable, nervous temperament, women of a sensitive, easily excited nature, dark hair and skin, but mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid to execute. Romantic, idealistic and overworked. Suitable to persons who had been starving either from want or other causes.
Grief.Fright.Worry.Dissappointed love.Jealousy.Old spinal injuries.
Better while eating, change of position, lying on affected part, urination,if alone. Better from pressure, deep breathing. Better from swallowing,eating, near a warm stove, sour things.
Worse emotions, chagrin, worry, fright, shock, grief after losing persons or objects that were very
dear. Worse air, open, cold, odors touch. Worse yawning, stooping, walking, standing, at the same hour and day. Worse in the morning after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth.
Ailments from grief, fright or emotional shocks,disappointments. Unhappy love. Sighing and sobbing. Inwardweeping, enjoys being sad. Perfectionist. Highly emotional and moody.
Capricious. Changeable mood. Idealistic. Romantic. Oversensitive andnervous. Silently brooding. Constantly frustrated. Irritable. Worse from consolation. Not communicative.
Desire to be alone. Angry with himself.
Internal conflicts with herself. Intolerant of contradiction of reprimands. Melancholic, sad and tearful.
Anguish, shrieks for help. Faints easily, girls who faint when they go to church or who fall in love with married men, (Nat-m.) Fear of robbers at night. Thinks she has neglected her duty.
Heaviness of the head. Vertigo. Headache, like a pressure with something hard on the surface of the brain. Headache, as if bruised or beaten in the morning on awakening (Nux v.); on rising changes to toothache, as if crushed or shattered, then to bruised, beaten pain in small of back; worse when thinking about it (Cham.). Jerking headache on ascending steps; aggravated by opening the eyes. Throbbing headache, with every beat of arteries, worse on stooping. Pressing headache in right half of forehead, involving the right eye, as if ball would be pressed out. Pressing pains in forehead and root of nose (Kali bi., Hep. s.); must bend the head forward followed by inclination to vomit. Pain as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head (Agar., Anac., Ars., Coff. c.); relieved when lying on the painful side. Pain in right side of occiput.
Headache from coffee,tobacco or alcohol; aggravated in mornings; from moving the eyes; rom
stooping; from noise; better from changing position; when lying on painful side.
Photophobia (Acon., Bell., Merc., Sulph.). Flickering zigzags before the eyes (Cycl., Lyc.). Pressure in the eyes; as from sand (Ars., Caust., Ign., Phyt., Sulph.). Burning and watering of the eyes (Ars., Euphr.). Convulsive movements of eyes and lids (Agar.).
One ear red and hot. Hardness of hearing, except for the human voice. Roaring, better by music. Itching in the ears. Noise before the ear, as from a strong wind. Worry takes away hearing and intensifies the noises.
Sensitive to inspired air. Pain over the root of the nose. Sneezing attacks. Cold with hot knees. Itching in the nose. Nostrils excoriated and ulcerated, with swelling of the nose. Nosebleed. Stoppage of one nostril, dry coryza, with dull headache, and excessive nervous excitement. Dryness of the nose.
Looseness of the teeth. Difficult dentition with convulsions. Toothache, worse after drinking coffee and smoking. Toothache, as if the teeth were broken.
Toothache towards the end of a meal, worse after its conclusion.
Sensation of a lump in the throat; more when not swallowing.Constriction in middle of oesophagus, worse when not swallowing. Sore throat;sticking and stitches only between the acts of swallowing; better from swallowing solid food. Crawling in throat. Pain in the submaxillary glands.
A version to tobacco-smoking; to warm food and milk; to spirituous liquors. Eructations of bitter fluid; of food. Hiccough; after eating (Bry., Hyos., Paris) and drinking; from smoking. Nausea from smoking. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach (Cimic., Hydras., Petrol., Sep., Sulph.). Sensation
of weakness and sinking in pit of stomach (Hydras., Sep.). Pressure in pit of stomach and in region of spleen.
Drawing and pinching in the umbilical region. Fullness and tension in hypochondria. Throbbing in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen. Difficult expulsion of offensive flatus. Colic pains, first griping, then stitches in one or the other side of abdomen. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and
pit of stomach.
Prolapsus of the rectum, from moderate exertion at stool (Podo.). Contractive sore pain in the rectum, as from blind piles; for one or two hours after stool. Sharp, pressive pain in the rectum. Sharp stitches from the anus deep into the rectum. Itching and crawling in the rectum, as from thread worms. Constrictive sore pain in anus after stool (Natr. mur.).
Fruitless efforts and urging to stool. Stool large and soft, but passed with difficulty (Carb. v., Cinch.); frequent; thin involuntary, with flatus.
Painless contraction in anus. Blind haemorrhoids, with pressure and soreness in anus and rectum; painful sitting and standing, less painful when walking.
Erection during stool. Soreness and ulcerative pain, combined with itching at the margin of the prepuce. Itching about genitals, in bed; worse on scratching. Complete loss of sexual desire.
Menses too early. Menstrual blood black, or putrid odor, in clots (Amm. carb., Croc., Cycl., Plat.). Violent labor like pains; followed by purulent corrosive leucorrhoea.
Constrictive sensation in larynx and trachea (Ars. Ipec.). Inability to talk loud.
Snoring inspiration during sleep. Desire to take a deep breath (Lach.). Frequent sighing (Agar., Calc. phos., Sec.). Dry spasmodic cough (Dros., Hyos.). Provocation in larynx to hacking cough, in evening after lying down, batter from suppressing cough. Hollow spasmodic cough, especially in evening, caused by a sensation as from fumes of sulphur (Ars., Cinch., Lyc.), or from dust in pit of throat. The longer the cough continues, the more the irritation to cough increases. Ever time he stands still during a walk he coughs. Sleepy each coughing spell (Ant. tart.).
Spasmodic constriction of the chest (Asaf., Laur.). Inspiration impeded as from a load in chest, expiration just so much easier. Stitches in left chest.
Chill during pains. Chill with red face. Shaking chill. Chill with thirst, not relieved by external heat. During fever, itching, nettle-rash all over body. Sweat, worse on eating often on a small spot on the face. Heat with aversion to uncover but no thirst. Feeling as if sweat would break out, but does not. Febrile shivering, especially in the back and arms, with thirst for cold water, and sometimes with nausea and vomiting. External heat with internal coldness.
Jerkings and twitchings in various parts of the muscles, hereand there (Calc. c., Hyos., Stram.). Convulsions alternating with oppressed breathing. Convulsive twitchings, especially after fright or grief (Gels. Op.). Convulsions during dentition; after punishment; from fright or grief
(Gels., Op.). Paralysis after great mental emotion, or night watching. Over-sensitiveness to pain (Aur., Coff. c., Cham., Sep.). Pressing pains from in to out as from a hard pointed body. Frequently changing position at night in bed (Rhus tox.). Hysterical debility and fainting fits (Nux m.). Great
weakness and exhaustion (Ars., Cinch., Ferr., Phos., Sec.). Pain in small, circumscribed spots.
The remedy of great contradictions: the roaring in the ears relieved by music; the piles better when walking; sore-throat feels relieved when swallowing; empty feeling in the stomach not ameliorated by eating; cough aggravates the more he coughs; cough on standing still during a walk;
spasmodic laughter from grief; sexual desire with impotency; headache relieved by stooping; thirst during a chill, no thirst in the fever; the colour changes in the face when at rest (A.).
Amenorrhea. Anger, effects. Anguish. Anorexia. Anus disorders. Anxiety. Appetite, disordered. Back, weakness. Catalepsy. Chorea. Clavus. Convulsions. Croup. Debility. Dentition. Depression. Diphtheria. Disappointment. Dysmenorrhea. Epilepsy. Esophagus disorders. Fainting. Flatulence, obstructed. Fright, effects. Glands, enlarged. Grief, Headache. Heart disorders. Hemorrhoids. Hiccoughs. Hysteria. Hysterical-joint. Intermittent fever. Locomotor ataxia.Melancholia. Menopause. Numbness. Ophthalmia. Paralysis. Plague. Proctalgia.Rectum, prolapsed. Rheumatic fever. Sciatica. Sensitiveness. Sinking. Sleep, disordered. Spinal irritation. Tenesmus. Throat, sore. Toothache. Tremors. Urine, abnormal. Vagina, spasm. Voice, lost. Yawning.
Antidoted by: Puls. (chief antidote); Arn., Camph., Cham., Coccul., Coff.
It antidotes: Brandy, coffee, chamomile tea, tobacco, Selen., Zinc.
Compatible: Ars., Bell., Calc., Chi., Lyc., Nux, Puls., Rhus t., Sep., Sulph.,Zinc.
Incompatible: Coffea, Tabac., Nux (sometimes).
List of references;
1. Allen .H. C.—Key Notes on Materia Medica..
2. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
3. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
5. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
6. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM.
7. Kent. J. T. Lectures on Materia Medica.
8. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
9. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman
Faba indica.St. Ignatius' Bean. (Philippine Islands.)
Tincture and trituration of the seeds.
HAHNEMANN, Mat. Med. Pura, vol. ii of original, vol. i of translation. Contains 620 symptoms from self and 175 from others.
A large shrub or small tree, climbing in habit, found growing in the Philippine Islands and Cochin China.
The seeds of Ignatia contain a larger proportion of strychnine than those of Nux vomica, yet there is a great difference between the characteristic features of the two drugs. Ign. has been called the "feminine" of the "masculine" Nux-v. The consequences of worry or a worrying state of mind, no
less than grief, call for Ign. an introverted stated of mind.
It is adapted to the sensitive, excitable, nervous temperament, women of a sensitive, easily excited nature, dark hair and skin, but mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid to execute. Romantic, idealistic and overworked. Suitable to persons who had been starving either from want or other causes.
Grief.Fright.Worry.Dissappointed love.Jealousy.Old spinal injuries.
Better while eating, change of position, lying on affected part, urination,if alone. Better from pressure, deep breathing. Better from swallowing,eating, near a warm stove, sour things.
Worse emotions, chagrin, worry, fright, shock, grief after losing persons or objects that were very
dear. Worse air, open, cold, odors touch. Worse yawning, stooping, walking, standing, at the same hour and day. Worse in the morning after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth.
Ailments from grief, fright or emotional shocks,disappointments. Unhappy love. Sighing and sobbing. Inwardweeping, enjoys being sad. Perfectionist. Highly emotional and moody.
Capricious. Changeable mood. Idealistic. Romantic. Oversensitive andnervous. Silently brooding. Constantly frustrated. Irritable. Worse from consolation. Not communicative.
Desire to be alone. Angry with himself.
Internal conflicts with herself. Intolerant of contradiction of reprimands. Melancholic, sad and tearful.
Anguish, shrieks for help. Faints easily, girls who faint when they go to church or who fall in love with married men, (Nat-m.) Fear of robbers at night. Thinks she has neglected her duty.
Heaviness of the head. Vertigo. Headache, like a pressure with something hard on the surface of the brain. Headache, as if bruised or beaten in the morning on awakening (Nux v.); on rising changes to toothache, as if crushed or shattered, then to bruised, beaten pain in small of back; worse when thinking about it (Cham.). Jerking headache on ascending steps; aggravated by opening the eyes. Throbbing headache, with every beat of arteries, worse on stooping. Pressing headache in right half of forehead, involving the right eye, as if ball would be pressed out. Pressing pains in forehead and root of nose (Kali bi., Hep. s.); must bend the head forward followed by inclination to vomit. Pain as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head (Agar., Anac., Ars., Coff. c.); relieved when lying on the painful side. Pain in right side of occiput.
Headache from coffee,tobacco or alcohol; aggravated in mornings; from moving the eyes; rom
stooping; from noise; better from changing position; when lying on painful side.
Photophobia (Acon., Bell., Merc., Sulph.). Flickering zigzags before the eyes (Cycl., Lyc.). Pressure in the eyes; as from sand (Ars., Caust., Ign., Phyt., Sulph.). Burning and watering of the eyes (Ars., Euphr.). Convulsive movements of eyes and lids (Agar.).
One ear red and hot. Hardness of hearing, except for the human voice. Roaring, better by music. Itching in the ears. Noise before the ear, as from a strong wind. Worry takes away hearing and intensifies the noises.
Sensitive to inspired air. Pain over the root of the nose. Sneezing attacks. Cold with hot knees. Itching in the nose. Nostrils excoriated and ulcerated, with swelling of the nose. Nosebleed. Stoppage of one nostril, dry coryza, with dull headache, and excessive nervous excitement. Dryness of the nose.
Looseness of the teeth. Difficult dentition with convulsions. Toothache, worse after drinking coffee and smoking. Toothache, as if the teeth were broken.
Toothache towards the end of a meal, worse after its conclusion.
Sensation of a lump in the throat; more when not swallowing.Constriction in middle of oesophagus, worse when not swallowing. Sore throat;sticking and stitches only between the acts of swallowing; better from swallowing solid food. Crawling in throat. Pain in the submaxillary glands.
A version to tobacco-smoking; to warm food and milk; to spirituous liquors. Eructations of bitter fluid; of food. Hiccough; after eating (Bry., Hyos., Paris) and drinking; from smoking. Nausea from smoking. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach (Cimic., Hydras., Petrol., Sep., Sulph.). Sensation
of weakness and sinking in pit of stomach (Hydras., Sep.). Pressure in pit of stomach and in region of spleen.
Drawing and pinching in the umbilical region. Fullness and tension in hypochondria. Throbbing in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen. Difficult expulsion of offensive flatus. Colic pains, first griping, then stitches in one or the other side of abdomen. Intermittent pain in region of spleen and
pit of stomach.
Prolapsus of the rectum, from moderate exertion at stool (Podo.). Contractive sore pain in the rectum, as from blind piles; for one or two hours after stool. Sharp, pressive pain in the rectum. Sharp stitches from the anus deep into the rectum. Itching and crawling in the rectum, as from thread worms. Constrictive sore pain in anus after stool (Natr. mur.).
Fruitless efforts and urging to stool. Stool large and soft, but passed with difficulty (Carb. v., Cinch.); frequent; thin involuntary, with flatus.
Painless contraction in anus. Blind haemorrhoids, with pressure and soreness in anus and rectum; painful sitting and standing, less painful when walking.
Erection during stool. Soreness and ulcerative pain, combined with itching at the margin of the prepuce. Itching about genitals, in bed; worse on scratching. Complete loss of sexual desire.
Menses too early. Menstrual blood black, or putrid odor, in clots (Amm. carb., Croc., Cycl., Plat.). Violent labor like pains; followed by purulent corrosive leucorrhoea.
Constrictive sensation in larynx and trachea (Ars. Ipec.). Inability to talk loud.
Snoring inspiration during sleep. Desire to take a deep breath (Lach.). Frequent sighing (Agar., Calc. phos., Sec.). Dry spasmodic cough (Dros., Hyos.). Provocation in larynx to hacking cough, in evening after lying down, batter from suppressing cough. Hollow spasmodic cough, especially in evening, caused by a sensation as from fumes of sulphur (Ars., Cinch., Lyc.), or from dust in pit of throat. The longer the cough continues, the more the irritation to cough increases. Ever time he stands still during a walk he coughs. Sleepy each coughing spell (Ant. tart.).
Spasmodic constriction of the chest (Asaf., Laur.). Inspiration impeded as from a load in chest, expiration just so much easier. Stitches in left chest.
Chill during pains. Chill with red face. Shaking chill. Chill with thirst, not relieved by external heat. During fever, itching, nettle-rash all over body. Sweat, worse on eating often on a small spot on the face. Heat with aversion to uncover but no thirst. Feeling as if sweat would break out, but does not. Febrile shivering, especially in the back and arms, with thirst for cold water, and sometimes with nausea and vomiting. External heat with internal coldness.
Jerkings and twitchings in various parts of the muscles, hereand there (Calc. c., Hyos., Stram.). Convulsions alternating with oppressed breathing. Convulsive twitchings, especially after fright or grief (Gels. Op.). Convulsions during dentition; after punishment; from fright or grief
(Gels., Op.). Paralysis after great mental emotion, or night watching. Over-sensitiveness to pain (Aur., Coff. c., Cham., Sep.). Pressing pains from in to out as from a hard pointed body. Frequently changing position at night in bed (Rhus tox.). Hysterical debility and fainting fits (Nux m.). Great
weakness and exhaustion (Ars., Cinch., Ferr., Phos., Sec.). Pain in small, circumscribed spots.
The remedy of great contradictions: the roaring in the ears relieved by music; the piles better when walking; sore-throat feels relieved when swallowing; empty feeling in the stomach not ameliorated by eating; cough aggravates the more he coughs; cough on standing still during a walk;
spasmodic laughter from grief; sexual desire with impotency; headache relieved by stooping; thirst during a chill, no thirst in the fever; the colour changes in the face when at rest (A.).
Amenorrhea. Anger, effects. Anguish. Anorexia. Anus disorders. Anxiety. Appetite, disordered. Back, weakness. Catalepsy. Chorea. Clavus. Convulsions. Croup. Debility. Dentition. Depression. Diphtheria. Disappointment. Dysmenorrhea. Epilepsy. Esophagus disorders. Fainting. Flatulence, obstructed. Fright, effects. Glands, enlarged. Grief, Headache. Heart disorders. Hemorrhoids. Hiccoughs. Hysteria. Hysterical-joint. Intermittent fever. Locomotor ataxia.Melancholia. Menopause. Numbness. Ophthalmia. Paralysis. Plague. Proctalgia.Rectum, prolapsed. Rheumatic fever. Sciatica. Sensitiveness. Sinking. Sleep, disordered. Spinal irritation. Tenesmus. Throat, sore. Toothache. Tremors. Urine, abnormal. Vagina, spasm. Voice, lost. Yawning.
Antidoted by: Puls. (chief antidote); Arn., Camph., Cham., Coccul., Coff.
It antidotes: Brandy, coffee, chamomile tea, tobacco, Selen., Zinc.
Compatible: Ars., Bell., Calc., Chi., Lyc., Nux, Puls., Rhus t., Sep., Sulph.,Zinc.
Incompatible: Coffea, Tabac., Nux (sometimes).
List of references;
1. Allen .H. C.—Key Notes on Materia Medica..
2. Boger. C.M - A Synoptic to the Materia Medica
3. Boricke . W- A Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4. Clarke. J.H – Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
5. Farrington . E. A. – Clinical Materia Medica.
6. Hering .C – The Guiding symptoms of our MM.
7. Kent. J. T. Lectures on Materia Medica.
8. Murphy .R - Lotus Materia Medica.
9. Nash. E.B - Expanded work, Compiled by Dr. P. Sivaraman
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